As national selection season heats up, the contestants and songs for Eurovision 2014 are coming thick and fast. Every Sunday, after we have a new batch of winners, we’re asking you to tell us who your favourite contestant is so far. We close the poll every Thursday evening at midnight, and then reveal the results on Friday morning.

We’ve just completed our first installment (launched on February 2). You had strong opinions and spewed plenty of nasty. In the end Italy’s Emma Marrone has come out on top. Ciao bella!

Sadly for Teo, his “Cheesecake” did not appeal and you placed him at the bottom of the heap. Perhaps you’ll appreciate his dessert next week?

Complete Results

1. Italy: Emma Marrone with “La Mia Citta” 293 votes, 35.13%

2. Albania: Hersiana Matmuja with “Zemërimi i një nate” 116 votes, 13.91%

3. Switzerland: Sebalter with “Hunter of Stars” 112 votes, 13.43%

4. Ukraine: Maria Yaremchuk with “Tick-Tock” 96 votes, 11.51%

5. Belarus: Teo with “Cheesecake” 63 votes, 7.55%

You can listen to all of this year’s songs on our contestants page.

What do you think of Emma’s song? Do you think it’s a lively turn after Marco Mengoni’s slow number last year? Will it work on the #eurovision stage? And why is it better than Albania and Switzerland’s efforts?

Keep up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page

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10 years ago

Italy is good, but this year is not my favorite. l am sad.

11 years ago

Nice pick! Emma’s a pretty strong contender!

Pastora Soler haha
Pastora Soler haha
11 years ago


3. Albania
4. Ukraine
5. Finland
6. Belarus
7. Malta (:s :s… I love this country and this choice was… terrible)

11 years ago

that italian song reminds me of pink. me likey.

11 years ago

(rooting for) 1.- Italy (much better than Marco and bound to go to the top. It has a great rythym, easy on everyone and it’s oozing with all that italian artistry of its predecessors) 2.- Switzerland (About time my favorite would’ve won in there. Needs vocal work, but I love how organic this song is. The fact the whistling’s live makes it twice as awesome. The semi also feels Swiss-friendly enough) ——— (average to no thanks) 3.- Ukraine (Grammar aside, it’s a pretty catchy song. Hope they can rework it) 4.- Albania (This one will be reworked further. The song… Read more »

11 years ago

I think Italy will be out of the top 10 this year, even if the Wiwibloggs made it number 1 in this pool.
I still have Cheesecake at first. Best song and best stage performer TEO. Period.

Zachary Thomas
11 years ago

1-Albania (By far the best live vocal I’ve heard, and even though the song is unorthodox, I find myself returning to it again and again. With some tinkering, which is inevitable due to being over time limits currently, I think this great song will be even better.) 2-Italy (I knew it was only a matter of time before Italy sent Emma. She’s better than Marco in my opinion, he was really overrated last year. The song is cool and new for Italy, I’d rework the pace though, it is kind of bland and doesn’t really go anywhere. Great voice though!)… Read more »

11 years ago

My favorite so far is probably Belarus, despite all the cheesiness, with Switzerland a close second. With some better enunciation and lyrics, it could be a serious radio hit in the US. I love the musical composition (i.e. everything that isn’t the lyrics) and Teo has a strong voice. Italy is probably my least favorite, though it’s not bad. This entry lacks the subtlety of the last three Italian entries, and the whole song is essentially the same intensity throughout. They should mix the audio a little better, or tinker with the song a little bit to put some actual… Read more »

11 years ago

Belarus has the most optimal song and performance. Albania likewise. Ukraine has stupid song, but singer is catchy. Finland is more mediocre now. Italy exaggerated. Switzerland weak.

11 years ago

I think this is way better than L’essenziale. Despite a lot of people liking it, I didn’t really like Marco’s voice or the overall sound.
However, I think if Malta and Latvia choose the right song, they’ll be topping the list.

11 years ago

Current ranking:
1. Belarus
2. Albania
3. Finland
4. Ukraine
5. Italy
6. Switzerland

11 years ago

I don’t know why but I feel like the past 3 Italian entries have been largely overrated. This is one will join that list. So far the only entry I like is Ukraine.

11 years ago
