Y’all messed her around at Eurovision and now Getter Jaani’s getting her own back. But in the nicest way possible.

She’s teamed up with Maia Vahtramäe to release “Meelelahutajad” or “Entertainers”. And the pair are doing their best to jumble up your body clocks. Because even though we’re currently slam bang in the middle of winter, this song is like a blast of summer sunshine, seriously disorientating when I’m trying to finalise my Christmas wishlist.

And that’s exactly what Getter wants. Speaking to the Estonian website Ohtuleht, she described the track as:

like a little piece of summer in your heart

Great, does that mean we can expect “Jingle Bells” in July?

Joking aside, this is a sweet little folksy bundle of aural pleasure. Reminiscent of the likes of “Tomorrow”, “In Love for a While” and “You and Me”, it’ll give you the urge to spend the day lazily doing nothing while you lap up the sun-rays. The only problem is said rays are kinda scarce at the moment, so you might be best to postpone adding it to your i-Pod playlist until things warm up a bit. Unless you’re reading this on the beach in Australia of course. If that’s the case you have no reason not to fall under Getter’s summery charm.

Padraig Jude contributed this report from Ireland. Follow him on Twitter at @PadraigJude. And while you’re at it, like our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip.

Photo: Oliver Moosus/Getter Jaani Official Facebook

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11 years ago

Oh yeahh, with windchill -25, this is a nice warm up 😀