In its three efforts at Eurovision, the Czech Republic never managed to make it past the semi-finals. Given that lackluster track record, it wasn’t exactly surprising when the state broadcaster announced this morning that they’ll be spending their money on other programming. Eurovision 2012 is out. The BBC’s Downton Abbey is in.
Wiwi, Vebooboo and our newest blogger Miss Meow Kitty are all about the underdog, and we’re sad to hear the Czechs will be staying home. On some level, we were hoping they’d send another train wreck like 2009’s As you’ll recall from our post back in 2009, the group’s take on “gypsy hip-hop” left the world saying “What the hell?” Lyrics included the following gem:
Wiwi, Vebooboo and our newest blogger Miss Meow Kitty are all about the underdog, and we’re sad to hear the Czechs will be staying home. On some level, we were hoping they’d send another train wreck like 2009’s As you’ll recall from our post back in 2009, the group’s take on “gypsy hip-hop” left the world saying “What the hell?” Lyrics included the following gem:
“They use to call me Gipsy, hello there. It means no problem to me, I don´t care. Till I’ve got microphone making you act. I love to be that gipsy rat.”
We still don’t know what that means.
another year they had the singers from TWiiNS as back-up dancers. it’s always a disaster from Prague : – )