Forget Teo’s “Cheesecake”—there is a new edible delight in town. Aarzemnieki, an upstart band fronted by German singer Jöran Steinhauer, has won Dziesma 2014!

Their song “Cake to Bake” is a feel-good number that suggests it’s the little things in life that matter. The chorus opens with Jöran discussing mankind’s achievements—building the Great Wall of China, searching for the lost underworld of Atlantis. But all he really wants to do is bake a cake—and it’s delicious.

Jöran, who completed mandatory military service by doing volunteer work in Latvia, has become something of a national hero in his adopted country. In January Latvia joined the euro-zone. To commemorate the switch to the euro, Jöran composed a song honoring the outgoing lat.

Below you can check out their winning song and watch out interview with Jöran ahead of his win!

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10 years ago

Think his cake may have a soggy bottom, and is a little too bland.

10 years ago

This could go both ways…

Either it completely bombs out of the semi final (as it should), or it surprises and finishes strong like Malta last year.

Oh Latvia, what are you doing.

10 years ago

This totally came out of the blue since the writer’s last song (More Than 27) remained a NF gem. I was rooting for Dons, but was weirdly happily surprised when it won LMAO I was calling out “Cake to Bake” all the time as a joke. I thought it would stay in the national final vault. It’s unglamorous, but is light entertainment that puts a smile on your face and they’re clearly enjoying themselves which I love to see! 😀

10 years ago

Aarzemnieki ir supper!

10 years ago

They have to sort out the performance. Decide in advance how to sing it, or speak it, or whatever, instead of leaving it to chance when the time comes.

All the wrong turns are too distracting and make the lyrics harder to follow. Making the lyrics stand out should be a priority with this song.

10 years ago

I was enjoying so much this final until that song appear… and then won!!! effing eff stupid Latvia they did the same last year… they had awesome songs and they chose this shit… I think this was just to mess with us >:( Evil latvians….

10 years ago

My jaw dropped. My mind became confused. I made tea. I had a slice of cake. I watched it again. My Jaw dropped…

10 years ago

I really like this, however I can really see it flopping. I’m surprised at the number of people who also like this song! But I think on the night, they’ll perform and people will say “ah that was nice” but won’t vote for it because something better will catch their eye, which is a shame really.

Good luck Latvia!

10 years ago

the other songs weren’t that good and this one has his chance to stand out in cph

10 years ago

I love it. Its simple cute and Happy. It looked fantastic in the arena. I think it can do pretty well in cph 🙂

10 years ago

I have no words about this. I’m speechless, completely off. Like, MUTE.

I can see a little bit of Malta 2013 here (why does that told someone that it may be helpful this year?).

10 years ago

If Eurovision shall be seen seriously the countries must send good songs! 0 points to Latvia!

10 years ago

This is so bad so bad Latvia!

10 years ago

They had one golden opportunity to do well this year, then they shot themselves on the foot (again)!

10 years ago

Not my jam … I never see a musical purpose in something so joke-esque as this song tries to be. I understand some of you like it for the same reasons I dislike it. This is just worse than boring or forgetful. It may be light and fun … but that’s not what I am into. I want to believe in a song and feel it … don’t want to drink bear or eat some pizza while watching a stand up comedy on TV. That is not what Eurovision is to me.

10 years ago
10 years ago

Not the best choice but i like the song.

10 years ago

There are soem countries that need to break off their usual patterns.

As Israel needs to send a dance song and break off the whole serious vibe, Latvia needs to break off the quirk to send somethign serious, whether that’ll be dance or ballads. Variety people

10 years ago

Well now we have TWO songs to laugh at in semi 1 😉 Iceland and Latvia!

10 years ago

Z24 ….I don’t necessarily disagree but this is a contest and the aim is to win with the voters. You can be good and you can be bad but you can’t be forgettable or boring to the masses. I think that this selection has the best chance to make it to the finals of the three choices at the end.

10 years ago

Shit on Latvia, I hate this song and I am from Germany.

10 years ago


Malta’s song (at least for me) are always painfully average. Nothing really stands up for me.

Latvia on the other hand, has amazign songs in their NF’s, but always pick up the worst.

10 years ago

I can’t even. Fine. This sucks. We had a great line-up. I thought we were able to send Latvia back into the final with a song like “Saule riet”, “Stay”, “Pedeja vestule”, or even “Here I Am Again”. My heart was broken when Olga was eliminated, but I rooted for Dons. And then I got my heart broken again. We have too much country and “Mumford music” in this year’s contest. We have almost 1/3 of the entries, and there are only really 5 decent songs. If we keep going in this direction, the rest of Europe will know why… Read more »

10 years ago

And before anyone starts with Katrine Lukins… they should at least note her vocal performance tonight. Nobody should be surprised that she wasn’t chosen. She had easily the most off-key vocals I’ve experienced this Eurovision season.

One more thing – lots of Switzerland fans, but people are already pissing all over this entry. Really? They’re similar song styles, except it’s harder to tell what Sebalter’s song is about and what he’s saying. (And he whistles.)

10 years ago

Latvians love crap. So what? Just don’t vote for them and problem solved 😉

10 years ago

I disagree with almost every comment here. People were saying the same thing about Malta’s winner last year and they finished in the Top 10 in the final. Voters will love this song and Latvia will end their long exile from the final. Well chosen Latvia! If this song is appealing to you then I’m a big fan of the Latvian people.

10 years ago

Well… I guess not every Ex-USSR country will make the final in Semi 1

10 years ago

Forget you Latvia, you’ll never pass through a semifinal ever again. What a freaking dissapointment.

You got two amazing acts and you chooose the joke.

10 years ago

Love these guys. They brought the lighter side of life to the contest, and I’m glad they prevailed in the superfinal. I was hoping and hoping that they’d beat Dons, and they did! Sad to see Revelation and Saule riet miss superfinal, but hey, I can’t get everything I want. Aarzemnieki had an unexpectedly strong vocal performance in the final, and even if the lead vocalist wasn’t as on point in the superfinal, I’m still glad they won. It was a really good show tonight, and Latvia has my favorite of the songs that are going to Eurovision so far.

10 years ago

Are you freaking kidding me Latvia? From a conceited housewife, to actual pirates, Latvia just loves making themselves the joke entry of the contest, don’t they. Forget the UK, Latvia is the country that cares the least about the contest. You had AMAZING songs like “You Are the Reason”, “Stay”, and “Saule riet” yet you pick this piece of trash? God, and I was actually thinking we may be expecting Riga 2015, big mistake.

10 years ago

I like it, but sorry to say that this isnt much of final material 🙁

10 years ago

And then Latvia will be in last place for the semi final and wonder why they never got pass the semi finals since 2008