A little over a week ago, Stefan Stan, winner of “The Voice – Romania” season I, announced that he would release his bid for Eurovision today. Then he changed his mind, quoting “the uncertain situation” of Romania’s Selectia Nationala, promptly sparking rumors of an internal selection.
At the end of December, Stefan Stan was very proud to announce a collaboration with Eduard Carcota (co-author of Mihai Traistariu Eurovision hit “Tornero”) and emerging female artist TeddyK, a new duet that would challenge Paula Seling and Ovi’s “Miracle” to represent Romania in Copenhagen. He said that the song would be released on January 6. However, after announcing only the title today (“Breathe”) Stefan said on Facebook that, while it was written with Eurovision in mind, because of the “uncertain situation of this year’s contest”, he would let his fans decide the fate of the song.
The unexpected turn of events and Stefan’s ambiguous choice of words, combined with the lack of an official statement on behalf of the Romanian broadcaster TVR concerning this year’s Selectia Nationala, is making fans and artists worry either that Paula Seling and Ovi will be selected internally, due to financial constraints, or, even worse, that Romania might withdraw from the contest altogether. Rumors that Dan Manoliu, the head of the delegation, will be replaced with last year’s Eurovision commentator Liana Stanciu, are also making the rounds in the Romanian ESC forums.
Until we have official news on the matter, if you are curious to find out more about Stefan Stan, apart from the fact that he won the first season of “The Voice of Romania” in 2011, you should probably know that, despite his modest looks and poor taste in women, he is widely regarded as a sexy playboy and that he is the darling of the Romanian showbiz. He also is the host of a show that is going to be axed soon (one hopes), “Killer Karaoke”, in which contestants are required to sing gleefully while being subjected to most absurd tasks like being egged or having their legs waxed. However, back to Stefan Stan the singer – this is how he sounds like:
We have been assured that he sounds much better on “Breathe”, but we’ll see. I personally am more intrigued about his partner, TeddyK (I know, boring Grindr screen name), an up-and-coming hipster-looking singer with a lot of potential:
The two couldn’t be more different musically, which makes us very curious about “Breathe”. We hope that TVR decides to organize a national selection after all, if only for the sake of diversity, so that Stefan and TeddyK get their chance. Either way, we are optimistic that Romania will be present in Copenhagen and that it will put on a great show, if not even steal it.
What do you think? Would you like to see Stefan Stan and TeddyK or Paula Seling and Ovi represent Romania? And will you miss the Selectia Nationala if indeed TVR decides to select Paula and Ovi internally?
Update: The teaser for “Breathe” is up! (7 January)
Bogdan Honciuc is a Romania-based correspondent for WiwiBloggs.com.
You can follow him on Twitter @stingovision.
Photo: facebook.com/stefanstan.ro
Paula and Ovi stay home ! Stefan go to Danemark <3
That who write this article is not a profesionalist media writer. Nobody says that Paula is not a very, very good singer. She is exceptional!!! I support Paula all the time. She’s music is spectacular and her voice too, but when somebody suport an artist don’t denigrate another artist. By doing so, decrease the value of the other. Nobody said life Stephen is one exemplary, but not this aspect we are interested to a artist. We are interested of his music, voice and talent and Stefan is a complete artist, regardless of who what will be say!
Selectia Nationala kicks off 15th of january
I don’t care if will be Selec?ia na?ional? or internal selection, I want Paula and Ovi. They can bring ESC in Romania.
Stefan Stan and Teddy K
Paula & Ovi all the way. I, for one, don’t care if there is gonna be a National Selection or they’ll be internally selected. I want them to go Copenhagen, they’ll surely make a more spectacular show than in 2010 😉
Gotta go with the guys who stole my show in 2010.. Ovi & Paula!