Marco Mengoni has confirmed that he will sing his Sanremo-winning song “L’Essenziale” at Eurovision—and that he’ll keep the lyrics in Italian. Hallelujah!
I’m thrilled he’s going native. It worked for Raphael Gualazzi (“Follia D’Amore”) back in 2011. And given Marco’s voice and his above-average ballad, surely it will work for him this year, too. I’m thinking he might be joining Valentina Monetta in the Top 10. Europeans love them some Italian! And Italians love them some “L’Essenziale”. It has already topped Italy’s iTunes charts.
What do you think of Marco’s chances in Sweden this year?
“L’Essenziale” — Italian Lyrics
Sostengono gli eroi
«se il gioco si fa duro, è da giocare!»
beati loro poi
se scambiano le offese con il bene.
Succede anche a noi
di far la guerra e ambire poi alla pace
e nel silenzio mio
annullo ogni tuo singolo dolore
per apprezzare quello che non ho saputo scegliere.
Mentre il mondo cade a pezzi
io compongo nuovi spazie e desideri che
appartengono anche a te
che da sempre sei per me
Non accetterò
un altro errore di valutazione,
l’amore è in grado di
celarsi dietro amabili parole
che ho pronunciato prima che
fossero vuote e stupide.
Mentre il mondo cade a pezzi
io compongo nuovi spazie e desideri che
appartengono anche a te
che da sempre sei per me
Mentre il mondo cade a pezzi
mi allontano dagli eccessi
e dalle cattive abitudini,
tornerò all’origine,
torno a te che sei per me
L’amore non segue le logiche
ti toglie il respiro e non la sete.
Mentre il mondo cade a pezzi
io compongo nuovi spazie e desideri che
appartengono anche a te
Mentre il mondo cade a pezzi
mi allontano dagli eccessi
e dalle cattive abitudini,
tornerò all’origine,
torno a te che sei per me
“The essential thing” — English translation
the heroes state
if the game is hard, you have to play it
lucky them
but they confuse the offences with the good thing.
It also happens to us
to fight and then strive for peace
and in my silence
I take all your sorrow away
to appreciate everything that I couldn’t choose
While the world breaks into pieces
I compose new places and desires which
also belongs to you
from the beginning you are for me
the essential thing
I won’t accept
another error in valuation
love is capable of
hiding itself behind friendly words
which I have spoken before
they could be empty and stupid
While the world breaks into pieces
I compose new places and desires which
also belongs to you
from the beginning you are for me
while the world breaks into pieces
I take distance from the excesses
and from the bad habits
I will return to the origins
I return to you, who is for me
the essential thing
love doesn’t follow the logical things
takes the breath and not the thirst
while the world breaks into pieces
I compose new places and desires which
also belongs to you
while the world breaks into pieces
I take distance of the excesses
and from the bad habits
I will return to the origins
I return to you, who is for me
the essential thing
I can’t imagine this magnificent song in English. It sound so fluently in Italian. I felt before I saw the translation what the song is about. music passes through words into our hearts. I can’t stop listening to this song. And yes I prefer the songs in the original langueges because song is reflection of a culture. and personally I like the diversity the difference colors in the contest and not the “alike”. that is the human kind and it should stay that way.
Tel Aviv
This will score highly with the Juries because it’s sung in the national language, and they love ballads – so waheyy there…but really I just find this really underwhelming…I love ballads…but San Marino, Russia, Netherlands and Israel all obliterate this in a straight on Contest. I’d also go so far as to say this is the weakest of the Big 5 songs…maybe stronger than the UK but not much…if it does well it’ll be a shock, like in 2011.
David, nothing has changed. You still have to sing in English to win. Guarantee the winner this year will be an English language song.
I’m with Xander on this one. Valentina’s song is better. Italy were my favs in 2011, 2012, but not this year.
Meh, San Marino has Italy beat this time.
15 years ago you had to sing in English to win. Now singing in the nattive language works better. I think this is a wonderful change.