When we heard there was a rock song in MGP this year, the Wiwi Jury – our in-house panel of music unprofessionals – couldn’t wait to hear it. Did El Cuero and their song ‘Ain’t No Love In This City No More’ rock our world or leave our ears ringing? Read on to find out! 

El Cuero


The opening is great! You can never go wrong with a few drums and guitars… Oh. Until someone starts singing. We’ve already got a rockband with a monotone singer that can’t speak English in the form of Softengine. We don’t need another one! The song does get better by the chorus though, and it’s certainly not the worst I’ve heard.

Score: 7/10


With four critically acclaimed albums in the bag, El Cuero are one of the heavy weights in this year’s competition. Their merits aren’t compromised with this rock entry. Ain’t No Love In This City has got the right amount of grit to be taken seriously, and a super catchy chorus that fences it as a pop entry.

Score: 8/10


The guitar riff is compelling, and the instrumentals sure are rockin’. The lyrics though, seem forced and do not make sense. There is a certain disconnect. You have some bad-ass rock-n-roll going on here, but all these clichés and forced metaphors. I’m a believer in that lyrics and instrumentals make each other, and this just doesn’t happen here. This just seems half-cooked; enough to prevent salmonella, but not enough to be caught in a five-star restaurant.

Score: 4/10


Nice to hear something a bit more rustic and western,  it’s a decent track that does stand out as it’s a genre that’s not that common this year.

Score: 7/10


Cringey Dad rock. There’s nothing modern or forward looking about this in any way. It’s just middling. It’s a rock song but a tame and dated one at that. I’d be shocked if this made it out of it’s Semi-Final.

Score: 3/10

Wiwi Jury Verdict: 5.8/10

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10 years ago

Reminds me of the Foo Fighters a bit… but trying to be like them. I don’t even like them. Not really a fan of the genre. So meh at this one