As we previosly reported, Hungary welcomed Kállay-Saunders home as a national hero after his fifth place finish in the grand final. It looks like he loves that feeling. Yesterday he officially announced on his Facebook page that he’d love to compete in A Dal 2015, the Hungarian national selection for ESC in Austria. He’ll submit a song and, if the jury that screens the entries likes it, we’ll see him make another turn on the A Dal stage in February.

Kállay-Saunders had a dream to represent Hungary in the Eurovision Song Contest. But now he has a bigger one: to win the show! It won’t be easy, but a boy has got to dream: “If I won’t believe in myself, who will?”

If it all works out this will be his fourth appearance at A Dal.

2012 – I love you

2013 – My Baby

2014 – Running

What comes next? Do you believe in him?

Judit Sebok contributed this report from Hungary. You can follow her on Twitter at @sjudy03. Then like our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with all the latest news and gossip.


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Yudhistira Mahasena
10 years ago

Yes! Andras will represent Hungary again! If he won, I’ll dance all night!

10 years ago

oh yes! And hpf a victory for hungary! Greetz from macedonia!

10 years ago

i don’t think he should come back unless he has a better song this year, running was my favourite from 2014 but imo you don’t come back to eurovision unless you have a song that can do better than top 5.

10 years ago

“Running” is a great song and it was my favorite this year. If he finds another good song, he should come back, but I hope he will not try to come back just for the sake of it.

10 years ago

Why wait one more year if he think he’s going to have a great song for 2015?
I believe in him:)

10 years ago

If Kallay represent Hungary every year in 4 year (2014 2015 2016 2017) Eurovision? So What? (I remember Valentina Monetta) and some singer will following Monetta? Good Luck 😉

Melissa J
10 years ago

If he’s competing again, then I hope that means A Dal 2015 will be just as awesome as it is this year. Now, where’s that announcement of Valentina Monetta returning for next year, maybe as a duet with Michele Perniola?

10 years ago

I LOVE Running so he better brings us a winning song

10 years ago

Keep coming back here to look at that pic of Andras above the article 😛 ahah phwroarrr!!!

10 years ago

YES! Best news I heard all day! My love wants to return to the contest!!!
Pretty sure he may win again
If the song is as good as Running was.

I love you Andras Kallay-Saunders!!!! <3

10 years ago

I don’t mind artists returning to the contest, if I loved them the first time that is. I personally never was a huge fan of Running though, so in this particular case I’m not sure if I would like András back. However I loved his 2013 entry My Baby, if he comes back with something similar I wouldn’t complain.

10 years ago

“Running” was one of my favorites, but I agree with ‘D’. I actually don’t like when artists return – especially the consecutive year!

10 years ago

Honestly I hate when artists who already represented their country come back again. I mean, you had your chance now let someone else do it.

10 years ago

Awesome! 😀 Although most artists have a weaker song with a return in my opinion (Valentina is not included in this theory xD) But we´ll see ^^