Lithuania’s Eurovizjos final was the place to be last night. And Latvia’s 2013 hip-hop entry PeR were in the house with wiwiblogger Deban Aderemi.

PeR (which stands for Please explain the Rhythm) have seen only positive things come out of their Eurovision participation, despite coming last in their semi-final. They have been booked for festivals, are planning collaborations with Valters Puces (Ralfs’ partner in “Revelation”)  and will have a very busy summer.

PeR discussed the finalists of Supernova: they love Markus Riva and Elektrofolk, but see something special in Aminata. “She can sing, and the song is huge”. They also brought up Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät, the special-needs band in Finland’s UMK, and tell us how the band’s one concert in Riga went.

Ralfs, who was on the jury for Eurovizjos, explained that it was harder to judge the Lithuanian final, as he had to be nicer than when he was on the Latvian judging panel.

PeR will not be returning to Eurovision, but Ralfs and Edmunds haven’t rejected the idea of returning as a reinvented band under a new name.

Watch the full interview below.

Interview: PeR (Latvia 2013)

Supernova 2015 – Preview

Eurovizijos 2015 -Recap

Read all of our Latvia Eurovision news here.

Read all of our Lithuania Eurovision news here.

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Just being honest
Just being honest
9 years ago

Lol these guys are so funny! I do remember seeing Ralfs take part last year as a member of another band