Wiwi recently spoke with his friends at JoyEurovision—the hottest Eurovision show from Australia’s Joy 94.9—about the 2012 contest in Baku. In the first of our three-part chat, Andy, Hikaru and Wiwi explore the question, “How do you solve a problem like Engelbert?” Andy and Hikaru are well-spoken and on point. Wiwi, you might notice, sounds like he is dead. That’s because it was 9am in London and he was pre-occupied wiping cream cheese off of his face. Anyway, enjoy the show and be sure to come back for parts two and three. Love, Wiwi
Engelbert was and is one of the most beautiful voices in the world. God bless him. A great singer, that works very hard to his public, along 45 years. This is not easy.
It makes me so mad that, know nothing kids seem to thingk the music industry is entirely theirs. How damn self centered can you all be? You are, well most of you I imagine….going to be old yourselves one day and how would you feel if the kids in the future treat you like you have no voice or love of music and think you should be left out of festivals just because you happen to be getting on a bit. In a few years when all the ‘smirkers’ are my age 50ish, They will be appalled that people don’t… Read more »
What the hell is wrong with you people???!!!!! Engelbert is an extraordinary singer who has been around way before many of you were even born!! His age has absolutely nothing to do with it as he can out-sing most of those younger so-called singers with his awesome very powerful voice, which singers nowadays don’t have. He’s one of the greatest singers EVER and I hope to God he wins this contest for his country!!! GO ENGE!!!! We’re all rooting for ya!!!!
“Here’s to you, here’s to me, here’s to friends we shall always be”!!!!
I agree with the others…these guys obviously have not seen Engelbert in concert! His show is still very relevant and current to the times….and his voice is fantastic….actually better than younger performers!!!
Don’t you know anything about Engelbert??? Age is just a number and you would never know how old he is from his beautiful voice and behavior on stage. He is super talented and a good person. He has a great chance of winning this if prople who vote know anything about talent. He is still touring and drawing big crowds. That, it would seem, means he is still thrilling his audiences. Where have all of you been—under a rock? Watch him perform and then maybe you can give an educated write-up.
Did you think before you put your mouth into gear ? Engelbert is a living legend who still achieves sell out concerts all over the world and maintains the support and respect from the largest fan club base of any other performer- ever ! He will still command loyal devoted fans when he is 85 because he has real talent,charisma,genuine charm and respect for his fans,he is despite worldwide fame and success,still a grounded caring gentleman…and very capable of delivering a fabulous performance.Will you be capable of eating humble pie when he wins the Eurovision ?
This is the stupidest thing I’ve listened to and a waste of time…..obviously they don’t know who they are talking about. Maybe they should go to one of his concerts. And I’m tired of hearing about his age. He’s been singing all his life and only gets better! So who cares how old he is anyway. Show them, Engelbert!!
You guys know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about REAL talent!!! Engelbert Humperdick is the GREATEST singer around! The man is in great demand and travels the world…but then again you wouldn’t know that because you don’t know talent. You need to get your facts straight before you make ridiculous comments like this.
Who is speaking is it Jason Donavon, well what does he know, some one who was in a shitty soap Neighbours? Has any one ever seen Engelbert in concert, well I have many times, he’s one of the greatest singers I have ever seen. He can put any YOUNG singer to shame & give them a run for their money, & what the hell has age got to with it, This is a competition for tallent the song / voice, well Engelbert has all these qualities & more, Give the guy a break because if you ask me you know… Read more »
Eurovision is not for youngsters only. We maturer people (and I aint as old as Engie by decades) would love to see some talent at last. Ther has been nothing since Abba and Malta’s Fabrizio Faniello ( Who unfortunately never made it in the international stage…..yet) Good luck to him I hope he wipes the floor with Europe 🙂
Shouldn’t this be titled, “What the BBC were thinking?”. The United Kingdom didn’t choose him because we unfortunately had no say in the matter!!