
Trijntje Oosterhuis — that’s Traincha to all you Eurovision fans — isn’t wasting any time. After debuting her Eurovision 2015 song “Walk Along” yesterday on Dutch radio, she got out of her judge’s chair on The Voice of Holland this evening to sing the song live for the nation. Fans were not disappointed, and she’s likely converted a few of the haters, too. The performance was smashing, and it’s convinced us she’s on to a good thing with this one.

Trijntje is a real soul sister, and that makes her perfect for this song. If someone with a lesser voice sang it, it would come off as repetitive and boring. But Traincha brings attitude and a big set of lungs, which helps her add texture and dynamism. The lyrics call for a woman who understands heartache, and we’re pretty sure that Trijntje does. And boy does she work the stage. From the finger wags to the hip shakes, this is a woman in total control. That was three minutes we’d be happy to relive over and over again.

Trijntje Oosterhuis (Traincha) — Live on The Voice of Holland

Anouk will not sing with Traincha

Earlier reports suggested that Anouk will accompany Trijntje as a backing singer, but today Miss Oosterhuis said that’s not going to happen. Anouk, who wrote the song, seems happy to pull the strings from backstage. And she’ll need more time to count all her extra change: One day after its release, the song has already topped the Dutch iTunes charts, out selling Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” and Hozier’s “Take Me to Church”.

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Frank Les Pays Bas
Frank Les Pays Bas
10 years ago

This song is just as annoying as “Teardrops” with the last minute being a constant brainwash. So well done Anouk for understanding what it takes to compose a song that people will remember after 25 songs. With the same showdirector of the Common Linnets their act this could be another succesfull year for Les Pays Bas. If no clear favorite or run away winner will be selected in the coming months this could even become a contestant for the top 3 in Vienna.

10 years ago

I didn’t like Anouk,I didn’t like Common Linnets,I don’t like this woman nor her song… I think I don’t have a thing for Netherlands at Eurovision haha

10 years ago

@ bavarson, just out of curiosity, are you having an eternal period? Do you ever have anything positive to say..? Maybe it’s time to change your brand of tampons, these are clearly not doing it for ya.

PS: I totally respect your opinion, it’s just that you vent it in a way like Terry Wogan used to – annoyingly self-assured

10 years ago

Again, when rewatching it really feels that the backing singers are the problem, turn the song from a mature love song into a Taylor Swift pop song. The why’s through the instrumental parts are also unneeded. They really need to be replaced :/

10 years ago

It’s a normal song, I don’t like it…

10 years ago

Didn’t like it -_-

10 years ago

The staging needs to be worked on still – but the same man who came up with the staging for the Common Linnets is in the team again, so I’m full of confidence that we”ll at least make the final.

10 years ago

I honestly think she may win.

10 years ago

This song is really amazing, but the live performance turned me a bit off. Well, it still works with closed eyes….

Elgar Vous
Elgar Vous
10 years ago

It’s bad.

10 years ago

Last three entries from Netherlands (The Common Linnets, Anouk, and Joan Franka) were more orderly and better than this crap

10 years ago

Screw you Day One…

10 years ago

I tried really hard to like it when I heard the recorded version, but it wasn’t until now that I’ve seen the light. Sure, her performance here is a bit awkward and standstill but that will most certainly be worked out. Now I’m totally excited to see what happens for The Netherlands in 2015! Good luck to Traincha!

10 years ago

Another question: Why isn’t the song called “Walk Alone”? I think, it would make sense and sometimes even sounds like she’s singing “Alone” instead of “Along”… or she could have called it simply “Why?”… nevertheless Good Luck to the Netherlands!

Bogdan Honciuc
10 years ago

I love the song and the live performance…except she shouldn’t smile so much I think. After all, it’s a sad song about a friendzoned woman.

10 years ago

Still not sure about this :’D But we´ll see in May. We might qualify but I think we should beg that we have a lot of Western Countries in our semi :p

10 years ago

I don’t love it LIVE. Her voice, yes 100%. But the hand movements, and the dancing looks like she is glued to the stage. WALK along! It just seems so stiff at the moment, backing singers are also very annoying, makes the why-s sound completely childish. Lose the hands. Move about. Enjoy it. On a positive note, I did feel a bit more of a big finish in comparison to the studio version. Overall though, I do still like it >.<

Pastora Soler haha!
Pastora Soler haha!
10 years ago

Great voice, but that song is for a teenager…

10 years ago

One question: What does it mean, why (ai ai ai) you write Traincha in brackets after her name, thought she was called Trijntje???

10 years ago

Amaaazing!! Traincha will blown everybody away in May. Her Live performance is lifting this song to a higher level. Mark my words, this will be another top 3 for the Netherlands!

10 years ago

This is just her first live performance to this song, its good thats for sure. Her voice really lifts this song imo 🙂 I can see this qualify easily. How the perfomance will look like in May is one big questions for all of us.

10 years ago

It sounds better live, but her right hand annoys me so much. But it slightly reminds me of he middle of the road stuff that the dutch gave for year before 2013. I don’t know how it will do.

10 years ago

I watched it on my tv (I am from The Netherlands) and it was very good!

But Emmaly Brown is more amazing! She is an candidate XD And she is soooooooooooo amazing! She must win! She is in team Trijntje (Traincha) 😀

10 years ago

she was great live, but we already know she can sing:)
to Day One…
Anouk told in a Tv show RTL Late night, that when Trijntje didn’t pick this song from her computer…she release it herself!!!!
I do not think you know Anouk very Well, by saying it is not a Anouk song…do you remember BIRDS? Was that a typical Anouk song?
When Anouk thinks a song is crap, it is not on her computer:))
I say you…we are going to the finals again!
Why ai ai ai….Because it will be a great live performance:)))

10 years ago

Grand Final for the Netherlands of course. 🙂

10 years ago

She slayed it! I am so happy for the Netherlands

10 years ago

The song is awesome, stage present needs some work. But this is just an filler act for The Voice.

Day one
Day one
10 years ago

I’m sorry but the song still isn’t good.
And I’ll repeat myself and say it sounds like an album filler and not even an Anouk filler.
I think Anouk didn’t even want this song.
Sorry Netherlands but if this year has good songs then I think you will be staying in the semi-finals where this song belongs.
Shame really. I want the Netherlands to do well.

Padraig Muldoon
10 years ago

OMG! Ilse is thrilled. She knows well that her Dutch record is going to stand for another year 😛

10 years ago

Really, really good! Wow, this train is heading for destination top 10!