As part of a campaign aimed at informing the Moldovan public about the European integration, Eurovision star Pasha Parfeny has joined other artists and recorded the song “O noua zi, o noua viata” (A New Day, a New Life).

It’s been too long since we last heard from our favourite Moldovan singer – and actor! – Pasha Parfeny, but the “Lautar”singer is back on the music stage with a collaboration that is meant to inform his fellow citizens about the benefits of joining the European Union. Together with Nicu Tarna, Tania Cerga (both established artists and jury members at the national selecion for Eurovision), Dara (who competed in O melodie pentru Europa in 2012) and folk singer Guz, the Moldovan heartthrob recorded a heartfelt track called “O noua zi, o noua viata”.

The song is part of the campaign “Moldova, Europa” sponsored by the Open Society Foundation and the Moldovan subsidiary of Soros Fundation. The video also features childrean, meant to symbolize the future of the country. Moldova is in its early stages of preparing for joining the European Union and this song is one of the efforts to make its citizens aware of the advantages of going West.

We are happy to see Moldovan artists colaborate for noble causes, just days after contributing to raising 1 million Euros for a maternity institute. We’re seriously impressed!

Although “O noua zi, o noua viata” is not exactly a single per se, we are glad to get a glimpse of Pasha Parfeny singing and helping his country move forward. We do hope to see him try again for Eurovision, maybe even this year. The 15th of December deadline for submissions is not far away!

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10 years ago

As much as I love Moldovan entires in ESC, what could they actually bring to the EU? It’s just another country that the big countries will have to bail out if things go wrong. Having said that, can’t hate on small countries, I hear all countries in the EU with a decent economy will be bailing France out soon :/ meaning we’ve worked so hard to get our own country stable, but we’re going to mess that up for another one. Eurgh, I really despise the EU. Not about to vote for a racist party or anything extreme by any… Read more »

10 years ago

I’m not sure he’s singing that on behalf of all Moldovans, since it is a torn country like Cyprus or Ukraine.