Austria, Natalia Kelly, 3

The producers behind Eurovision have revealed the semi-final running order. They claim it has nothing to do with playing favorites but rather with making the most entertaining show possible. Before we moan, let’s take a look.

First Semi-Final

1. Austria
2. Estonia
3. Slovenia
4. Croatia
5. Denmark
6. Russia
7. Ukraine
8. The Netherlands
9. Montenegro
10. Lithuania
11. Belarus
12. Moldova
13. Ireland
14. Cyprus
15. Belgium
16. Serbia

My initial thought is that spots 5, 6, 7 and 8 are stacked with the favorites from Denmark, Russia, Ukraine and Holland. Good thing, too: the first four acts are all completely forgettable (bar, perhaps, Slovenia).

I wouldn’t have put Austria first. Yes Natalia Kelly (pictured at top) can sing. But her song is so dull folks might switch the channel and forget to come back! Why would you want to kick Eurovision 2013 off with that?

Second Semi-Final

1. Latvia
2. San Marino
3. F.Y.R. Macedonia
4. Azerbaijan
5. Finland
6. Malta
7. Bulgaria
8. Iceland
9. Greece
10. Israel
11. Armenia
12. Hungary
13. Norway
14. Albania
15. Georgia
16. Switzerland
17. Romania

Why the hell would you put Latvia first? Perhaps producers are hoping TV viewers will still be getting their snacks at that point and miss the horror that is “Here We Go”.

San Marino’s Valentina Monetta will be a welcome change of pace after the nonsense of Latvia. I hope this bodes well for her. Anthony, a Wiwi reader, has made an interesting point below. Unlike the Grand Final, performing second in the semi-finals doesn’t seem to jinx contestants. As he points out it has a 70% success rate!

Interesting that Romania has been placed last. Did producers want to save the biggest joke for the end? Or did they want up end with what they consider the strongest act? Given that Serbia is closing out the first semi-final, I’ll go with the former…

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11 years ago

I agree with MrHäggkvist
And I wouldn’t say that Austria’s song is dull, because if it’s dull then everyone else is too.

My personal top 5:

Semi 1:
1. Lithuania
2. Austria
3. Montenegro
4. The Netherlands
5. Denmark

Semi 2:
1. Norway
2. Hungary
3. Malta
4. Iceland
5. Latvia

And for Finals Sweden and UK 🙂

11 years ago

Romania’s song is Stupid… DONE!!!

11 years ago

Placing them side-by-side reveals interesting parallels, and some clues to the underlying logic.

Austria: Latvia
Estonia: San Marino
Slovenia: Macedonia
Croatia: Azerbaijan
Denmark: Finland
Russia: Malta
Ukraine: Bulgaria
Netherlands: Iceland
Montenegro: Greece
Lithuania: Israel
Belarus: Armenia
Moldova: Hungary
|——-: Norway
Ireland: Albania
Cyprus: Georgia
Belgium: Switzerland
Serbia: Romania

These are very similar in form to my own guesses, so they seem roughly reasonable to me. Serbia and Romania combine quality with novelty to keep people watching out of curiousity.

11 years ago

Dont worry guys, for ROMANIA its just a number, you shall see how it going to raise again and again through all thosse songs and it wont stop ”till the top of the list.. nobody expected Lordy to win in 2006, everybody said that it wass the worst song on the competion that year .. but it finished on top .. ,i think this year will be the same with CEZAR.. it will be like a Sucker Punch for all the haters .. my respects and luck for Romania this year i”ll vote for it semifinal 2/Grand Final

11 years ago

Wiwi Bloggs, Romania is not a joke, as you suggest. I think the producers wanted to have all people stand and clap their hands at the end of the show. For all of you who doubt this, try to listen to the song again and again. It might appear as somehow shocking at the beginning, but in fact, it is a really good entry. Cezar has my vote from Germany!

11 years ago

Romania is not a joke!!!!!!!!!! stop making fun of Romaniaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

go Cezaaar!

11 years ago

I really wish Montenegro got placed closer to the end. If they’re coming in after a break, that may not be good news (if I recall correctly, that’s what happened to Switzerland in 2011 in the final), and really they deserve to go last in the running order after being first for the last three times they’ve been in the contest. Not a fan of San Marino being placed second, but even less a fan of Macedonia getting the semifinal death spot of 3rd. The good thing about this is that SVT seems to have intentionally put songs that were… Read more »

Alex B
Alex B
11 years ago

Estonia, Slovenia and Lithuania get absolutely slaughtered in the draw.

Estonia because it is 2nd and the first of 3 female ballads, Slovenia that has to follow all the favorites that are grouped together and Lithuania that has to perform after all the favorites but before Belarus. Bad times for all three of these entries.

Hi :D
Hi :D
11 years ago

I think its stupid they put the 4 favorites in a row, but now Russia might not make it because the wonderful songs from Ukraine and the Netherlands come after. I just hope people remember Ukraine!

11 years ago

Looks OK so far – Romania will need that last position to help them qualify, though.

Raluca B
Raluca B
11 years ago

Romania is the last one beacause it has the most amazing song in the competition :It’s my life!!And don’t gorget..the last shall be first !

11 years ago

Before everyone starts moaning about San Marino being placed second (it seems to be a HUGE talking point so far), the #2 slot has a 70% success rate since 2008. So the #2 slot isn’t notorious in the semi-finals after all!

Bogdan Honciuc
11 years ago

The show will definitely end on a high note with Cezar…

11 years ago

I first thought that the 8th place wasn’t good for Anouk, but i’m changing my thoughts… she i before the little pause(i think Lynda Woodruff is coming in the pause) so the people can think about Anouk’s song more. Right after the pause it’s Montenegro, something completely else and for me quiet forgettable. I like Serbia’s song so i’m happy to end with that.