Kati Wolf, the blonde diva who took Hungary back to the Eurovision final in 2011, has made a reputation for her happy, summery dance songs, such as “Hivjuk elô!”and “The Last Time“. She knows that we don’t want that to change! Ms. Wolf has just released the studio version and music video for her latest single, “Nyár Van” (It’s Summer). We held this song to high expectations before listening, but did this new single go the way of her Eurovision experience and flop? Not. At. All.
Although climax-less songs are generally not up my alley, this was by no means a disappointment. This number is more jazzy and fast-paced than her other songs, but it still has the brightness that is standard with Wolf Kati. The video, which features her on the docks, in the park, posing with statues, playing the air guitar, and drawing in the sand, is well produced. It’s an interesting video, mixing the standard music video with kinetic typography, a video form rising in popularity nowadays.
Rating: 5/5
Kati Wolf – Nyár Van lyrics
Nyár van
Égig ér a fény
Nyár van
Elmerengtem én
Nyár van
Hozzám küld az ég
Te meg én
Te meg én
Te meg én
Ugy mint rég
Olyan könnyen tovább álltál
Mondd mondd miért?
Velem néhány órát voltál
S a vágy révbe ért
Kértem volna többet még
A szíven most is lángban ég
Leléptél pedig idônk volna még
Helló édes
Hát újra itt vagy
Mondd mit szeretnél
Hagyom kitcsit játssz még velem
Míg a hajnal kél
Nem kell eskü, nem kell szó
Várhat még ránk bármi jó
Itt és most kell csak hogy szeressél
English Translation
It’s summer
Light reaches the sky
It’s summer
I ponder
It’s summer
Send me the sky
You and me
You and me
You and me
As long
So easily stood on
Tell me tell me why?
You were with me for a few hours
And have the desire to undersand
I would have asked more
The heart is burning now
The time have you left yet
Hello sweet
So here again
Tell me what you want
Even let me play a little bit
Until dawn
No word shouldn’t be the word
Expect us even though we are good
Here and now we just need to love