What do you get from your government after winning Eurovision? Well, in the case of Marija Serifovic—nothing!

Marija, who won Eurovision 2007, recently sounded off on Twitter after learning that Conchita Wurst received 2.5 million euros from Austria as a congratulations. Serbia only gave her a box of chocolate. Calm down, gurl: maybe it was Lindt chocolate!

“Conchita got 2.5 million euros from her country! I (got) a chocolate box! So why not jump off the balcony on my head? Phew! ”

Other stars have followed suit and revealed the gifts they received. Emilija Kokic, lead singer of the group Riva, who won Eurovision in 1989 for Yugoslavia, said they were gifted with wall clocks and wrist watches.

“I think I’ll go for Austria next time,” Emilija told 24sata.

Should governments lavish their victors with cash money honey? Should Serbia give Marija a (belated) envelope stuffed with euros? Let us know in the comments below!

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10 years ago

2.5 million euros!!!!!! Thats crazy!!!

10 years ago

Marija got an apartment from the city of Kragujevac, a car, a scholarship and God knows how many things. What she is saying is a pure lie. Additionally, although she likes to see victory in 2007 as only hers, there was a whole team backing her and ever since she won she has been conveniently forgetting to mention them at all. Also, her support for the extreme right at the time was not accepted well by the fans in Serbia or the rest of Europe. As always with Marija, it was someone else’s mistake…

10 years ago

Why is it that being an unusual drag act and speaking in support of the LGBT community necessarily lead to accusations of narcissism? Geez…

10 years ago

@Timo: I do appreciate your naïveness, but as gay guy myself none of what you said is the mirror of what Conchita really represents. You may choose to believe in it, but I also believe like so many gay guys out there who I came across … the message “nothing matters but me” is the only thing that rings true … it’s just not okey to make it so public as far as Conchita goes while her fame still lingers on. Conchita has done nothing for me I can applaud. She won a music contest that’s all. Dana had also… Read more »

10 years ago

Oh, Mark, how silly to see so many people misunderstand Conchita’s message. She’s not sending out a message about the LGBT community. It’s a general message of tolerance, saying it doesn’t matter what you do you what you look like. It just connects strongly to the LGBT community because she’s obviously part of it, and many can relate to the struggles. You pulling a stereotype from her actions is the real rubbish here.

10 years ago

everybody already applying to represent Austria next year?

10 years ago

My first thought when I read this was: Bad luck Marija. But then Austria and Serbia are two different places and it’s a comparison of apples and oranges.

10 years ago

Well, I guess the 2.5 million euros are completely made up by envious Serbs….

10 years ago

Investing that amount of money in Eurovision 2015 would make more sense

10 years ago

Is it confirmed that she got 2.5 million euros? It sounds massive and i don’t buy it.

10 years ago

And more 15 minutes are being thrown onto Conchita’s carpet every time one speaks about him or her or it … and yet this is what he, she or it wanted all way long and in the name of the LGBT community … BS ….he, she, it is acting like every gay guy I hang out with … “nothing matters but me, bitch”. What an amazing way to support the gay cause … So much hidden rubbish under the rug.

10 years ago

La respuesta en mi humilde opinion es NO,SI a trabajo y promocion.Es lo mismo pero, con otro matiz

10 years ago

I think 2.5 million Euros is a lot of money for winning a contest, but Serbia should have given her at least a new car, a nice apartment and maybe some money (all equaling 0.5 million Euros). I remember that even Azerbaijani government gave Aysel who finished third, a nice apartment in Baku.

10 years ago

Man, i’d accept the chocolate. Yugoslavian chocolate tastes amazing 😀