It’s been too long since Pasha Parfeny, the Moldovan hunk who rose to Eurovision stardom with “Lautar” in 2012, released any music on his own. He’s had a good excuse, as he starred in a thriller and promoted the European Union among his fellow countrymen. But now he’s back and sexy as ever with a new single and video, “Te mai iubesc” (I Still Love You).

The song also has a Russian version:

The song, which reads like a ballad with rock undertones, is punctuated with Celtic and folk influences. It’s pretty mellow but doesn’t sound sad. The video features Pasha and his beautiful girlfriend Yuliana Scutaru in happy times. The lyrics, penned by Lidia Scarlat (Cristina Scarlat’s niece), point, however, to an aftermath of the relationship, where the male protagonist declares his undying love for his girl. He is hopeful that the bond that brought them together will bring her back to him once more.

The release of the single coincides with Yuliana Scutaru’s birthday. What more could one woman wish as a gift than to star in a video with Pasha Parfeny? No wonder they look so happy together. Happy birthday, Yuliana!

Te mai iubesc lyrics — Pasha Parfeny

Ti-as povesti de iubirea mea
Ascunsa-n suflet nelinistit
Bucati din noi iar as aduna
Le-ai aruncat când le-am daruit

Tu cauti stele in plina zi
Pe mine noaptea ma va pazi
De la vraja ta
Nu rezist in ea

Descult alerg printre spinii tai
Amenintat de iubirea mea
Te vad in umbra pasilor mei
Privirea ta, dulce tremura

Ti-am fredonat zeci de amintiri
Le-ai aruncat,
Nu ti-au trebuit
Cum sa mai respir daca m-ai vrajit

Te mai iubesc, inca te iubesc
Sa te ating, sa te mai simt, imi este interzis
Te mai doresc, inca te doresc
Am incercat, am rezistat, dar rana s-a deschis
De ochii tai, fug de ochii tai
Plamânii mei isi amintesc mereu aroma ta
De ma vei chema
Sunt in urma ta

Am invatat sa-mi leg inima
Cu suflet rece te voi iubi
Cu brate-nchise, speranta mea
Privind spre tine va obosi

E o dezordine-n ochii tai
I-ai tulburat cu o lacrima
Oare poti zbura
Ca dragostea mea?

Te mai iubesc lyrics (English) — Pasha Parfeny

I would tell you about my love
Hidden in my restless soul
I would gather pieces of us again
You threw them away when I gave them to you

You look for stars in daytime
The night will guard me
From your charms
I can’t resist them

I run barefoot through your thorns
Threatened by my love
I see you in the shadow of my footsteps
The look in your eyes trembling slightly

I hummed dozens of songs to you
You threw them away
You didn’t need them
How can I breathe since you charmed me

I still love you, still love you
I am forbidden to touch you and feel you
I still want you, still want you
I tried, I resisted, but the wound reopened
From your eyes, I run from your eyes
My lungs always remember your scent
Should you call me
I am right behind you

I have learnt to tie my heart down
I will love you with a cold soul
With closed arms, my hope
Will tire, looking at you

There’s a mess in your eyes
You troubled them with a tear
I wonder, could you fly
Like my love?

What do you think of the song? And which version do you like more, the Romanian or the Russian language one?

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10 years ago

It has been too long since we heard something new from Pasha.
I love the song. Pasha is amazing. I can’t get enough.
Thanks for sharing.