The Wiwi Jury – our in-house team of music unprofessionals – still have something to say about the A Dal finalists in Hungary. Our next target is Ádám Szabó with “Give Me Your Love”. He always got high points from the A Dal jury, but what does our jury think? Read on to find out…
Francheska: Three words: interpretive dance song. I don’t doubt Adam’s vocal abilities, but it’s clichéd at the beginning. Yet, as it progresses I’m pleasantly surprised. There’s a definite crescendo, and the percussion is actually interesting in parts. If Adam can rework the beginning and stop saying “love” a mind-numbing amount of times, this James Bond-sounding ballad could have some real potential.
Score: 8.5/10
Robyn: Ádám’s vocal performance has improved between the heat and the semi-final, but his diction still needs work (“wain”, “surwive”). He also seems to get very hot and sweaty when he performs, which kind of works with the emotion of the song, but maybe that leather jacket isn’t the best choice of wardrobe. A good song, but with some rough edges in the performance.
Score: 7/10
Angus: Adam’s song sounds like something straight off the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack. Dreamy, sensual and compelling this is the strongest male song in A Dal and it is a shame he’s being overshadowed by the diva-offs.
Score: 9.5/10
Renske: This is surely one of the better songs in A Dal and Ádám is also one of the better singers. But it’s a pity that the chorus is no good. The “love-love-love” interrupts the flow and that’s quite sad. This is like wanting to surf: you want a big wave, not three small ones.
Score: 8/10
Patrick: I’m still impressed with his voice. Ádam is such a great singer and after this performance I’m literally blown away by its strength! This could easily win A Dal and represent Hungary, bringing them back into the top ten in the process. Love it and yes, one of my favourites!
Score: 9/10
Max: Adam opens the song in a balladic style and my first impressions are high, well that is until he delivers the line ‘la la la la’ – yes it worked for Massiel in 1969 but I think it just sounds like you’ve forgotten the words. As the song progresses the tempo gets faster and more instruments such as the obligatory drum come and say hi. I like this song but still I don’t think it’s what Hungary should be sending if they are hoping to improve on 2014’s result.
Score: 6.5/10
Padraig: Leather pants are always a no. Leather pants on a man getting all hot and bothered over some anonymous lover are a double no. All of the above, along with a song that’s less moving than an ad for bowel regulating yoghurt – just no!
Score: 4/10
Deban: If I heard this on a radio station, I’d switch channels. However, watching Adam Szabo’s compelling performance wins me over. Although repetitive at times, “Give Me Your Love” provides Szabo with the perfect platform to showcase his vocal power. He has the confidence of an established artist, and unlike some of his contemporaries in national selection contests continent-wide, he can SING!
Score: 7/10
Judit: I remember how I hated this song before the shows. But Ádám has been the biggest surprise for me. Strong voice, good staging, I adore everything about it and somehow he has won me over. Others hate it, but I love the la-la-la part. Good luck!
Score: 9/10
his acoustic version of give me your love is also good
Adam Szabo is much better than Boggie…smart, good voice and a marvelous accordion-player…watch his Monti Csárdás on youtube.
No, not better than Boggie…
better than Boggie at least