Last night an international jury cast its votes for Melodifestivalen 2011, and this morning bookies responded with an updated set of odds. They suggest that Eric Saade is the man to beat.

Wiwi has taken odds from three leading agencies — Bet365, Unibet and Betfair — and averaged them to create the following table.

Average ~ Artist ~Bet365 ~ Unibet ~ Betfair

1.66 Eric Saade
4/6 3/5 59/100
4.5 The Moniker 5/2 7/2 361/100
9.0 Danny 8 9/2 8
13.0 Swingfly 12 23/2 57/5
25.0 Sara Varga 12 24 25
25.0 Nicke Borg 18 24 31
40.0 Sanna Nielsen 28 39 41
50.0 Linda Bengtzing 35 49 75
61.0 The Playtones 60 54 80
75.0 Brolle 66      74 101
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