Back in 2009 Miley Cyrus was still wrapped up inside her Disney cocoon when Svetlana Loboda showed us all how to put on a proper sexually provocative show. But what’s often forgotten, amidst all the “stripper in a hamster wheel” jibes, is that “Be My Valentine” is actually a very good pop song. Ignoring the ropey lyrics of course.
While Svetlana may have toned down her act (very slightly) in the intervening years, she has retained her ear for a fine tune, as can be evidenced on her new track “Under the Ice [Remake]”. And what a gem it is. Y’all may wonder how I know whether a song is good or not. Personally, I find the Youtube replay button to be a strong indicator. And man did I push that thing. I was hooked from the first listen, with the song buzzing around in my head for the rest of the day. Quite an impressive feat considering that, unlike her fellow country woman Mika Newton, she’s resisted the temptation to sing in English.
And it’s not just the song that’s fantastic. The video (above) is suitably bonkers too – skulls, mummys, witch doctors, burning crosses, cocks (no not that kind you smutty minded people) – all make an appearance. A kaleidoscope of crazy, you might say. The visual similarities to American megastars such as Madonna and Lady Gaga are striking, and judging by Svetlana’s hair do, I’d say intentional. However, there’s no mistaking this for a poor imitation or second rate tribute act.
As the title suggests this is a revamp of the single “Under the Ice” (above), which Svetlana released earlier in the summer. While the shared genetics of both songs are obvious, the predecessor lacks the sonic clout of the remake. Proof that sometimes the original ain’t necessarily the best.
Rating 5/5
[polldaddy poll=7395756]Padraig Jude contributed this report from Ireland. Follow him on Twitter at @PadraigJude. And while you’re at it, like our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip.
Photo: Svetlana Loboda
Both the remix and the original are great! I wasn’t a fan of Svetlana’s Eurovision song in 2009 but if she sent this I would’ve loved it! Plus, she looks very pretty with her short platinum blonde hair.
I’m sure it’s either Peru or Domenican Republic. I’m voting the latter
Okay, i’m trying to guess where in Latin America the video was filmed…