We’ve already taken a look at seven misheard lyrics from Eurovision 2015, but y’all had so many great suggestions that we had to put together a list of seven more. So regardless of whether they’re caused by the singer not enunciating well enough or by the listener not really paying attention, here are seven more lyrical moments that had us thinking, “Wait, what?!”

7 More Misheard lyrics of Eurovision 2015

1. Belgium – “Rhythm Inside”

What we heard: “They hide that beach within each other”
Correct lyric: “The heart that beats within each other”

It’s so annoying – you’re having a nice day at the beach with your special sweetie, then – hello! – the swimsuits come off and you get a little amorous. But when you get home you keep finding sand everywhere. Everywhere. Y’all well and truly hid that beach within each other. The line can be heard at 1:42.

2. Iceland – “Unbroken”

What we heard: “Dubstep at a time”
Correct lyric: “One step at a time”

With the quiet start to the song, María sneaks in a tribute to dubstep. This leaves the audience fondly recalling former ESC dubstep entries. There’s “Igranka”, Montenegro’s amazing but ill-fated 2013 entry, and then the two that more successfully used dubstep elements in 2014 – Armenia’s “Not Alone” and Hungary’s “Running”. Thanks for sparking such good memories, María! The line can be heard at 0:07.

3. Czech Republic – “Hope Never Dies”

What we heard: “My slut go, my slut fade away”
Correct lyric: “Must let go, must let fade away”

It’s pretty clear that this is a misheard lyric because there’s no way that Marta would let Vaclav deliver a line like this. She’d throw more than her shoes at him. But still, we like to imagine Vaclav as a poetic caveman. The line can be heard at 2:03.

4. Malta – “Warrior”

What we heard: “Never look back, the pasta’s depressed”
Correct lyric: “Never look back, the past is the past”

You know how it is. You go to make some dinner and the pasta is all miserable, like “I’m not in the mood tonight. 🙁 I just want to watch Game of Thrones and eat ice cream.” Dammit, pasta. When that happens, give the pasta some space, don’t look back, and just get a pizza delivered. The line can be heard at 2:10.

5. Switzerland – “Time to Shine”

What we heard: “I live in Madrid, I’ve never been so alive”
Correct lyric: “I’m living my dreams, I’ve never been so alive”

Madrid is a great city – Spain’s capital, the birthplace of Edurne and the location of Måns Zelmerlöw’s recent hot fashion shoot. But is it also where Mélanie René would secretly like to shine? As Mélanie surely knows, while Geneva is nice, Madrid is just that much hotter. The line can be heard at 0:56.

6. Greece – “One Last Breath”

What we heard: “I’m farting tears and fears apart”
Correct lyric: “I’m fighting tears and fears apart”

This isn’t the first time a fart has slipped into a Eurovision 2015 song, as Michele from San Marino knows with his “chain of farts”. Maria Elena’s fart has some impressive power, with the ability to separate tears and fear with just a quick parp. The line (but not the fart) can be heard at 1:40.

7. Latvia – “Love Injected

What we heard: “The day, the night, split together side boob”
Correct lyric: “The day/The night/Split/To cure the sight, Oh…”

Aminata’s red gown might have come eighth in the Barbara Dex Award, but did the inspiration for its show-stopping design come from the misheard lyrics? Just as the lyrics say, there is a split down the middle of that dress, revealing a bit of side boob. The line can be heard at 0:25.

Thanks to: Wiwi readers Ajit, Jabberwocky, One, euroVISion.ph, Jose, Euro-Sigrun, and Georgii.

You can read more of our lists here

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8 years ago

Very simple: “Yoloooooo” (Your love) in Love Injected

8 years ago

They forgot
1. Beauty Never Lies: “U.E never lies, Norway cries, here I am”
2. Ha Um Mar Que No Se Para: “Sell hum mark quil NO! separate”
3. Goodbye to Yesterday: ” As I got outside, I smiled to the dork”

8 years ago

What I hear: “I’m a warrior, I’m a call girl”
What she said: “I’m a warrior, I will conquer”

8 years ago

Not exactly what I originally said was it now 😉 (but that’s ok)

Also “What happened was in fact” (wasn’t fair) from Greece and “Reach through the silence” (Break through) from Malta

8 years ago

God you people are really running out of things to post if you’re gonna make up these “misheard lyrics.”
Get a life.

8 years ago

What?? I really thought it was “The hot bad bitch within each other” o.O

8 years ago

Actually I usually hear “I’m living my dreams, I’ve never been so alive” as “I’ll be living my dreams, never been so in-love”.

8 years ago

BAHAHAHA, Ali!! Only Boggie has the answer.

I was waiting for the farting tears, so thanks for that.

When I initially heard ‘Goodbye to Yesterday’, I did think Stig was smiling to the door, not the dog. Yes, the same door where he’d been disturbed by the jingle of his keys. I dunno why you’d smile to a door, but does it really make much less sense than smiling to a dog? Anyone? No? Okay then.

8 years ago

What I heard: One LOST breath

8 years ago

That countries from certain regions keep sending singers that hardly can sing in english or pronounce anything is beyond me… the greek girl for example…. she shamed herself.

8 years ago

Bojana Stamenov’s “Booty Never Lies”. Seriously, no one has ever though of that yet?

Ali Nella Houd
Ali Nella Houd
8 years ago

Ok, I joke you not, someone seriously told me yesterday that they thought Boggie was singing: ‘Do you know how many penises are hiding from punishment … ?’
Of course, it’s ‘innocents’, not ‘penises’.
Either way, I’m not sure if anyone really knows how many.

8 years ago

Aqui hay mucho terrorista de palabras…solo es un concurso,nada mas

8 years ago

In Time to shine, I heard “Never bits you and I” instead of “I’ve never been so alive” until now.

8 years ago

u mis Russian

What we heard: “We r the worst people”
Correct lyric: “We r the worlds people”

8 years ago

Damn mark there’s no need to be so bitter and cynical. smh.

8 years ago

I always hear the word ‘euthanise’ in the Armenian song.
Last words sung by Stephany before Inga starts.see what you think.

8 years ago

These are stupid. Anyone who ‘misheard’ these particular lyrics need to take hard and long look at themselves and the current state of their life. Idiots and Morons everywhere.

8 years ago

Tbh Latvia’s the only one I’ve misheard and keep mishearing, the rest I don’t really hear.

8 years ago

Loïc came second in my list but I still here ‘To hat that bitch within each other’ and ‘Pee your enemy, all over’ =D

8 years ago

I think for Tonight Again, “forget tomato”

8 years ago

I cant get Russia out of my head…

“We are the worst people” is what i hear everytime.

of course its “we are the worlds people”. That sound better right?

8 years ago

correction to my last comment i mixed up what i wanted to say! I meant that i originally heard “On a God spit track, love or die” but the actual lyric is “On a cosmic track, love attack”

8 years ago

For Rhythm Inside, I heard and thought the lyric was “On a God spit track, love attack” until I found out last week it was “On a cosmic track, love or die” lol

No Name
No Name
8 years ago

Must admit I thought Amber sang “Break through the salad” untill they revamped the song.
That was like 4 months or something..