This Saturday Hungary starts its national selection with the first semifinal of A Dal 2015. As you know, wiwibloggs will be cozying up to as many acts as we can, and today it’s time to chat with the handsome Gergo Szakács, who is a newbie to the competition. He told our Hungarian correspondent Judit about his past in talent shows and of course his song “Osz Utca”.

Hungarians know you from X Factor (2010) and Rising Star (2014). Now you’ve got a chance to become well-known internationally. How is A Dal different from these shows?

The former were more attempts, for me A Dal is the real challenge, where I can show the real me among recognized singers with my own song.

I was pleasantly surprised with your song “Osz Utca” It’s powerful and emotional. What was it like creating it, and why have you submitted this song to A Dal?

Thank you very much, I’m glad you like it. In March it will be a year since Diaz, the producer and co-author of “Osz Utca” and me started to work together, and he brought Tamás Karácson, who wrote the lyrics. I think I speak not only for myself when I say that I enjoy working with them and the true human relationships what we have. It seems our product is authentic. The song was a sketch on a guitar, which was finished on the day before the registration deadline at 6pm. Tamás worked on the lyrics, we were at the studio till 1am and Diaz finished it the next day. So we can say that the realization has been quite adventurous.

Only a few of our readers can understand the Hungarian language. Can you explain what the song is about?

I’m on a hunger striker of love. While I wait the landscape changes, everything becomes snowy, but I’m still waiting and my pain just becomes bigger and bigger. It’s painful.

In December MTVA revealed that your song will compete at A Dal, but just a few weeks earlier you fell out of the show “Rising Star”. What emotions swirled inside you?

We were surprised because everyone, even me, thought that I would be depressed, but nothing happened. I had no emotions about my failure…as if I had known in advance. But maybe subconsciously I knew what was going to happen. Of course, I was very happy when my publisher called me and said we’re in. I could not believe my ears. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.

At A Dal you will compete with artists who have previously competed. Furthemore, Kati Wolf and the members of Fool Moon have already appeared on the ESC stage. Is that intimidating?

It is an honor to be in the field and I have no expectations, because to be in the best 30 it’s already a big thing to me. And I think it’s not a competition for me. I will step on the stage without fear and gratifying excitement.

You have a YouTube channel with many covers and original songs. A lot of people use this platform as a stage. What’s your future plan with it? Are there any YouTubers who inspire you?

I have bigs plans with it and hopefully I can make it real in a few years. I think this is the best platform, which can be an infallible measure of originality and talent. There are many examples in front of me, however, innovation is essential to success, so they are really just examples. The Schneider brothers have a huge audience, Kurt Schneider is working behind a lot of YouTubers. However I can mention Tyler Ward or Boyce Avenue too. Aim for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.

Currently the lyrics are in Hungarian. If you win would you make an English version or would you follow ByeAlex and sing in your native language?

I would like to make an English version but not because of Vienna. Rather, in order for everyone to understand the meaning of my song. I hope that if you close your eyes and listen to the song, no matter where you are, you will understand the message.

What do you think about the Hungarian songs from previous years? Do you have a favourite?

Kati Wolf’s songs was perfect, but every song was there for a reason. In my opinion songs in A Dal were good too, so you can choose a favourite but just based on your taste.

Do you watch the Eurovision Song Contest? Is there a memorable moment for you?

For some reason Alexander Rybak and his song stuck in my mind, and another memorable thing is the Russian old ladies of course!

Have you listened the other competitors?

The truth is I haven’t, but I heard a few. I like “Our Time” from Saci and Böbe Szécsi, but who will win? I really don’t know.

Is there someone in the field who you’d like to collaborate with in the future?

It depends on the personality and the truth is I don’t know the others well so I can answer this question right now. Maybe later. A lot of talented people sing in this competition and I think some of them have the same point of view as me.

And finally, here’s a short message from Gergo to all of his fans on wiwibloggs. 

Do you like his song? Does he have a chance to represent Hungary in Vienna?


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10 years ago


10 years ago

I love his song. I hope it goes to Vienna. Hungary always send great songs.

10 years ago

He’s my favourite from this year’s A Dal, good luck Gergo!

10 years ago

The BEST song in A Dal this year.