Rona Nishliu won the 50th annual Festivali i Kenges — the Albanian national selection contest for Eurovision 2012. She’ll be singing “Suus,” which means “Personal.” Check it out and read the lyrics below.
“Suus” lyrics — Rona Nishliu (Albania, Eurovision 2012)
Në këtë botë, dashuria s’jeton më
Koha më për ne ska kohë, jo
Jooo, ooh ohh ohh
Joooo ohhhhh ohhhh
Koha për ne ska kohë
Atëron aeroplani im
Në … drita.. shpirtit tende
Me beryla ngjiten sot
Ata që dje s’jetonin dot
Për këtë ….. ska rëndësi
……. u përbin
Nesërmet nuk sjellin gjë
Vec shpres pas shpres dhe marrëzi
Më ler ni të qaj
Se këtë gjë mas te miri di ta bëj tani
Se këtë gjë mas të miri di të bëj tani
Më ler ni të qaj
Se këtë gjë mas te miri di ta bëj tani
Se këtë gjë mas të miri di të bëj tani
Më ler ni të qaj
Se këtë gjë mas te miri di ta bëj tani
Se këtë gjë mas të miri di të bëj tani
English translation
In this world, love lives no more
Time has no time for us anymore, no
Noo, oh
Noo… oh…
Time has no time for us anymore
My airplane lands
On your souls’s runway without lights.
They elbow their way and rise today,
Those who couldn’t live yesterday.
But yesterdays have no importance
they were devoured by stormy seas.
Oh, tomorrows won’t bring anything,
Only hope without hope and madness…
Let me cry… cry… cry…
Cause this is the best I can do now
Cause this is the best I can do now
Let me cry… cry… cry…
Cause this is the best I can do now
Cause this is the best I can do now
Let me cry… cry… cry…
Cause this is the best I can do now
Cause this is the best I can do now
very much good song greetings from Macedonia
@ wnjasdmzx,
I doubt you can discern anything musical from noise, given, for example, the fact that you went “death” listening to the song. Maybe you meant deaf? Because, if you become death, I think you need to learn a little life from this wonderful singer.
Other than that, if you are just a troll from an opposing country, I am just sad you spend your time criticising so stupidly. If you indeed are English, I am sorry for your country/culture, for you give the English language a bad name.
shit boy! this like broke my ear drums! how can she get more points then us (England) when she screamed making everyone in the country go death!
my dad said u were in america, is that true?
its stuck in my head too
i was about too sing it in school
i <3 this song, u r famuse . they put u all over albainian tv
Thanks for posting the lyrics and the translation! I love this song so much, it’s stuck in my head all the time. Now I actually now what it’s about. 🙂
I liked the song really much. Watched the show at the Baku Crystal Hall. When Rona sang we simply stood up in awe! Unbelievable vocal power! Love and respect from Azerbaijan. Also liked the UK, Estonian and Spanish entries.
bravvvvvvvvvvooooooooooo rrona te lumt we are soooo proud woth you..ashtu sikur une qe u ndjeva e knaqur te gjithe shqiptaret e ndjehen…bravvvvoooo rrona :)<3<3<3<3<3
as an albanian im very happy for making it to top five!wonderful voice and singing potential!i really hope she’ll be noticed worldwide!
She sounds great and the song is so touching , i will vote for the first time,hope she wins 🙂
Go Rona Macedonians are with you!
Look . She’s no1 this is the truth
and nobody can change the truth
so have a nice day people take it easy and vote for Rona
with respect and love from Turkey( your brothers)
I just loveeeeeeeeeeee Kosovaaaaaaaaaaaa
Just great,needs no comment this powerfull voice,song,singer,,and first time in my life i will vote in ESC,that will be just for her RONA,you know what i was wondering maybe she is suffering about her discrimination around,about her look :(( eventhough i dissagree with those who think she’s “ugly” i find her pure :))
U kputen shkijet tu na sha.
Po mos t;jau nin o Shqipe se RONA na ka zbardh ftyren, e ka VOCALin ma t;mir qaty.
Hajde dembela mos pritoni po jepni komente e llajka.
Girl ?, love yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Rona is the mothe fucka, joooo, joooo bro…go Albanija
Rona deserves first place because it is the most powerful voice in Eurosong.
Rona is the best. her performing is so touching and moving. her voice is great! Hope Rona will win!
Love You
Now I’ve always been one to let people think what ever they please but Rona Nishliu is far from ugly and she has a BEAUTIFUL voice! Tirana 2013!!!
…. and by the way, she is beautiful. Remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
It is awful the comments some people write here ….
Some say that their ears bled ?? that because you´re bloody deaf already¡
That woman has a voice rare to find. The song is something different a refreshing, most of the songs are entertaining an a bit of the same …..
Hope the best for Rona, I wish she wins the final, just to show how many morons are around ….
Best of luck, Rona¡
You have a vote from an spaniard in UK
rona jemi krenar me ty je me e mira ti e meriton te fitosh dhe ne jemi te lumtur me ty ….
It pains me to read/hear such SHALLOW comments regarding a singer’s appearance. Some people must be so hardened by their own shortcomings that they just can’t appreciate the beauty in art. By the way, this great woman is not bad-looking at all, hello!! I bet none of the haters had acne and they are all beauty queens, right? STOP HATE! Ms. Rona Nishliu is probably the single most gifted performer in this ESC edition, together with great singers Pastora Soler, Kaliopi, Pasha Parfeny and few others. Further, Suus/Rona may be one of the very few really exceptional entries in recent… Read more »
It’s really a great song and a big voice! Greatings from Portugal! 🙂
How can people be so unFair and Heartless?? writing here that she is ugly
. but you’re ugly in the heart . People aren’t people , i understand this day by day.
Listen to her voice? The emotion in the song . The tears in her eyes . And then Write….
I’m so happy that i have the possibility to listen Rona Singing.
With all my Respect for Kosovo\Albania and for Rona in particular.
I will vote Albania thousand times . Goot Luck Rona. Respect from Switzerland
I’m from Turkey and i Love Albania and Kosovo . Albanians in Albania and Kosovo are so nice people . They have a big heart, an albanian save my fathers life and i’ll be 4ever thankfull
And Rona?? Just if you are stupid u can’t understand that Rona is the best and she has a powerful voice..
12 points from u’r Turkish Brothers (L)
Rona is a very talented singer and song writer. I’m pulling for Rona to win! Zoti ju bekoftë Ronë!
I think some people are tone deaf…I am from the UK and although I did not understand what Rona was singing (before I read the translated lyrics above…thank you for that btw) it is a truly beautiful and powerful song. Since when has looks got anything to do with how someone sings is beyond me and a critique that belongs to a modelling contest and not a singing contest. I truly hope Albania do well as they have chosen a well deserved and talented singer…go Rona 🙂
Songs like “Suus”, by Rona are rare, not coming often by artists. It needs to be pure artist like Rona is, to feel it and to perform just like she does. This song is not imposing to jury or to the mass, that’s why is different and I wane vote for.
12 points from London.
I think that is a perfect song with vocals and the singer is a higher level.
Although we learned that friends of donating countries vote each other, to Ronen
Good luck
Great song, by a wonderful singer. One of the best voices around, her live performance in the albanian festival was incredible. Go Rona, and by the way, you’re also beautiful (no matter what they say)!
This is an interesting and powerful song. She’s is such a good singer and hopefully she’d going to take, at least one of the top score!
I don’t know the lyrics of the song but it painful to listening to seriously here’s no need to scream and she’s ugly…
I don’t speak this language and the first time I heard this song obviously I didn’t uderstand anything of the lyrics but her powerful voice, gosh, I knew there was crying implied, she’s gorgeous, brillant and I hope she wins, or at least a good place.
the best song ever………..!!!!!!!!! <3
Certainly as we know, there will be no support for you Rona,the Eurosong Festival has lost value many years ago,states vote for their neighbors,or for their political supporters(states).
This is an outstanding submission from a quality entertainer. L’Albanie, Douze Points!
I love the song-she singer is beautiful-she sings very good-her voice is amazing-Vetem vazhdo Rona-te deshiroj fat dhe sukses ne Eurosong—e di qe do te besh me te miren te mundur dhe do te n’a perfaqesosh ashtu si duhet. URIME SHQIPERIA-KOSOVA
WTF people are you DEAF?! She is the hell of a singer (like it or not). And the song is one of the very few and far between creations in this beloved, albeit tacky, festival.
I see deaf people :/
rona je yll je xhan je per opreroste jo per gje tjeter
i do not like her because she is so ugly
scaryyy the song is scarry and the singer is fugly
she has a wonderful voice and the song of her is just Amazing ;)this is all that need Eurovision 2012-a powerful song ,;something different!! not just a dance songs^all pop
Best song ever!!! Just love it!
Oh dear. Why will I support this year? I always love Albania so dearly in the Eurovision… but this year is painful.
i hate this song my god my ears have blackout i am so sad sorry
OMG she sings the end of the world “ooooooh my gooooood please whyyyyyy meeeee nooo!