Ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia appear to have bled into Türkvizyon, as Crimea has announced that it will not participate in this year’s contest.
Last year Russia wanted to join Türkvizyon but then they withdrew. And now, following Russia’s annexation of the Crimea, the region has decided to withdraw from Türkvizyon.
One theory making the rounds is that Crimea will join Intervision, the contest Russia hopes to revitalize in the wake of Conchita Wurst’s victory. Withdrawing from Türkvizyon, a contest Russia did not participate in, could be a way of signaling stronger ties with Moscow.
Last year Crimea’s Elvira Sarihalil failed to qualify for the final at the first Türkvizyon Song Contest. She sang “Daglarin Ellari”.
Too bad Crimea is withdrawing because of that. I thought they would be desperate to show “Russian Federation: Republic of Crimea” as their name in TkV next December (something other regions like Tatarstan would pay to erase from their presenting names), but it seems political pressure has done it again. And for all those who claim that Türkvizyon is a mere cheap contest, it’s probably because you have only seen one edition so far. Eurovision was cheap too when it started, and look at it now! I’m hoping to see what Kazan, a much bigger city than Eski?ehir and with… Read more »
I hope russia leaves eurovision. a war monger like russia has no home in the eurovision family…
they can go away and have their pretend contest.
I hope Russia exit from ESC
Hi guys. How’s things?
I think Turkvizyon is a cheap, plastic song contest in comparison to Eurovision to be honest with you. It is also very old fashioned in a sense. The stage is tiny and the Turks always hire owl’ boulevardies (Korhan Abay, ESC 2004) to host the show.
Turkey’s set in 2004 was seriously complicated and in general it was not the most entertaining Eurovision Song Contest in history. 🙁
Turkvizyon is going to flop BIG TIME. 🙁
Turkvision failed big time by the way!
Since Russians will do that cheap version of Eurovision, does it mean they will withdraw from Eurovision? fingers crossed
This looks and feels reactionary, third-worldish and boring.
The participants are getting lower 😀 Türkvizyon will soon fail :3
God, this Turkvision contest emits nothing but poverty
I think the same give us news about ESC thanks not Turkvision or Intervision
Please stop the news about this stupid contests like Intervision and Turkvision. I thought we were EUROVISION fans! Let Russia and Turkey go… Bye!
@Dhani: the author already has….
The crimean participation was driven by the Crimean Tatars minority. But since they’ve stood against the Russian, things have gone different
why do you think?