Oops. Wait a minute. Gianluca didn’t win with a song by Train. He actually won with “Tomorrow”, a song that has shades of Train’s hit.

Ukuleles aside, we really like this song and the artist. He’s like an anti-diva and his song is a great foil to all the electro-pop / eurotrash music we can expect from the rest of Europe. Good job, Malta!

But let’s compare “Tomorrow” and “Soul Sister” anyway:

Gianluca with “Tomorrow”

Train with “Soul Sister”

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Mike Homfray
Mike Homfray
12 years ago

Its pleasant enough. Not a patch on Kevin Borg, but better than many of the dross selected this year

12 years ago

Sort of cute…

Josephine Spiteri
12 years ago


Josephine Spiteri
12 years ago

GianLuca Bezzina’s song is really catchy. One can tune to it easily. It far outsized the rest of the songs. Well done Gianluca, keep smiling. You deserve to win.

Michael Dingli
Michael Dingli
12 years ago

Simplicity always wins. The music is build up from 7 notes and if you compare most of the songs you find some similarity. The melody is like water in the oceans. Music is how you hear it and how your mind reflects it. I feel that this song merits to be the winner since for me it has a difference from the others competing with it. Gianluca is a modest intelligent person with a big family music background. I hope that this song will keep him going and wish him the best of luck in the Eurovision in May.

12 years ago

Davinia should have won – her song was miles ahead of the rest, but Gianluca was my second favourite, so I’m not too upset.

Natalie Mallett
Natalie Mallett
12 years ago

What an excellent choice. Definately my favourite and the only similarity with soul sister is the ukulele. Well done Gianluca.

Jamie in Belgium
Jamie in Belgium
12 years ago

It definitely sounds like Soul Sister. But Soul Sister is a great song and so is this one. I’m really happy Malta FINALLY picked a good song.

Maria Mangion
Maria Mangion
12 years ago

P.S. Its the first good song in a very long time.

Maria Mangion
Maria Mangion
12 years ago

Stop criticizing and making up stories… When you vote you vote because you believe in the song and not because of the singer’s success.. otherwise there will never be new artists. Its an amazing song and he is an amazing young man! We should all be proud that he will be representing Malta next May 😀

12 years ago

can we stop being culturally ignorant and stop comparing to a song because it’s got the same instrument that happens to appear in a famous mainstream pop song?

and also, if his song sounds like hey soul sister, Lena Meyer Landrut’s “Satellite” sound like “Foundations” by Kate Nash, Kevin Borg’s song sounded like 95% of the tracks Westlife ever recorded, “Euphoria” sounds like pretty much EVERY dance track in the 90s and so on and so forth.

12 years ago

I didn’t think they’d go for it, but I’m happy they did. It is Malta, after all.

During the show I was almost convinced that Kevin Borg would take it, his act was so polished and professional. He did win the public vote, but the juries were all about Gianluca.

Also happy with the strong showing from Chris Grech.

Disappointed Janice Debattista wasn’t shown a bit more love for her performance, even if the song wasn’t great. I hope she tries again next year with something stronger.

Gavin Brockwell
12 years ago

Oh. Is this song for real? Why do I find him cute when I shouldn’t? Should I place a bet on it now? I mean its not euphoria, but, it’s different. I’m maybe betting on the cardigan then anything else. Surely that is a winner.

The number is cute.