Happy Mothers Day! On this day the team at wiwibloggs.com is pausing to listen to the lyrics of Axel Hirsoux’s Eurovision song “Mother”. A hand to hold, a heart to heal, a voice to help me through, through…Mother…

Axel sings this song beautifully, and boy can he tug on heartstrings. Those are just two of the reasons many ESC fans believe this is the best entry from Belgium in recent years. Given that, it’s no surprise that it has, at various points, been listed among the bookies’ Top 5 favourites to win Eurovision. Unfortunately it has slipped down a bit in recent weeks. But when it comes to Eurovision, the fall after the rise can always be followed by another rise.

What do you think of Belgium’s chances? Will Axel crack the Top 10, helping to avenge Roberto Bellarosa’s 12th place finish last year? Can this emotional song go all the way to the top? Sound off in the comments section below….

Mother Lyrics — Axel Hirsoux

I’m coming home,
I’m broken hearted and I need,
Time to shelter,
I need your love,
A hand to hold, a heart to heal, a voice to help me through, through…

And when hope is low,
You find the words to make me feel, so much better,
When I’ve had enough, oh I’ve had enough,
Of all the tears and all the hurt I can count on you, only you…

And once again mother,
You are right there mother,
You are my guiding light,
My shoulder, my shelter, my satellite,
I’m weak, you’re bright.

It’s not said enough,
But you mean the world to me you’re more, than a soulmate,
And you should know, oh you should know,
I’m so thankful and so hopeful that some day soon, i’ll shine like you…

And once again mother,
You are right there mother,
You are my guiding light,
My shoulder, my shelter, my satellite,
I’m weak, you’re bright,
Give me your strength, oh mother,
Give me your care mother,
You are my guiding light,
My shoulder, my shelter, my satellite,
I’m weak, you’re bright,
And once again mother, / You’re all I have mother,
And once again mother, / You’re all I have mother,
Oh mother…

William Cahill is an Irish correspondent. Follow him on twitter @williamcahill16. Follow the team from wiwibloggs.com on Twitter @wiwibloggs and keep up with the latest Eurovision news by liking our Facebook page.

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10 years ago

I agree very much with FRANCEL.It’s a real masterpiece and this guy has a talent from God!! I hope that if it won’t win at least this guy will be placed on the 2nd,or 3rd rank!
He desearves it!!Belgium made the best choice!!GOOD LUCK and greetings from Moldova!!!

10 years ago

A big posibility to be the winner this year.
This song touches the soul, and when you are, or you’ve been very close to your mother.
Brussels 2015!!!!

10 years ago

He got a boring song but his voice makes it complete!! my top 10:

10 years ago

Our neighbour and they will definitely reach the final…. What a pity! This song is a monster, those lyrics….O my god! If you sing these words at his age you really have a problem!
I prefer our own song Calm after the storm. I am afraid I am the only one, looking at the polls.

10 years ago

The Belgium Paul Potts! I’m not sure if it will reach Top 10 but I do hope it reaches the grand-finals. The first semi-final is very competitive with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Sweden and Russia…so I dunno..

Callum Nowacki
Callum Nowacki
10 years ago

Big piano/violin ballads alone struggle at Eurovision, especially with operatic voices to guide them. Might I remind you of France in 2011? Because of France’s flop in 2011, it’s no wonder bookies are dropping it lower and lower. Bookies need to give honest feedback and looking at history, Axel will barely scrape a douze pointe.

Greg Massourd
Greg Massourd
10 years ago

I think peace loving free democratic Europe and the world community must ban fascist state Russia and their vassal Armenia totally for the occupation of Crimea bearing in mind the occupation of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine by the mentioned authoritarian fascist states such as Russia and Armenia. We are in free Europe and beyond shouldn’t be categorically in the the same boat with gay haters, gay beaters, fascists, trolls, liars, fabricators, dictators, tyrants, aggressors and illegitimate occupants and their supporters! Boycott fascist Russia and their vassal dog Armenia! We show disrespect to our freedom, beliefs, sovereignty and democracy in Europe… Read more »

10 years ago

It’s too many ballads in Eurovision this year I think, and Espen’s song from Norway is a better song than this from Belgium!

10 years ago

Yes, only because it’s Belgium! Belgium deserves the best.

10 years ago

I second sopon, his voice is amazing, the song isn’t. Besides, given both countries qualify, we’ll have two emotional ballads in Norway and Belgium, and they may cancel each other, but if I had to go for either one, I would go with Espen.

10 years ago

“Avenge” Roberto Bellarosa’s 12th place last year? I was shocked Belgium did so *well* last year!

If Axel survives the semi final, he will surely sink in the final. I’m not a fan.

10 years ago

No this will definitely not be Top Ten. I’m still not sure if it’ll qualify as it’s in a tough semi, but there is no way it’ll score any higher than 15th.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I think it will qualify for the final, but in the finals it will drop down to place 18 at highest. It’s one of the only songs that I really dislike this year.

10 years ago

Am I the only one who wants this song to advance? Nobody else? Okay, I see…

10 years ago

He has, in my opinion, one of the best voices in the competition, but the song sucks big time. This will, by no means, be a top 10 in the final. If it is lucky, it can land 11th-13th. It will most likely qualify for the final, but around 8th-10th there.

10 years ago

Gross! Mother´s day deserves something way better than this rubbish …

Alex Rednig
Alex Rednig
10 years ago

I think this song is probably the most overrated in this years competition i.m.h.o. It is boring and musically quite forgettable. I think it will do a lot worse than the bookies expect it to do.

10 years ago

There’s a difference between the beautiful and homage worthy lyrics in Finland’s 2012 entry written about her mother and this tripe. No doubt that Axel can really sing but it’s too emotional and he comes across as a whiney momma’s boy. The song is horrible, the lyrics are beyond saving and the whole thing just comes across as cringeworthy to me. Having said that, I think it’ll do well even though it’s my least favorite this year.

10 years ago

I think that this song is just weird yet boring. It contains way too much passion to be singing about your mother with. The video is creepy especially when it cuts away to the guy mouthing the words to whom is presumably his mother. My guess that it’s only 50% likely that this song makes it out of the semi’s.

10 years ago

Maybe, I think it’ll be a jury favourite but not a televote one.

10 years ago

For me dark horse for victory are Spain, Greece, Ireland and Estonia . They are so underrated on betting odds.

10 years ago

Yes. It’s emotional, so it may get so many votes. The dark horse of the competition.

10 years ago

Yeah… why send this? 😮

10 years ago

Only if juries put Belgium in TOP 4 . Maybe he wili finish like France Patricia Kaas in 2009 8 place (4 with juries and 17 in televote ) or like Italy Raphael in 2011 2 place (1 with juries he gets 251 points with juries and second Azerbaijan gets from juries 182 points) and 11 in televote). I don t think that Belgium wili be in TOP 12 with televote.

10 years ago

im 100 % sure this will be in the top 10. The jury will have it in its top 3, possible 1st place, and this is something that people also will vote for.

10 years ago

The viewers will definitely not support this enough to help it reach the top 10. Everything about this is just so awkward. A grown man singning ”You are my guiding light, mother.” Belgium might qualify but I doubt this will have any success in the final.

10 years ago

Singing about one’s mother has no appeal to me. And I don’t think there are sufficient mothers and grandmothers watching this and willing to vote.

10 years ago

It’s ususal ballad song, nothing new. Belgium maybe will come through semi-final, but in final it can be about 20th place I think. Top5 for Belgium this year is joke. I rather much better light song like Portugal, which I can listen to many times. ” Mother ” ? So boring and too weak for success in contest.

10 years ago

No. It’s really bad. His voice is shrieky and the song isn’t great either. It’s my least favourite song this year.

Martin Palmer
10 years ago

If you believe in omens, it is only in the UK and Ireland that it is Mothers Day – throughout most of Europe and other parts of the world it is on MAY 11th…

Will that help it become a winner? It is the sort of songs that mothers and grandmothers would love…