The boys are finally representing in our weekly polls! Y’all have voted Il Volo, the Italian operatic trio, your favourite act of Eurovision 2015 so far, breaking the run of victories for Amber and Nina Sublatti. Of the nearly 12,000 votes cast, the group earned an impressive 2,050 of them. Coupled with the fact that they’re at the top of the bookies odds, are Italy on course for their first win since 1990?
1. Il Volo, “Grande Amore”: 2,050 votes, 17% (+4)
2. Nina Sublatti, “Warrior”: 1,962 votes, 17% (=)
3. Amber, “Warrior”: 1,298 votes, 11% (-2)
4. Edurne, “Amanecer”: 1,204 votes, 10% (NEW)
5. Maria-Elena Kyriakou, “One Last Breath”: 852 votes, 7% (NEW)
6. Elina Born & Stig Rasta, “Goodbye to Yesterday”: 585 votes, 5% (-2)
7. Bojana Stamanov, “Ceo svet je moj” 578 votes, 5% (-4)
8. Maraaya, “Here for You”: 561 votes, 5% (NEW)
9. Daniel Kajmakoski, “Lisja esenski”: 350 votes, 3% (+6)
10. Molly Sterling, “Playing with Numbers”: 296 votes, 2% (NEW)
11. Aminata, “Love Injected”: 269 votes, 2% (+2)
12. Trijntje Oosterhuis, “Walk Along”: 266 votes, 2% (-5)
13. María Ólafsdóttir, “Unbroken”: 255 votes, 2% (-7)
14. Mélanie René, “Time to Shine”: 241 votes, 2% (-6)
15. Lisa Angell, “N’oubliez pas”: 216 votes, 2% (-5)
16. Monika & Vaidas, “This Time”: 210 votes, 2% (-4)
17. Boggie, “Wars for Nothing”: 173 votes, 1% (NEW)
18. Eduard Romanyuta, “I Want Your Love”: 128 votes, 1% (NEW)
19. Giannis Karagiannis, “One Thing I Should Have Done”: 120 votes, 1% (-5)
20. Uzari and Maimuna, “Time”: 108 votes, 1% (-11)
21. Anti Social Media, “The Way You Are“: 87 votes, 1% (-10)
22. Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät, “Aina mun pitää”: 79 votes, 1% (NEW)
Total votes cast: 11,888
Nina and Amber stay right at the top of the standings with Il Volo, whilst Edurne and Maria-Elena Kyriakou debut in the poll in the top five, though Edurne polled over 350 more votes than Maria despite there only being one place between them. Slovenia’s Maraaya and Ireland’s Molly Sterling both also placed in the top ten in their first appearance in the poll.
Lower down, there were big falls for the likes of Trijntje Oosterhuis and Lisa Angell – certainly, it seems the “ballad overload” that many have talked about on social media seems to be affecting some of the songs. Perhaps unsurprisingly though, it’s Finland’s Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät that placed last with a measly 79 votes to their name.
Our next poll will open shortly, but are you surprised to see Il Volo at the top? Can they win Eurovision 2015? Let us know in the comments section below or on our Twitter page.
Sorry eurofans my gmail doesn’t work well and now on i can’t read messages.
I think POPOPERA is to diffucult to understand for the cultural level of ESC , then it depends from the age of the people to think a Country is a winner insted another one. Good Luck to everyone and don’t forget: THIS IS A SONG CONTEST NOT A WAR!!!!!
My top 5:
1. Italy (il volo is the best for this year’s eurovision contest)
2. Malta
3. Albania
4. Netherlands
5 Iceland
My recent top 29, starting at the bottom to make it more exciting ,)
29.) Portugal
28.) Poland
27.) Greece
26.) Netherlands
25.) Denmark
24.) Iceland
23.) Czech Republic
22.) Hungary
21.) France
20.) Serbia
19.) Ireland
18.) Romania
17.) FYR Macedonia
16.) United Kingdom
15.) Germany
14.) Malta
13.) Italy
12.) Moldova
11.) Georgia
10.) Belarus (1 Point)
9.) Cyprus (2 Points)
8.) Lithuania (3 Points)
7.) Slovenia (4 Points)
6.) Switzerland (5 Points)
5.) Belgium (6 Points)
4.) Latvia (7 Points)
3.) Spain (8 Points)
2.) Finland (10 Points)
1.) Estonia (12 Points)
Elina and Stig are making a video to Goodbye to Yesterday. Any pics and news about it ? source: Elina’s facebook
This poll doens’t reflect the reality. Estonia and Spain are the favorites
Great voices, yes. And I’m a super fan of Italian music, but that’s same old style Italian music…Don’t see this as number one.
Do not under estimate Il Volo. They have great unique voices and can sing anything.
Dear eurofans if you want send to this gmail [email protected] your list with your favourite 10 countries from each semi final that you want to pass
Good taste in the art of singing is recognized worldwide… This song “Grande Amore” should be the winner…they will recognize undoubtedly.
We are an army of Il Volovers from all over the world who know without a doubt that Il Volo will win Eurovision hands down WHY because they are not only the BEST singers on the planet but they bring joy to our ears & love to our hearts because thats what they exude not only love for their fans but love for the world
I don’t get the hype around Italy, for me it’a just another boring ballad. Denmark second last? It’s my number 2 at the moment.
Georgia, second? She’ll be lucky to get out of her semi. Not a surprise that Finland is last.
Il Volo was not leading these polls because we didn’t know about them! They will lead them from now on! We are not just one person posting from different accounts! We are legion! We are the IlVolovers! Nice meeting you!
Oh my gooood, will people stop saying ‘italians sings like angels’ + ‘three young handsome..’ it’s really boring. Yes, I’m talking to you, one-person-who-writes-about-italia-from-different-accounts. My top:
1. Estonia
….the rest.
I just listened to Italy’s song and i really can’t understand why everyone’s talking about it. It’s one more italian super boring song. What’s so special about it? Half of the songs of the whole Melodifestivalen are better than Il Volo’s song(Im not a Swede) Totally overrated.
Go Edurne Go.
Don’t underestimate ll Volo–they have a very strong following. If they don’t win #1, they are #1 in my heart!!
ll Volo is not like ll Divo. There is not one singer in ll Divo who is an Italian. ll Divo are much older men–ll Volo are barely in their 20’s. Michele Torpedine, their manager has been with them from the start of their career. He also made Andrea Bocelli famous. It takes a great manager to make an individual or group famous.
I posted a comment about ll Volo and I didn’t see it!
ll Volo are loved in the USA Italy and Latin America. While I realize there are some young people who don’t like or appreciate their music, they have become very famous. I doubt that these other singers will be popular outside of their own country. ll Volo has a strong team backing them. For those who don’t like their video, we do in the USA, because it depicts the movies we love. Go on youtube and see how many views they have received.
1) Switzerland
2) Belarus
3) Holland
4) Hungary
5) Estonia
6) Georgia
7) Romania
8) Italia
9) Serbia
10) Cyprus
11) Malta
12) Spain
13) Ireland
14) Slovenia
15) Germany
16) France
17) Latvia
18) Greece
19) Poland
20) Portugal
21) Iceland
22) Denmark
23) Moldova
24) Lithuania
25) United Kingdom
26) Fyrom
27) Finland
Greece is awesome
Rome 2016, I can`t wait! <3
Malta’s entry will go down on the ranking with the new revamped unfortunate version..
Italia along with Estonia will gonna do great in the voting of OGAE fan clubs and are from the hot favorites to win the voting..
Only the refrain is good 😐
I dont like their promo video but the song is fantastic…their voices just amazing…. my favourite so far. Can you believe it..they have more than 17-18 mill. views with many grand amore videos…. and more than 13 mill. with the official one. My top 3 is ITALY first by far and then Spain and Greece.
Yes!!! Go, Italy!!! I would love to see the contest return to Rome in 2016!
Hey, just want to say that Loic Nottet’s song looks like its called “Rhythm Inside”, and a 30 second clip is here:
Obvs its most likely his Eurovision song, and it sounds like it’ll stand out! But since its no confirmation, I don’t want to say for sure
Italy has more than 60 million people, that’s why they are first in this poll.
Italy may win. It is a powerful song, ideally for Eurovision. I don’t agree with a quite common opinion that this year’s edition has been weak/boring so far. Every year there are the same complaints. We have to remember that we haven’t seen the stage performances yet. Even though we have many ballads, there are really good or even great. There are only few songs which I don’t like. So it is at least a good year. I’m fond of (in random order): Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Poland, Iceland, Ireland, United Kingdom, Estonia, Slovenia, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Greece, Macedonia. The… Read more »
Well, italians are not really fanatics of ESC, I doubt here there are so many of them to pull the poll (LOL) but, like we learned many times, the first position in online polls often doesn’t coincides with the real winner. And most of all, as much “Grande Amore” is undoubtedly a good song sung by great voices, is far away from the typical ESC winner.
Italy are the winners so far. Though a few countries still have to choose. I don’t think any other song chosen has the chance to garner votes like Italy. Slovenia is growing on me though.
Forza Italian ????
Last year soooo crazyyyyyy with Armenia entry and nothing happen in the end , with Italy go to happen the same , everytime i am more sure dont go to win
Spain, Estonia ,Georgia, Ireland , Netherland are much better
Italy is my #1 but hopefully will have to share the spot with Mans after this Saturday 😉
Really?? It is just another Italian song. It is so similar to 2013. Italy is not the winner. Estonia or Norway.
There is nothing special. Typical well sung Italian Song. I prefer Georgia and Spain. can’t decide which one
I find Italy’s song overrated tbh
All these polls show is which artists have shared it to their fans and which haven’t.
Really pointless.
@Gus’s Italy has more fans in different countries than Malta. I think we shouldn’t do predictions according to this poll. Remember what happened last year? Leader didn’t pass the semi.
Il Volo all the way. They sing like angels and the song is great. They have millions of fans around the world. They have charisma, are very down to earth and humble. They are the whole package. Three voices – one soul.
Italy is good, but it’s not spectacular for me. Doesn’t have that winning vibe around it, imo. However, we’ll have to see what they do with the 3-minute version of the song – hopefully they don’t cut out a good part!
Italy is the winner. Il Volo ragazzi are the best. The song Grande Amore is beautiful. Italy you are #1
Italy will win thats for sure… The other countries will fight for the 2nd spot
Well italy shared the poll just like malta….
So just skip those two
Sorry Darren, but those headphones are a trademark of Maraaya, just as Conchita Wurst is known for her beard.
I havent seen many people putting Italy at #1 in their ratings but we have to remember you can vote for multiple entries so who knows.
I’m surprised, they don’t appear to be very popular in this website, did they share the poll or something?
Anyway, words cannot describe how much I love them and their song. Italy FTW <3
Italy isn’t a bad entry this year, very Il Divo 🙂 although any song sung in Italian sounds good 🙂
My top 10 (in no particular order)
FYR Macedonia
Slovenia (she better take them headphones off for ESC though)
Belarus (for now)
Rome 2016? That would be cool!! And I love these guys <3