Patrick: First of all I have to say: I like the song a lot and Axel Hirsoux is a great artist! The song is really touching and impressive – and so is the performance. Sadly the background and the staging are a bit boring, even if the dark colours are classy and sophisticated. The performance of Axel and his background-dancer is touching. The woman makes it really unique! A great rehearsal Belgium!

Judit: A beautiful ballad with a talented singer. I really like Axel’s voice but this song is still not my favourite. This performance is a little boring for me, but I really like this purple-black backgorund. I think the second rehearsal was better than the first, but I am still waiting for some kind of miracle until he next appears on stage. However, it’s a good start nonetheless!

Wiwi: My problem isn’t the staging. My problem is the song. There’s something very shouty about this, and it’s made all the more strange by the fact he’s a grown man singing about his mother. I just can’t get into it, even with the nice colours.

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Featured image: Thomas Hanses (EBU)

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10 years ago

I really like the song. It has a great passion. It feels real. So I hope he wins, or at least be at the top! Go Axel!

10 years ago

I think the juries will love this!!! Personally it’s ok.

10 years ago

What the hell everyobody? This song is creepy. He sings with way too much passion about his mother and the ghost lady in the background doesn’t improve on it.

Marcelo N
10 years ago

This song embodies all I don’t want to feel every time I remember I live far away from my mom. I usually prefer to take on a more adult attitude and let HER do the tearing -as I believe grown-up up children should do so as not to weaken their aging parents. HOWEVER, I did pull a Ruslana at its national final (well, almost) and I believe it was only today that I felt something similar once again. I seriously believe it has to do with him: Axel can deliver a heartfelt and moving rendering. Yes, even if you usually… Read more »

10 years ago

The wiwibloggs question hits the spot, because I was touched by this for the first time. I quite liked the shoutiness of it, it added to the emotion for me.
I don’t like the repeated “and once again” because it makes me think that he’s always running back to his mum. I wish the composer had come up with a different lyric.

vangelis vt
vangelis vt
10 years ago

Emotional, moving and a definite qualifier. I lie the purple mother’s day flower arrangement on the background too 🙂