Ever since France announced Lisa Angell will sing “N’oubliez pas” at Eurovision 2015, our readers have been blowing up our comments section. The song was written around the time of Armistice Day, which commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany. Some readers complained that the topic was a total downer, while others wrote that the song was forgettable and more than a tad boring. But as the days have gone by, more of our readers have warmed to the tune and its subject matter. They encouraged us to read the N’oubliez pas lyrics. We’ve done so, and translated les paroles into English.

What’s most striking to us is that the lyrics — all about rebuilding yourself and your community in the aftermath of war — transpose nicely to the recent tragedies in Paris.

I am here tonight
In the middle of these ruins
In order to talk about hope
And to sing about life
And I make the promise
That when the blood will dry
I will rebuild my village
Even more beautiful than before
But don’t forget

Does reading the lyrics change your opinion of the song? Do you think that with the right staging this could be really powerful? Or are you a bit sceptical? As we all know, having meaningful lyrics isn’t always enough to save a song from last place at Eurovision. Let us know in the comments box below!

N’oubliez pas — Lisa Angell

N’oubliez pas lyrics / paroles — Lisa Angel

Il ne me reste que des larmes
Ces quelques notes venues d’autrefois
Et le chant de nos prières
Nos cœurs qui espèrent
Et le vide sous mes pas
Il ne me reste que les cendres
De mon village plongé dans le silence
Je ne suis qu’une blessure
Un cœur sans armure
Comment survivre après ça?
Mais je suis là
Je n’oublie pas
Dans mon village
Balayé par l’histoire
Et je vis là
N’oubliez pas
Effacée des cartes et des mémoires
Je me souviens du rire des enfants
La voix des hommes quand ils partaient aux champs
Les fêtes des moissons
L’odeur dans les maisons
Les éclats d’amour et de joie
Mais je suis là
N’oubliez pas
Effacée des cartes et des mémoires
Quand ils sont arrivés
Cachés derrière leurs armes
Ils étaient des milliers
Ils riaient de nos larmes
Ils ont voulu détruire
Mes croyances sous leurs armes
Avec des mots de haine
Que l’on connaissait pas
Je suis ici ce soir
Au milieu de ces ruines
Pour vous parler d’espoir
Et vous chanter la vie
Et je fais le serment
Quand séchera le sang
De reconstruire ma ville
Bien plus belle qu’avant
Mais n’oubliez pas

“Don’t forget” lyrics / English translation

Don’t forget
Only tears remain for me
These few notes from the past
And the melody of our prayers
Our hearts, that are hoping
And the emptiness beneath my steps
Only ashes remain for me
My village plunges into silence
I am only a wound
A heart without armor
How to survive after that?
But I am there
I don’t forget
In my village
Swept away by history
And I live there
Don’t forget
Erased from the maps and memories
I remember the children laughing
The voices of the men leaving for the fields
Harvest celebrations
The smell inside houses
Bursts of love and joy
But I am there
Don’t forget
Erased from the maps and memories
When they arrived
Hidden behind their weapons
They were thousands
They laughed at our tears
They wanted to destroy
My beliefs under their fire
With the words of hatred
Which were unknown to us
I am here tonight
In the middle of these ruins
In order to talk about hope
And to sing about life
And I make the promise
That when the blood will dry
I will rebuild my village
Even more beautiful than before
But don’t forget

Our readers’ first impressions

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Ruud Horevoorts (Netherlands)
Ruud Horevoorts (Netherlands)
9 years ago

Already my favourite during the finals of the Song Festival. Afterwards I’ve downloaded the CD and I dare to say that this was this year’s best entry. Unfortunately for France, the general public in Europe doesn’t speak French, and all they want is a stupid standard poppy beat with some cute young singer they can dance to at the bars. The songfestival stopped being about music a long time ago. I’m glad France keeps sending in good musical songs in their own language even though they don’t stand a chance of winning. I also preferred when Balkan countries or Scandinavian… Read more »

9 years ago

Surprisingly one of my favourites. I liked live on the night in Vienna, and I still do.

9 years ago

I love the voice of the french singer and while my french is not so good. I liked the song a lot. Because of all the comments, I listened to the “so called” winners and I totally disagree that this is a boring song.
I am also fed up with all the blond female singers with their high voices. After a while it sounds all the same.
Hopefully France will not end last, but I am always surpised at the winners (like last year).

9 years ago

That’s too bad for France but this song doesn’t stand a chance of ever winning the Eurovision contest. Why? Because it’s in French and most of the songs that have won the contest since 2000 were in English.That’s a fact, even though French is a beautiful language. Yet its theme, tune and also the singer are OK. So if France really wants to win in 2016, they’ll have to come up with a song at least partly written in English.

Francis Shelton
Francis Shelton
9 years ago

The negative comments are getting irritating. There are few facts that must be established. France has won this contest 5 times, and came second four times. Look at their results in ESC and you will see that it is NOT bad till the late 2000s and 2010s. And I think this song is nice, like in 2002 and 2001. (It amazes me why France did not win in 2001.) I am from Sweden, by the way, and I think our song is mediocre.

9 years ago
Fay (Netherlands)
Fay (Netherlands)
9 years ago

I love this song. It has a strong message and a great singer. Sadly my high school level French only made me able to understand words like memoires. So I’m glad I can now fully understand this beautiful song. And even if you think the song is boring (which I strongly disagree with) you can’t deny it has a great singer. And some of the deepest lyrics. Maybe one of the best of ESC 2015. I strongly prefer this over my own country. But I guess I’m a little bit of a hipster in terms of favorites because my favorites… Read more »

9 years ago

Of course I find it more interesting…The theme is not a common one for the contest..If the whole performance is solid,it shall be one of the nicest entries this year(which,including the one by my country,are not so impressive as in previous years…)

9 years ago

This song, her voice, it’s so extremely touching. Although I didn’t understand a single word of the lyrics it touched me at the bottom of my heart and I started to cry. France – 12 Points from Austria <3

9 years ago

Very very beautiful song,bravo France I want you to win cous your the best…Good luck France from Armenia <3

9 years ago

uff this is becoming one of my favorites, it’s powerful

9 years ago

Such an amazing song! Thank you France! You are a Winner für me! We don’t forget and don’t deny!

9 years ago

All turks hate this beautiful song….))))
May be they know what Lisa mean ……and they want to forget.

9 years ago

Awesome song! Bravo France! nothing could be such beautiful!

9 years ago

Also the singer is fat and ugly. Music is boring. Not Catchy. Moustache was better. Shame on you France

9 years ago

This song sucks. Just like every year, France will end in bottom.

The message of the song also not good. We should forget wars. Why remind us wars, hostile things? Political songs should not exist in Eurovision. Armenia also coming up with a a song called “Don’t Deny”. Again, another political song. These must be banned from Eurovision.

Alvin Sebetero
Alvin Sebetero
9 years ago

This is a winning song for me.
I don’t speak French because I am from the Philippines.
But among all the entries I’ve listened to, this is by far the most powerful and the most beautiful song. <3

Yudhistira Mahasena
9 years ago

Neither I live in France, nor I speak French. But I have to say that I like the song. French is a beautiful language, and one of my teachers comes from France (near the Swiss border). David Guetta might be a better decision in 2016…

9 years ago

Nope, baby. It wouldn’t work.
And, don’t forget, there are two warriors in competition. Georgian and Maltese girls will EAT THIS ENTRY ALIVE.

9 years ago

Not a winning melody but the beautiful lyrics make this piece a not bad song… Its lyrics make me think about those war memories and transform this song in a very unique one, so touchy. I hope the french speakers all over Europe to stay tuned in the grand final… Only these people along with a nice and touchy staging would make this song finish at least in the first half of the ranking. Cheers to France for bringing quite unique music in the past years

9 years ago

You know what, it really grew on me more and more. As I’m listening to it more and more, I’m liking it now!!! This is not a boring song, as some of you here would comment. And the lyrics are very touching. Hopefully they would release a heartfelt music video for this and a very powerful staging come 23rd of May!!! It’s time for France to be on the left side of the scoreboard!!!!

9 years ago

It’s the first time in years France actually has a winning song. Unless a better song turns up, it’s my favourite so far. And the lyrics haven’t changed my opinion. They still remind me about World War I.

9 years ago

As a French guy, I have to confirm that no one actually knows her here. The shows were she appeared are mostly watched by elder people. At first, when I saw the news, I thought it was a joke. Everyone here was expecting France 2 (the new broadcaster and first state TV channel) to take it seriously. Then I listened many times to the song, and told myself “Her voice is not that bad…”. I also remembered that Eastern countries use to like our French melancholic ballads. I think, if the melody changes a little and the performance on stage… Read more »

9 years ago

The lyrics are powerful but unless you speak French you would never know.

And I agree about ageist comments from the likes of PP. So sad to be so shallow.

9 years ago

I really like France’s entry.

9 years ago

i love this song. But this song is typical of Valentina Monetta ? Ti Amo Canzone

9 years ago


9 years ago

I really like the song! Not the best one but it is nice and her voice is amazing.I hope it won’t finish last again but I don’t see it making into top 10

9 years ago

I’m gonna disagree with everyone here. I really like it! I heard it just once, and I still remember the melody. I read the lyrics, and they really are fantastic. I don’t find it boring, and I’m feeling that with more listens I will love it even more. Perhaps my #1 now, or a close second.

Mr. Abbott
Mr. Abbott
9 years ago

The lyrics are not the problem. It’s the song, the rythm… It’s very very boring. It’s not catchy.
Obviously there’s more than pop at the ESC. I remember other ballads in the recent years, for example Sabina Babayeva and Pastora Soler songs and they were wonderful…. But France this year is horrible, they should made something if they want make something good this year.

9 years ago

Can people stop with the ageist comments? The age of the singer has little to do with the quality of the song.

Where’s Charles when he’s needed to tell everyone that the singer doesn’t have to be some 18 year old girl with a harem of handsome male backing performers?

9 years ago

I love that song! The lyrics are touchful and adding some changes on the rythm it can get a great position. For first time in years (except in 2013) I like French song a lot. Congratulations France, it was time to change your Eurovision perspective.

10 years ago

No, same boring song from France with boring and old singer. Maybe they have more chance if singer is young like their female singer in 2001 and 2002. Same composer this year wrote france song from 2001.

10 years ago

After listening to the song again I love it even more!

10 years ago

Lyrically I think it’s great.

Harmony wise however… snoooooze.

Poor France. They can never win.

10 years ago

Lyrics can be worthy of a Nobel Prize for Literature for all I care but a boring song will always be a boring song.

10 years ago

I’m confused. People complain about France sending a slow paced song, but when they actually send an up tempo song they get last place? I can 100% see why they went back to a slow paced song and enjoy the song a lot

10 years ago

As dated as the song feels I still like it. If they can bring a classic freshness with the performance France might be able to secure a decent placing this time..well hopefully.

10 years ago

So it’s not my favourite, but at this rate anything better than bottom 3 would count as a “good” result for France.

10 years ago

I speak French, and it probably enhanced my enjoyment of the song. France is my #1 so far.

10 years ago

Once again the opinions on this message board act as a perfect negative indicator of what songs I’ll like. I think this song is good but actually not enough..it started its build a little late and didn’t finish big enough. It certainly isn’t boring. Not every song needs to be Euro electro pop.

10 years ago

I like it.It’s nice

10 years ago

I speak French and I still don’t like it. It’s just boring…there’s nothing particularly bad about it, it’s just not interesting.

10 years ago

Boring. Didn’t they learn those kinds of songs never do well… but hey toilet breaks are needed too right?

10 years ago

Nothing will make me like this song.

10 years ago

The lyrics may be touching but it did not change my opinion. So bored with these give us a sympathy vote songs.

10 years ago

I’m fluent in French and I still think the song is dreadful.
France just doesn’t care about Eurovision so they just send any song that they find.
It’s just very forgettable and people won’t remember it in the voting. But it might pick up sympathy votes.

10 years ago

Actually, they do.