Just moments ago we learned the results of Eesti Laul 2014! Tanja won with her song “Amazing” and will fly the Estonian flag at Eurovision. Many of readers were completely wrong picking the winner in our Eesti Laul 2014 poll. Diva Sandra didn’t come close to the top spot, and a lot of ESC fans aren’t happy that she flopped…

Super Hot Cosmos Blues Band took first place with the jury, followed by Lenna. Sandra came second last in the jury vote. Ouch. As for the televoting, Tanja was the clear winner. She secured 53% of all votes from a public that clearly thought her song lived up to its title. Tanja can sing—and she can also sing while performing Cirque du Soleil moves with her backing dancer. Talk about multi-tasking…

Here is her winning entry.

Tanja – “Amazing”

Jury Results

jury results in Eesti Laul 2014


Erki Pärnoja

Rolf Roosalu

Maarja Liis Ilus

Getter Jaani

Ott Lepland

Els Himma

Siiri Sisask

Tõnis Mägi

Siim Nestor

Koit Raudsepp

Leslie da Bass


The superfinal was between Tanja and Super Hot Cosmos Blues Band. (Our reporter in the audience says you could feel the chills from ESC fans when Sandra didn’t make the cut). Super Hot Cosmos Blues Band have been the favourites among the Estonian media to win. We all missed the wonderful (#crazy) Estonian clowns, however we loved the (#crazy) Estonian farmer.

Competition aside, it was a flawless show with lovely interval acts from children. Will Estonia join the cool club at JESC in the future? We’ll have to wait and see, y’all.

Other finalists of EESTI LAUL 2014 FINAL

Brigita Murutar – “Laule täis taevakaar

Traffic – “Für Elise”

Norman Salumäe – “Search”

Wilhelm – “Resignal”

Lenna – “Supernoova”

Super Hot Cosmos Blues Band – “Maybe-Maybe”

Maiken – “Siin või sealpool maad”

Kõrsikud – “Tule ja jää”

Sandra Nurmsalu – “Kui tuuled pöörduvad”


Birgit Õigemell and Ott Lepand

Amazing LYRICS — Tanja

Remember how we used to be
Floating the skies, it felt so heavenly
We were weightless
We froze to ice and melted down
We chased the stars and felt to the ground
Couldn’t care less

This feeling inside
You’re all that I have, I need you back
Do you hear me screaming?

Stay amazing lie (do you hear me screaming?)
I don’t, don’t want another to make me high
I want, want you to be amazing lie
Stay amazing lie

You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do
I’d brake the curse of time to be with you
I’d be fearless
I’d jump as far as I can see
And beat the perfect storm in the endless sea

This feeling inside
You’re all that I have, I need you back
Do you hear me screaming?

Stay amazing lie (do you hear me screaming?)
I don’t, don’t want another to make me high
I want, want you to be amazing lie
Stay amazing lie

This feeling inside
You’re all that I have, I need you back
We were weightless

Stay amazing lie (do you hear me screaming?)
I don’t, don’t want another to make me high
I want, want you to be amazing lie
Stay amazing lie

Where you surprised? Are you happy at the end? Tell us by commenting down below.

Stay tuned to WiwiBloggs.com for the latest news on Tanja’s road to Copenhagen.

Ramadan is an Albanian-Australian correspondent for WiwiBloggs.com. You can follow him on Twitter @ESCRamadanYou can also keep up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page

Photo: Andres Putting (EBU)

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10 years ago

Am I the only one that this performance reminded Loreen’s Euphoria? :/ (worse than hers tho)

10 years ago

Dull in extremis. Most of the singing is coming from the backing singers. The only memorable thing is the moves, the song itself is pretty lame…they should have sent the opening act! Ott’s always a firm favourite 😉

10 years ago

Wow, we really have a girl here that is trying to resemble Loreen with that dance moves. Is this song Euphoria? Not at all. It’s an ok ballad but nothing extra special. It will do ok, but no one will remember it the next day.

10 years ago

I can’t forgive Estonia for letting Lenna and Sandra Nurmsalu out of the Superfinal.I mean,why?
They had two potential ESC winners in Eesti Laul but they chose a typical pop song instead.Lenna came 8th with Vanilla Ninja in 2005 and Sandra came 6th with Urban Symphony in 2009,I just can’t explain their choice.

10 years ago


I have one theory about it.

There are 10 songs in one selection process. Song A has the public vote, Song C has the jury vote. Song B has the median from both. But, (in 10 places)

Jury: C – 1, B – 3, A – 8.
Public: A – 1, B – 2, C – 6

Total: B – 5, C – 7, A – 9.
Song B comes on top. 🙂

10 years ago

Is it just me, or are there a lot of suspicious national final winners this year? Songs that people don’t seem to like are winning all the national finals…

10 years ago

I love when they’ll pick a winner which is my favorite. This is a solid mediocre Eurovision song, but she presented a package on stage, with a story. So, that’s a plus. And she HAS the voice. Good. Checks made. Well done. Hopefully, EU will support her in CPH.

Estonia, Lithuania & Israel (if Same Heart), for me, now. In a reverse order. 😛

10 years ago

And another average typical English sung Dance crap is representing Estonia this year …. very disappointed …. comparing this to Euphoria is sort of offensive … you can never recreate Euphoria … But again I was not so surprised that Sandra was denied victory … ESC fans need to finally understand this: no one in each country cares with what they think or want …

10 years ago

I can understand the Loreen comparisons due to the choreography. But if you listen to the entire song blindfolded, it sounds nothing like “Euphoria”.

10 years ago

I hate to say it, but hello ‘Euphoria’ pt.2!

10 years ago

. All the better for relating to televoters 🙂

10 years ago

I hope this song flops in the semi, so Estonia learns the terrible mistake they have made, the choreography and everything is a copy of Euphoria, so dissapointed

lucas menezes
lucas menezes
10 years ago

for me Norman Salumäe and his song “Search” was the best… The song is very good as well as the performance: simple, emotional and different… I do like Taffic too…
If I’d be Tanja, I would make huge changes in this performance, making It more original, because the song and the performance are too generic… However this song will make well on Eurovision, considering the bad choices that the countries are doing, sadly.

10 years ago

I was actually expecting something in Estonian language.
It’s sad that Estonia is sending pop songs in english again :/
But anyway, good luck Estonia!
I still think that Sandra or Lenna should win.

Ian Charlton
Ian Charlton
10 years ago

My preferences were for Sandra – (the best song – I like the full version ), then Lena and the Super Hot Cosmos Blues band ) Sandra was the best song but I would not have minded either of the other two winning – they are different – rockier maybe. But Amazing – is just an average song. Whether the dance routine pulls any votes will be seen eventually. And in a year where there are a lot of average songs – who knows what will happen. Right now – the good songs – eg Spain, Italy must be at… Read more »

10 years ago

Hmm I love this song by Tanja, but I hate the fact that the dancing somehow distracted us from the song. I’m afraid that the people was voting for the dance move, not the song. A bit overproduced to me, like what Sophia Nisharadze did in 2010. But I hope it does well in Copenhagen. Yes, I do really like the song. It’s catchy, fun, and very modern. But do you think this kind of song is very pervasive in Eurovision nowadays? Now I’m glad that Jessika with “Hypnotica” didn’t win in Malta, cause if it did, it would be… Read more »

10 years ago

I’m disappointed that Sandra didn’t win, but at the same time not too gutted. Her song just wasn’t great. I guess you can’t really say that Tanja’s is any better as it is sort a run-of-the-mill dance track with a choreography that will inevitably remind a lot of people of Loreen, but I for one can definitely support this as it beat out that horrible Cosmos band. My personal favorite was Traffic.

10 years ago

This is 50/50 on me, maybe it’ll grow on me later on. Wished Traffic won instead

10 years ago

@Olivia. Try watching “Euphoria” again instead of just remembering what this reminds you of. Then you can decide for yourself (if it really matters).

10 years ago

Oh my poor ears. Tuneless, shouted, generic euro-trash. Disappointed, Estonia.

10 years ago

Please tell me the staging is near enough the same as Lorens back in 2012

10 years ago

I love this!
Remember years ago Estonia won in Denmark? Might happen again

10 years ago

That being said, “Maybe-maybe” was no good either. Next time, make the superfinal larger, guys…

10 years ago

The only good thing I have to say about this is: I’m glad it wasn’t Super Hot Cosmos Blues Band! I can’t stand their song!
Estonia had great possibilities of becoming my top favourite this year with Sandra, too bad.

10 years ago

Woooooow, this was awful. The vocals were painful! The funny part is, she actually sounded better when she was moving more. When she paused for those long notes, it was just no good. And the dancing was so overly elaborate I actually laughed, multiple times. I’m not usually this negative on any entries, but this really needs a revamp and I’m amazed that Estonians voted for it.

10 years ago

Totally deserved.

10 years ago

At least your beloved Helena is in the Melodifestivalen FINAL!!!

10 years ago

this absolutely sucks!!!! i hate it!!! sandra should’ve won definitely!!! But of course it will qualify to the final, where it will get a middle place. It’s not good for Valentina aargh!!! i hate you now estonia….!!!

Melissa J
10 years ago

Anyone who can sing that well while doing all those stunts is pretty okay in my book. I liked Sandra’s song but this isn’t bad either!

10 years ago

I was rooting for Sandra, too. Wasn’t everyone? But I don’t have a problem with this. It isn’t Traffic or Kõrsikud. It is a nice pop song that is quite modern and fun. I loved the chereography, too. This isn’t a winner, but it is a good qualifier and will probably get in the 12th-17th range. Only sad thing is that all of these countries are rejecting songs in their own language. Only Italy is going without any English (although Albania might do Albanian, it isn’t definite). Who do we have left? Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, and maybe Greece and/or… Read more »

10 years ago

Sad for Sandra, but glad for Tanja, my 2nd choice. Sandra actually received flowers and phone calls from ESC clubs before the results were even in xD Pissed at the people who keep comparing it to Euphoria, it’s slightly similar, but a whole lot different. I was really scared Maybe-Maybe would actually win. Glad they didn’t, my least favourite.

10 years ago

I actually liked Tanja more than Sandra, don’t kill me 😡
and also, Estonia is now my new winner ?

10 years ago

Wow, that’s unexpected.

10 years ago

@Dar. You may have a point, but only if too many people find it way too reminiscent of last year’s Swedish entry, “You” by Robin Stjernberg, who finished 14th. Tanja was my 4th pick, behind Sandra, Lenna and Traffic.

10 years ago

Try by pink crossed with euphoria, but a lot less memorable …

Should have been Sandra .. It could potentially be a non qualifier .. Not sure yet ..

10 years ago

I haven’t been so disappointed in my life! Sandra, what happened? I spend 2 hours trying to watch eesti laul as it buffered the whole way through, and you don’t win. I could cry!

Padraig Muldoon
10 years ago

Why do countries insist on sabotaging their chances? Sandra was clearly the best and should be going to Copenhagen instead of this cheap Euphoria knock off >:(

10 years ago

The superfinal was between the two songs I rated worst in this final.
I was hoping on Lenna, Sandra, Maiken or even Kõrsikud.

10 years ago

Sandra is not good singer , she don t have powerful voice.

10 years ago

Maiken was best choice for Estonia, her song is female Kuula.

10 years ago

I thought Sandra’s act was a little gimmicky although the song grew on me. Tanja was a good choice but Für Elise would have been much better.

10 years ago

I’ve said this on every site about this..
The song is decent, but I think it has a chance of flopping because of Euphoria accusations..

10 years ago

I have mixed feelings as well. I was really rooting for Sandra, and at first I hated Tanja, but eventually it grew on me. Sure I’m sad Sandra didn’t make it, but now I guess you can say I am happy Tanja won and can see Estonia going far this year.

10 years ago

I love amazing 🙂 I was sad Sandra didn’t win it and I was scared Super Hot Cosmos Blues Band were going to win… I’m so glad they didn’t or they would be near bottom of my list. Estonia are now #2 on my list.

10 years ago

Mixed feelings about this one. Tanja was my second choice if Sandra didn’t make it, so it’s more of a consolation prize for me.