Spanish singer Soraya, who bailar’d her way to an abysmal 23rd place in Moscow, has recently channeled her inner Rihanna and released Neon Lovers.

Within seconds you begin to snap your fingers and move to the beat. However, that feeling is instantly killed when some weird, auto-tuned echoes enter à la Kui Tuuled Pöörduvad or Three Minutes to Earth. Then the real lyrics start, and no amount of feta could outdo this cheese-fest. Along with these atrocious lyrics comes a simple melody that we have all heard and gotten tired of before. The video features androgynous models; after the first minute, they inspire thoughts of a gay bar scene from James Cameron’s Avatar.

Soraya also gives a shoutout to Sanna Nielsen by confusing us with the repeated phrase “florescent we go”. Overall, I don’t know why she would release this mess, but it would do great in my home country alongside such “masterpieces” like Starships and Superbass.

Rating: 0.5/5

Neon Lovers Lyrics — Soraya

Fluorescent we glow…

I know what you’re dreaming of
I see it in your eyes
You´ve been waiting for my love
Let me make it right
Something in our chemicals
We´re the burning kind
When our hearts fire up
We reflect the light

Oh, city streets unfold
Oh, broken hearts of chrome
Oh, baby it´s cold ouside
But your arms feel like home

We don’t need nobody else around us
Let the world erode
Moving throught the night into the twilight
Fluorescent we glow

Like neon lovers
Like neon lovers
Like neon lovers
Fluorescent we glow…

Hidden ceremonials
Players in the dark

Lat your body fire up
I ignite the spark

Oh, city streets unfold
Oh, broken hearts of chrome
Oh, baby it’s cold ouside
But your arms feel like home

We don’t need nobody else around us
Let the world erode
Moving throught the night into the twilight
Fluorescent we glow


Fluorescent we glow…


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10 years ago

This would do horribly in America.
It is a mess, yes, that is true.

10 years ago

Her English is AWESOME!!!