“Kedvesem” means “darling” in Hungarian, but the A Dal jury wasn’t feeling the romance last night. During the first round of the Hungarian national final they ranked the song, sung by ByeAlex, fourth behind numbers from Gigi Radics, Tamas Vastag, and Andras Kallay Saunders. Luckily for ByeAlex televoters were feeling the love.
Wiwi doesn’t do drugs, but he imagines that if he did he might play something like “Kedvesem” when stoned and/or out of it. The sound is so mellow it could sedate a rabid bear, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. Halfway through it started to feel like Chinese water torture. I’d happily listen to this in the lounge of a swanky hotel, but not at Eurovision where I want to be WOWed.
What do you think? Has the Hungarian public screwed Hungary over? Will the song’s unique sound be enough to see it through to the final? Let us know below!
Az én kedvesem egy olyan lány akit
Farkasok neveltek és
Táncolt egy délibábbal
Majd elillant csendesen az én kedvesem
O az én kedvesem
Az én kedvesem egy olyan lány akit
Átölel hét kontinens
Csobban szép tengerekben ‘s
Táncot lejt fent felhOk közt a kedvesem
O az én kedvesem
Mert nekem:
Nincs most más, csak a kedvesem, az én kedvesem, O
Bárhol jár, az úgy jó nekem, az úgy jó nekem, mert
Mindig rám talál, az én kedvesem, az én kedvesem
Úgy dúdolná: ez így jó nekem, ez így jó nekem, ez a dal
Az én kedvesem, egy olyan lány akit
Hóbortos álmok tépnek
Kócos haját reggelente
Szelek fonják, ettOl más a kedvesem
O az én kedvesem
Az én kedvesem a végtelennel
Újat húz és sosem retteg
Rozmaringból készít hintót
Tücskök húzzák, így nyugtat meg kedvesen
O az én kedvesem
Mert nekem:
Nincs most más, csak a kedvesem, az én kedvesem, O
Bárhol jár, az úgy jó nekem, az úgy jó nekem, mert
Mindig rám talál, az én kedvesem, az én kedvesem
Úgy dúdolná: ez így jó nekem, ez így jó nekem, ez a dal
Mert nekem:
Nincs most más, csak a kedvesem, az én kedvesem, O
Bárhol jár, az úgy jó nekem, az úgy jó nekem, mert
mindig rám talál, az én kedvesem, az én kedvesem
Úgy dúdolná: ez így jó nekem, ez így jó nekem, ez a dal
English translation:
my sweetheart is a kind of girl who
had been nurtured by wolves and
danced with a mirage and
started off silently my sweetheart
she is my sweetheart.
my sweetheart is a kind of girl who
is wreathed by seven continents
splashes to beautiful seas and
dances between clouds, my sweetheart
she is my sweetheart.
’cause for me:
there is no other, only my sweetheart, my sweetheart
should she go anywhere, that’s good for me, that’s good for me
’cause she finds me all the time, my sweetheart, my sweetheart
will she hum so: it’s so good to me, so it’s good for me, this song.
my sweetheart is a kind of girl who
is torn by capricious dreams
her entangled hair in the mornings
is braided by winds, that’s why my sweetheart is so different
she is my sweetheart.
my sweetheart with the infinity
she bids defiance and never dreads
makes carriage from rosemary
towed by crickets, this is how she soothes me quietly
she is my sweetheart.
’cause for me:
there is no other, only my sweetheart, my sweetheart
should she go anywhere, that’s good for me, that’s good for me
’cause she finds me all the time, my sweetheart, my sweetheart
will she hum so: it’s so good to me, so it’s good for me, this song.
there is no other, only my sweetheart, my sweetheart
should she go anywhere, that’s good for me, that’s good for me
’cause she finds me all the time, my sweetheart, my sweetheart
will she hum so: it’s so good to me, so it’s good for me, this song.
Fuck this song, it was shit and lucky to get 4th place!
Very relaxing,realistic,deep inside song! Una cancion tan suave y profunda como querer alcanzar un suenho,que finalmente es al lado de una mujer,el ser mas bonito,imprescindible,curioso y lleno de alegria que te motiva a Vivir y compartir.Love this music,musicia &Love my family in Hungary!Viva Hungary!!!
Hello fans of this fantastic song,
my husband and me are great fans of this earwig. Congratlulations to ByeAlex for the performance. It’s our favourite song – very likeable. By the way the guitarplayer looks like Marco Reus from Borussia Dortmund.
I’m from Poland and I think that this Hungarian song is great! I like Hungrian language and I like this great song.
I thought this song was going to win it.
Respect from the UK 🙂
I really didn’t like the SOUND of this song because it didn’t really go anywhere, just sort of seemed to drag on too much; but having said that, I REALLY love the english translation of the lyrics – very poetic! – and it’s always nice to hear artists sing in their native tongue too. 🙂
I thought it was very catchy and one of those songs that grow on you and you want to hear it more often. Definitely thought it deserved a place.
Horrible song and language !
Great song, great lyrics ! Bored of hearing those high and loud, bombastic songs.. like the winner also this year 🙁
It’s a highly likeable poetic song. I am very pleased that it did well.
I love this song! I can’t get the tune out of my head! I also like that he is singing in Hungarian. I wish other countries would sing in their own language and not in English and I am English! Hope it wins but I doubt it will.
Well, it’s a cute and friendly song. Likeable for both the old, young and children.
Cute, friendly little song. It makes it stand out.
It’s a quiet song, that’s why they’re singing it so slowly, so gently.
great song, greetings from Lithuania
my sweetheart is a kind of girl who had been nurtured by wolves and danced with a mirage and started off silently my sweetheart she is my sweetheart. my sweetheart is a kind of girl who is wreathed by seven continents splashes to beautiful seas and dances between clouds, my sweetheart she is my sweetheart. ’cause for me: there is no other, only my sweetheart, my sweetheart should she go anywhere, that’s good for me, that’s good for me ’cause she finds me all the time, my sweetheart, my sweetheart will she hum so: it’s so good to me, so… Read more »
On my iTunes Now!.
I absolutely love this song – its so simple but totally beautiful. I will be voting for it in the final. Good luck from the United Kingdom!
Om de framför låten på engelska med en riktigt bra text så kan den komma till finalen, ja. I övrigt har låtens verklighetsbakgrund realitet i hela världen idag. Folk har tröttnat på sådana där polerade och bombastiska låtar och ballader som bara förmedlar falska känslor och endast är skrivna för ESC som till exempel låtarna i år från: Danmark: det är en feministisk sorgmarsch, Sverige: kärleksballad för mycket youuuu, Tyskland och Norge: för mycket techno och pop. Azerbajdzjan: för mycket you and me. Lena var mycket bättre i Oslo. Alla vill men bara en kommer att vinna. Tänk på det!
Sziasztok, én is magyar vagyok, jelenleg pont Malmöben lakom. Szóval ByeAlex tetszik mindenkinek úgy nekem is. De. Hogyan is néz ki innen az egész ESC? A svédek szerint a Top 5 igy alakul majd: 1. Svédország, 2. Románia, 3. Szerbia, 4. Görögország, 5. Ciprus. Olyan vélemények is vannak hogy akárhogy is alakul az ESC-t jövöre is majd Skandináviában fogják rendezni, föleg Dániára célozva ezzel. Az Only Teardrops azonban majmolja egy kicsit a tavalyi Loreent meg aztán melyik férfinek tetszik az a vádaskodó hang a dalban? Egy feminista indulónak talán jó, mert az elöadása remek és Emmelie de Forest (svédek azt… Read more »
I’m Portuguese and this Hungarian song is so amazing, catchy, lovely, awesome. I’m sad my country didn’t participate this year because I would vote for Hungary, but I can’t. ;(
Kedvessem is the most powerful Hungarian song ever in the contest. Last year was great but this year, HOLY JESUS, it’s FREAKING AWESOME! Hope you win.
PS: Please can you check my top32 on youtube: /watch?v=CHtpzRmlung
I didn’t hear the rest of the Hungarian entries, and I’ve only heard nine of the ESC2013-songs this far, but I think Kedvesem (at least the studio-verision) is great and deserves to win the whole thing! It’s very easy on the ear.
It sounds like the singer is whispering the whole time, so I’m not really fond of that. Being mostly Hungarian myself, I want them to pick a good song!
It’s almost like Hungary and Estonia switched places this year.
It’s not without charm, but must they grind it out so lifelessly.
I had my fingers crossed for Ildiko Keresztes’ more interesting but less accessible song.
My heart was actually with Gergo Racz (Best song I’ve heard on the entire year) but I think “Kedvesem” was a pretty solid entry. I like it.
I am Hungarian. IMO this song is by far our best entry since RÚzsa Magdolna in 2006 or something (I’m not really sure). I’s unique in some way, and doesn’t blend in all of the other boring pop songs. I’m so glad we voted it 1st and I’d love to see the international voters find it good too.