In an interview with Nova Makedonija, 2014 Macedonian representative Tijana Dapcevic has revealed that her entry for Copenhagen will be unveiled on February 22.
The team from state broadcaster MKRTV decided that her song “Pobeda” should be revealed slightly later so that people don’t get sick of the song. “Instead of January 15, it will happen on February 22, because we concluded that the promotion of song should be delayed, lest they become bored people.”
Tijana has to remain silent: her song is still in production and the singer is still unable to discuss details because of an agreement with her record label and the national broadcaster.
With that in mind, we trust everything is right and well. “Pobeda” means “Victory” in English. The song is tempo and MKRTV is ready to push us to the dance floor once again. The last time they did so was in early November after the release of Barbara Popovic’s #JESC entry “Ohrid i muzika”.
If you exclude the Belarusian national final, in which only the artist will be selected, that leaves January empty of Eurovision songs. Denmark, Russia and Switzerland have pushed back their national selections from February and March. And Valentina Monetta has delayed the unveiling of her song. What a great start of the year!
“Instead of January 15, it will happen on February 22, because we concluded that the promotion of song should be delayed, lest they become bored people.”
Haha, really? If the song is good enough, it shouldn’t lose its flavor in just a few months. Although on the other hand, I do remember that Azerbaijan released the 2011 winning song on the very last day that they were allowed to do so without being fined.
No,they will just reveal 3 songs that are in bid for French entry of 2014. The entry will be decided later on in March.
Isn’t the French National Final on Jan 25?