The Malta Eurovision Song Contest kicks off on November 21, and the semi-finalists are busy perfecting their performances. Twenty artists want the golden ticket for Vienna, and for the past few weeks our Austrian correspondent Patrick Melbler has been catching up with ALL of them. Today he talks with Corazon Mizzi who is singing the song “Secretly”.
Hi Corazon! Congratulations for making the Top 20 of the Maltese Selection. How do you feel?
I feel really lucky to be part of the largest MESC ever to be held in Malta!
Your song is called “Secretly” and you composed it yourself. Can you tell us the story behind it?
It’s about unrequited love – loving in secret. In my compositions, I always try to find ‘the other side’ of the story. Songs about love are very cliché, specially at the Eurovision, so ‘Secretly’ is an interesting twist and it arouses some curiosity too.
Can you tell us a bit about your life? How did you become a singer?
Music and singing is something I love so I never used music as a means to ‘become’ something or to gain popularity. If you see it that way, you never ‘become’ a singer as ‘becoming’ indicates a definite state of being against a state of non-being. It’s not like becoming a lawyer for example. In that case there is a definite day where you sit your exams and graduate and after that day you ‘become’ a lawyer. But with music it’s different. I cannot say there was ever a time when I was not a singer and at the same time I’ll never definitely ‘become’ a singer. Sorry if I’m confusing… but for me making music is a journey and this journey is an end in itself…
It’s not the first time that you have competed at Eurovision. Which of your songs do you feel the most connected with and why?
Of course this last entry because I have written it myself. However, I’ve always felt a connection with the songs I’ve interpreted in the past as they were always written specifically for me and based on my personality and character.
How did you feel in the years you had great songs but were underrated? Why did you decide to participate again?
I understand that this is a contest, and someone has to win, someone has to come in fifth, fourth, seventh place… It’s all part of the game – growing up I’ve learnt not to be a sore loser. For me, reaching the final 20 is already something to be truly grateful for. I’m made that way…
In the Semi Final you will perform 15th. Can you tell us a bit about your performance and the staging?
I can just say that I love it simple. But simple really requires a lot of effort and thought in trying to strike the right balance in order to disallow one element to be too overpowering as to steal the attention off the other elements.
Why should Malta finally win the Eurovision? Do you think you could manage a victory?
I can’t answer this kind of question as I consciously don’t think about winning. It’s a trick that helps me keep my stress levels at bay…
Do you have a lucky charm which you always carry with you?
To be honest, no. I don’t.
What’s unique about you and your song compared to the other contestants?
I think that the arrangement and quality of the sounds are really beautiful, thanks to Dominic and Manolito Galea at Lito’s Place who have done a marvellous job! It’s a very powerful song, but above all, it’s genuine and heartfelt.
Have you already listened to the other competing songs in MESC? Do you have a favourite and who is your biggest competitor?
Please don’t ask me about competition, I hate that bit…
Do you have a special message for your fans and readers of wiwibloggs?
I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read through this interview. I hope you have reached this bit… and therefore thanks for the support, it really makes all the difference!
Thank you for taking the time to chat. Good luck to you and maybe you can finally perform on the Eurovision stage!
Thanks a lot!
Should Corazon represent Malta at Eurovision 2015? Leave your comments below!
Picture Source: PBS Malta