Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery but when imitation turns to outright copying, it goes from flattery to theft.  WiwiBloggs.Com have a special place in our heart for Lena’s performance in Dusseldorf in 2011 and we’ve spotted more than a few similarities between the staging of ‘Taken By A Stranger’ and Sanna Nielsen’s ‘Undo’.

‘Taken By A Stranger’ had it all. Lena wore an amazing obsidian jumpsuit and stalked the stage like a huntress. The song was dark, moody and underscored by a thumping beat, and there was a mesmerising light sequence to slice through the darkness.

Three years later Sweden have taken everything that made Lena totally #amaze and just left us in a daze. The lights that sliced through the room for Lena just leave you dizzy with Sanna. The jumpsuit that was a hot 80s throwback for Lena just looks like a hot mess on Sanna.

The Swedish songstress may have ditched the dancing silver condoms but she’s also ditched the originality and flair Lena displayed in Dusseldorf. The staging is great…but it isn’t hers.

What do y’all think? Is Sanna a thief or should Lena fans back down? Comments below peeps!

Angus Quinn contributed this report from the U.K. You can follow him on Twitter at @Angus_Quinn17. Then like our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with all the latest news and gossip.

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Dan RO
Dan RO
10 years ago

We will all have to wait and see the actual performance Sanna will come up with, but I highly doubt it will be better than Lena’s! Lena was indeed fantastic!

10 years ago

@Game On: Ehhh no, I don’t hear any similarities there, sorry.

10 years ago

I really dont see the likeness. it is a female singer and she is wearing black.. perhaps the only likeness.

Sweden will win Eurovision with Sanna!

10 years ago

To answer the question: No.

The two stagings aren’t even remotely related! That’s like saying that anyone who uses a light on stage rips off the first person to ever use lighting on stage.

Game On
Game On
10 years ago

Seems like wiwibloggs is running out of scandals.
I have a better comparison for you. Don’t you all think this year’s Ukraine’s song sounds a lot like Armenia’s Emmy’s song, “Boom Boom?” Which didn’t even qualify for the final in 2011? Just listen to them both. I think they sound too similar!

10 years ago

Yes the performance is similar with the use of lights… and there’s where the similarities end. If you’re going to accuse someone of being a thief try with a stronger argument.

10 years ago

Whaaaat??? This is what I mean. You see, wiwibloggs is being an instigator once again, and trying very hard to keep people interested and of course arguing. There is absolutely nothing similar between these two. Nothing! Lights are similar???? Wtf! Who doesn’t have lights during their performance? Performance is similar?? No way! Lena is playful, seductive, transparent, easy going, hips moving, eyes sparking, whole body singing, attraction! Sanna, on the other hand, is the total opposite: humble, careful on the stage and with her song, trying to sing every high note carefully, limited body movements, reserved, not connecting with the… Read more »

10 years ago

Lack of creativity only has the writer. If one cannot think of anything better than to compare any acts, and to draw any conclusions, let it be.

10 years ago

bav (APR 16, 2014 @ 15:34:43)

“I think of Eurovision 24 hours a day. This is my prediction of final:
1. Russia …”

Bav, if Russia win then I’m Shirley Bassey!

10 years ago

How honestly relevant can this staging thing be for the music itself … am I suppose to vote on what I see, or on what I listen? Again … too damn importance to visuals when focus should be more on what one listens… but at this stage everyone is too damn distracted by the cockroach crawling on the stage …

10 years ago

If you’re going to suggest that Sanna copied Lena than you better acknowledge that Estonia and Tanja are copying Loreens 2012 performance. This article is pointless.

10 years ago

Idiotic people, you wouldn’t have known this creepy fact of Sanna “stealing” or “borrowing” Lena’s stupid lights if this article was not posted here!!!! Ugh!!! These people!!! Crab mentality ensued!!!

10 years ago

Sanna just borrowed the lights. Thats all

10 years ago

Wiwibloggs, if you have a soft spot for Lena’s performance, don’t hate it on Sanna’s performance!!!! You felt like it was Lena’s “trademark” one which is not, by the way!!! And you really made it a point by saying that it is “theft”? Oh come on, you went overboard this time!!! Exaggerating every articles you’ve made!!! It just not felt right anymore!!! It is soooo unfair!!! Just make justifiable posts/articles next time!!! It is not healthy, lemme tell ya!!!

10 years ago

I will riot in the streets if UNDO is said is a boring song!!!! It’s not!!!! Check your ears people!!!!

10 years ago

Who cares, Sanna will fall through in the semi and all fans will be shocked.
Undo is such a boring, bland song and no staging will save it.

Daria Kinzer
Daria Kinzer
10 years ago

Hey, Wiwibloggs readers! Please check out this new comic show about me! It’s called “Da Dria Kiznr Show” and features some other ex-Eurovision starts! It’s some kind of Eurovision spin-off of “The Nekci Menij Show”. It would be a big honour for me if you dedicated an article to this show! Enjoy! 🙂

With love, your Daria Kinzer! <3

10 years ago

He meant “Eurovision will go back to Scandinavia” in his post.

10 years ago


You’re just hating on Sweden because they did not choose Helena Paparizou this year. The Swedish people wanted Sanna Nielsen with Undo, accept it and move on with your life.

And what the hell do you mean with ”go back to Scandinavia” if you live in Scandinavia?

the truth
the truth
10 years ago

This topic is totally ridiculous and you don’t need to call her a thief just because you want to create some drama around here.

10 years ago

1. Sweden 2014
2. Armenia 2014
3. Austria 2014

10 years ago

I was amazed by Lena’s performance in 2011. She even looked cuter and hotter than in 2010. But I still don’t get what the similarities are. And Sanna will probably do a different choreography in Copenhagen.

This is my opinion (TIMO)
This is my opinion (TIMO)
10 years ago

what a nonsense this topic, ofcourse lights would shine and ofcourse there may be some stage reminding you another, if there is difference between moon and sung there is difference between Lena eurovision and Sanna melodifestivalen staging, how ridiculous to call it stealing

10 years ago

I think of Eurovision 24 hours a day. This is my prediction of final:
1. Russia
2. Ukraine
3. Estonia
4. Ireland
5. Denmark
6. Finland
7. Romania
8. Azerbaijan
9. Lithuania
10. United Kingdom
11. Hungary
12. Belgium
13. Armenia
14. Greece
15. Norway
16. Sweden
17. Switzerland
18. Belarus
19. Spain
20. Albania
21. Poland
22. Italy
23. Malta
24. Netherlands
25. Germany
26. France
This is not pathetic cry. This is true. But do not believe me! This is my first prediction! I am a rookie.

Marcelo N
10 years ago

It’s nice, isn’t it, how I get to learn about what’s happening in the teenage world once a year via accusations of plagiarism/copying made by eurofans commenting on ESC songs. Thanks for that! I’d never heard Wrecking Ball (or ever actually listened to anything ny Miley Cirus tbh), but the similarities are real. But as several ppl here have already stated, there is nothing unusual about “inspirations” from the current musical scene that translate into ESC entries. It’s like a knife that cuts both ways: it keeps some ESC music up-to-date, while it may be debatable as to originality. I… Read more »

10 years ago

if sweden win this year I’m done. i want to go somewhere new not back fourth back fourth

10 years ago

@ Javier

Then I sincerely hope that you’ve got issues with the danish song as well. The dancing/the hook/the warm colours of the staging .. not to mention that Basim looks like Bruno, not that there’s anything wrong with that, just really ironic due to the fact that the song is so heavily inspired by Bruno Mars.

Bruno Mars – Treasure/Basim – Cliché Love Song

If you don’t have a problem with the danish song however, then you probably have a tendentious plagiarism-judgement, just some frustration regarding the Undo-hype.

10 years ago

Dear Angus Quinn, The way you write this article is just a joke, trying to get some drama into it and make it a big argument or fight over something that has been going on forever and is natural especially in Eurovision, that people get inspiration and sometimes yes might have similar ideas to acts. The way I see it though, is that you write an article about Sanna, more PR to her, and that you think it is flat out a copy is just silly. Plus it will be changed a lot for Eurovision, lets see if you think… Read more »

10 years ago

I’m sorry but this is truly ridiculous. If you’re going to accuse Sanna of copying Lena, you need to accuse everybody who wears a jumpsuit, or uses the same lighting. And it’s not like Lena is the only person who is ever allowed to do that anymore. To be honest, this is just shit-stirring, trying to make negative controversy.

10 years ago

*stay in scandinavia

10 years ago

Yes and of course Sweden will win esc 2014 and then we will go back to scandinavia, more countries will withdraw and we will have a contest as bad as malmö 2013

yola coca cola
yola coca cola
10 years ago

And I heard that she’s gonna wear the same tight suit as Lena’s dancers wore in 2011.

10 years ago

@ello, if we ban Sanna, then sweden must withdraw from ESC 2014 -_-

10 years ago

well not only the stage desighn but also the song is the copy of Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball #justsaing

10 years ago

Plagerism ban her and send ace wilder instead :L

10 years ago

The producer of Melodifestivalen admitted that Lena’s performance was a source of inspiration .. Why wouldn’t an artist get to have a circle made out of lights? Has Lena called dibs on it for all of eternity? It’s like telling the estonian singer that she can’t have a dancer with her on stage practicing such artistic dancing because Loreen did it 2 tears ago. Or prohibit people from using fans, adding the windy effect, etcetera. Sanna has a different approach, in the ESC she’ll have a raised platform, a dress and of course the lighting (singin’ a ballad by the… Read more »

10 years ago

Well, in the program “Inför Eurovision Song Contest” on SVT Christer Björkman said that they took the idea from Lena. So yepp, they got the idea from her performance 🙂

10 years ago

You need to get out more if you think that staging is unique to one particular artist. How ridiculous! 🙂

10 years ago

Alright. I am a SUPER FAN of Lena, but Sanna hasn’t stolen anything from her…
This is the same trouble with Estonia 2014 / Sweden 2012. Just cuz one artists did it, doesn’t mean that the artist got a Copyright on that… Just let them use what ever they want ._.