So much for the tour. The Common Linnets, this year’s Dutch Eurovision contestants, were planning to perform in small countries like Malta and San Marino. Because these countries have small populations, it’s easy to earn big points by doing a minimal amount of promotion. Unfortunately the duo seems to have missed the boat—and the plane. They are on Dutch television almost every day, so there isn’t any time left to tour. Ilse de Lange wants to promote the Common Linnets CD at home and focus on her theatre tour. Clearly someone is more concerned about consolidating her domestic fan base than she is about doing well at Eurovision!

They may be staying at home, but at least there is good news to be had there. Over the weekend they appeared on the Dutch TV show Opium TV. Cornald Maas, the Dutch commentator for Eurovision this year, asked them about their favourite ESC acts of all time. Cornald showed them former winners. Waylon said his fave is Germany’s Nicole with the song ‘Ein bisschen Frieden’ from 1982. They also talked about their staging. They want a lot of close-ups and Waylon wants the stage to be dark.

Cornald also surprised them with the good news that their song has been purchased more than 10,000 times. That means they’ve gone gold! Congratulations Ilse and Waylon!

Do you think that the Common Linnets will win the golden medal in Denmark?

Denise van Beek contributed this report from the Netherlands. You can follow our team on Twitter @wiwibloggs. You can also like our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with all the latest news and gossip.

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10 years ago

Wolf, do you work for the Algemeen Dagblad? Cause the interview was totally taken out of proportions

Ranting Ruby
Ranting Ruby
10 years ago

Is Waylon gorgeous to look at and Axel slightly less-so? Yes
Is “Calm After the Storm” a gut-wrenchingly beautiful song? Yes
Will either country qualify for the final? No
Does any of this matter? Not really. Just listen …

10 years ago

@Wolf: “Rumors have it that Ilse is getting annoyed at Waylon’s lazy additude; him being late for rehearsals and sloppy.”

Oh, boy. I don’t like the sound of that. Are we looking at the possibility of a good song and a potentially good performance (whether it qualifies or not) deteriorating into something close to a Jemini moment on stage?

10 years ago

In the one minute between songs during the semi-finals, the TV presenters will give a little news about the act coming next. The minute before The Netherlands will surely include a mention that they cancelled their promotional tour. That’s going to be an excuse for people not to vote, the same as Aram’s perceived homophobia.

10 years ago

I really believed that the Netherlands would make it through this year. But this behavior just hurts them. Speaking like that for other countries, especially Denmark and Belgium, which are almost the only supporters of the Netherlands really doesn’t help. Also, there are 12 days left until they compete and they want to focus promoting their album in their country than promoting their song to Europe? Wow! They either just don’t give a f*ck about Eurovision or they are sure that they’ll just sail through. Promoting their song to San Marino would’ve helped so much! But instead, they do not… Read more »

10 years ago

@Reality Paradise and Children of the Universe don’t really sound similar. There’s a slight similarity in the choruses, I can see that, but there is no really similarities anywhere else in the song.

10 years ago

@Mr. B
What Aram said was twisted and purposefully mistranslated. Have you seen Aram’s interview? Of course not! It was a cheap shot, trying to ruin his reputation. He never offended anyone, plus he apologized for all misunderstandings. But this guy proudly announced everything. I still think it’s not a huge deal, since everyone should be able to speak their minds. Yes, Denmark’s contestant does look and sound like Bruno Mars. Soooo whaaaat?? What about UK’s song? It sounds EXACTLY like
Coldplay’s–Paradise. Check it out please.

10 years ago

Please Wolf, dont be such a drama queen. I’m 100% sure Waylon did not want to offend anyone (what Aram said was 1000 times worse, is anyone still talking about it?) and i bet you know how journalists/media works… Ilse and Waylon are professional singers and they have a great quality song which will qualify anyway, mark my words okay? It will, whatever Waylon said. Next please.

10 years ago

Love this entry…. it’s in my top 10…
But probably only in mine….

10 years ago

Which, considering Ilse had to tell him to stop spoiling anything related to the act, while he kept rambling on kind of shows that there is at least some trouble between them.

Now, you accusing me of prejudging is hilarious. Waylon has been an idiot. thats a fact. All I did was quoting whatever he said. It’s the same when Anouk said some derpy songs last year and some other Dutch fans trying to cover or pretend it didn’t happen.

And w/e, I am Dutch. And Waylon pretty much screwed them over.

10 years ago

Ryan, He clearly said that “they shouldn’t beat around the subject, their album goes first” and now he is crawling back from that, sure, just like Aram did. Also, RTL Boulevard being the biggest gossip show there is here in NL; Obviously Waylon didn’t realize the commotion. And non the less, damage is done and he is saving what he could.

Rumors have it that Ilse is getting annoyed at Waylon’s lazy additude; him being late for rehearsals and sloppy.

10 years ago

I love this song, one of my favs this year. Won’t win, but esc in nederland would be excellent, I’m sure they would put on a magnificent show

10 years ago

Hang on, aren’t they the poor man’s Lady Antebellum ?

Ryan in NL
Ryan in NL
10 years ago

Fortunately Wolf’s statement is not entirely true and Waylon explained his earlier comments on other Eurovision acts earlier tonight in the tv show RTL Boulevard. I’m sorry to read that you clearly missed that and that you judge a bit too fast. Now what was that with middle aged white men singing about justice?

10 years ago

Methinks the vibes they are feeling make them suspect they will not qualify for the Saturday final. In my second evaluation of the 1st round, I have them barely missing out on my scorecard.

10 years ago

Well, The Netherlands is the only place they’ll get a #1 so they might as well go for that.

10 years ago

Sugercoating much?

Why don’t you mention how Waylon said Denmark and Belgium are blunt copies of Bruno Mars and Paul Potts? And how he rather have a good album score and wouldn’t mind ending last as long as their album goes gold?

Ilse is sweet, Waylon just one arrogant arse.