A group of protestors have drafted a petition calling on Russia to cut its broadcast of Eurovision 2014, citing Austria’s tranvestite contestant Conchita Wurst.

According to Pravda, around 400 people have signed the petition which was sent to Russia’s Ministry for Communications and posted on Change.org. In it the All-Russian Parent Meeting writes that “the popular international competition that our children will be watching has become a hotbed of sodomy, at the initiation of European liberals.”

So they want Mother Russia to cut the cord on the show and save her children from a man in a dress. 

The language of their petition mirrors that of a similar petition filed with the Ministry of Information in Belarus in October. That petition read as follows.

The popular international competition will see our children filled with European liberals become a hotbed of sodomy! Belarus, one of the few countries in Europe that was able to maintain normal and healthy family values based on love and mutual support between men and women!

Artsyom Kirashou, the man behind that petition, explained his feelings in an interview with Radio Free Europe. Grab your vomit bag and have a listen.

Conchita, real name Tom Neuwirth, responded with an interview of his her own. She refuses to be drawn into the smut.

“My stance is that I fight for something positive rather than against something negative,” she told Radio Free Europe. “I was always an outsider and I was confronted with discrimination. I don’t want this to happen to the next generation.”

Russia, which our readers voted as the country they would most like to kick out of Eurovision, is not going to cut its broadcast. We don’t need to speak with the Ministry of Communications to know that. Russia takes a great deal of pride in the contest and not even a vocal minority of anti-LGBT activists is going to change that.

Willy Lee Adams contributed this report from London. Follow him on Twitter @willyleeadams. You can also keep up with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following wiwibloggs.com on Twitter and Facebook.

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Newton Figley
Newton Figley
10 years ago

To hell with Eurovision!
Such a waste of time and money for countries who can’t afford to send representatives. This contest has seen better days and its time has come.
Bye bye, Eurovision !!!!

10 years ago

Finland last yr was not a lesbo…Russia is a bit strict when it comes to homosexuality in fact recently there was a protest in Russia about this…However, they should understand that they are competing in Europe where things a somewhat more liberal…if they dnt want to watch, that s their prob…we Europeans tolerate their mentality as long they dnt try to pose their mentality in European territories…personally Concitha is not one of my fav but I think it adds flavor to the show.lol…

11 years ago

Backward, inbred minds will always ruin something like Eurovision because of their bigoted and unjust HATE. Why is the rest of the world just sitting there and allowing this?! Why does the EBU think its okay to let countries like Russia, who have a history of political bigotry, take part in something that was created to unite Europe after the torment of World War 2? If Russia dont want to acknowledge Conchita Wurst and her performance on the night, then they surely are going against everything the show stands for. Unity, equality, acceptance and happiness. If they are saying they… Read more »

11 years ago

i hope they do cut it so they get disqualified and we don’t have to have countries like russia/ belarus/ azerbaijan in the contest anymore! bore off!

Alex Lukian
Alex Lukian
11 years ago

I hate Europe! We shall destroy you soon!

11 years ago

I can’t stand CW….but it would be silly of them not to broadcast it. CW should never have taken part in ESC but still…you can’t publish a book, and tear a chapter out, because you don’t like it! 🙂

It’s always fun to see people make fools of themselves anyway……! 😉

11 years ago

Has Russia only just noticed that Eurovision is the gayest, campest prime time show on the planet? Bit slow on the uptake. If they cut it then they should be cut loose too….or maybe ‘what if’ they just all followed the lyrics of their 2013 entry and embraced diversity and lived happily ever after? As if..

11 years ago

Conchita is not a transvestite, she is a drag queen. Only performing as a woman and living a normal life as a gay man.

11 years ago

uhh, sexual activities shouldn’t even be associated with their career. (unless they work in the sex industry obvz lol). Like their personal choices are private and up to them to disclose if they’re inclined that way… Like he’s not going to say how he personally gets funky in his song. It’s separate. It’s a shame that these petitions are being made.

11 years ago

Dhani: there is a special place reserved in hell for people like you. Love , Ronaldo

Craig Chapman
Craig Chapman
11 years ago

I hope they don’t cut the broadcast just so they can see that their sons/daughters will not be compelled to change completely in regards to sexual orientation, I know a few males who dress in women’s attire but have no interest in performing in same sex activities. But if anyone is inspired to do so, through their own personal choice, then that’s ok too. Integrate don’t segregate

11 years ago

And Austria will definitely get my ‘gay vote’ this year like Finland last year (and Ireland because the smooth topless drum guys were totally hot)

11 years ago

I truly hope that Denmark, as a tolerant country, will make a big pro-LGBT statement just like Sweden last year at the Eurovision. The best song should win, but I think it’s more important to keep Eurovision away from countries which go back in time instead of being progressive.

11 years ago

I don’t think whoever performs for Russia would appreciate the possibility of being disqualified due to political quackery.

11 years ago

@D – that’s too right. Just because I see my best friend smoking doesn’t mean I’m gonna smoke too. Just because celebrities smoke, I’m not gonna.

11 years ago

If the Russians don’t like Conchita for whatever reason they don’t have to watch Eurovision. What I don’t get is why Conchita bothers them so much, like really. Do they think if the children see her they’ll want to dress in drag too? I don’t understand what is going through their minds…

11 years ago

It’s time Russian (and Belarussian and other Eastern-European) people are gonna use that thing called brain! What do they think: “If I and my children see Miss Conchita Wurst, tonight there will come a magic fairy to my house and transforms us all to magical bearded man in woman clothes”? I don’t understand it too, but I will always respect her for who she wanna be! Maybe if they don’t want to see it, they can turn the TV off, or switch to another channel! Sorry for my furious comment but we in The Netherlands are totally done with Communist… Read more »

11 years ago

Sinceramente,no me lo creo tanto escandalo con Conchita,y no manifestarse con el acto en esc de Finlandia 2013 con beso lesbico incluido.Que raro

11 years ago

it’s a great law they made in russia, putin is awsome

Angus Quinn
11 years ago

If Russia cut it the EBU will disqualify them, and I doubt our friends in Moscow would risk it since they’re so desperate to win the whole shebang.