Eurovision’s Greatest Hits takes place in London on 31 March. The one-off concert will see a host of past Eurovision stars take to the stage to mark 60 years of the contest. While the show itself will be purely celebratory, we’ve decided to add a little competition to proceedings by ranking and reviewing all 19 Eurovision entries sung by the 15 confirmed acts. Today the Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of musical unprofessionals — travel to The Hague 1976 to listen to that year’s UK winner “Save Your Kisses For Me” by Brotherhood Of Man. Did we have any kisses to spare? Read on to find out…

Kristín: “Save Your Kisses For Me” was cute and adorable in 1976 and it’s still cute and adorable almost 40 years later. I remember that for the 50th anniversary, this was voted one of the top ten best Eurovision songs ever, and for good reason. Granted, “Waterloo” won the poll, but I prefer this father’s anthem to his three year old daughter, because awwwwwww……..

Score: 8.5/10

Inaki: Another immortal song. A simple, repeated chorus with sweet staging, in keeping with the tastes of the ’70s. But beyond the catchy chorus which has stood the test of time, the song didn’t change the story of music.

Score: 7/10

Robyn: This is one of the few Eurovision songs that has charted in my country, New Zealand (No. 9 in 1976!), so I’m a lot more familiar with it than others of its vintage. It’s an adorable love song, with a clever lyrical twist at the end (Gasp! It’s sung to a small child, not a woman!). The group are like a sanitised version of ABBA, but they’re bringing the good vibes and sharing the love.

Score: 8/10

Judit: I loved this song before I knew it won Eurovision. It’s lovely, catchy and I can sing it any time to almost anyone. Proof that you don’t need a big show, or huge dance moves to make a memorable winner. I loved it in the past, I love it now, and probably will love it in the future too.

Score: 9.5/10

Denise: This song is so, so sweet. The part I like most is the dance. Their leg movements and hand shaking… it’s so simple but so effective and amazing. The message behind the song is adorable, any daughter would be jealous of the little girl.

Score: 8/10

William: Very sweet, and very clever. I was convinced this was about romance until the final minute. The song has aged well even if their look has not, but this remains one of the less memorable winners in my opinion. It lacks the drama of an Anne-Marie David, the wow factor of a Loreen, and the amazing vocals of a Johnny Logan. I give this a 5, and nothing more.

Score: 5/10


Chris: It’s really quite difficult to dislike “Save Your Kisses For Me”. It’s so wonderfully cheerful and, whereas I can understand the song itself maybe not being the most memorable, the staging – whilst incredibly simple these days – makes it stand out head and shoulders above anything else that came before it.

Score: 8.5/10

Patrick: What an evergreen… Even though I wasn’t born at the time, I love it so much. A great mixture of melody, vocals and staging. And I can totally see why it won – they were special, fresh and had a fantastic song. The UK did the right job sending them and they deserved their victory. Love!

Score: 9.5/10

brotherhood of man save your kisses eurovision

Liam: This song holds a special place in most Eurovision fans’ hearts. I also have a special place in my heart for this masterpiece!

Score: 9.5/10

Padraig: “Save Your Kisses For Me” is very much of its time. A sweet and sugary, happy clappy ditty which encapsulates the innocence of childhood. Too sincere for its own good. This is “fun” as defined by Sunday-school preachers. Belongs in the past.

Score: 5/10

brotherhood of man save your kisses uk eurovision

All 18 members of our jury rate each song. However, we only have room to share 10 written reviews. Here are the remaining eight scores.

Angus: 6.5/10

Anthony: 6/10

James: 4/10

Josh: 7.5/10

Mikhail: 8.5/10

Sami: 8.5/10

Sopon: 6/10

Ramadan: 8/10

The highest and lowest scores are removed before calculating the final score. We have dropped a low of 4 and a high of 9.5.




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9 years ago

One of the best songs in Eurovision!!!!!!!

9 years ago

for me this is a timeless hit. it works today as well.. and I think that this song could do well in a modern eurovision contest as well

9 years ago

I am outraged by the low scores of James and William. I can only assume that they were not yet born in 1976, so would not have experienced first hand the magic of that year’s contest.

9 years ago

For me best UK winning song
1. 1976
2. 1967
3. 1997
4. 1969
5. 1981

It so sweet song, and only in last few word of song , you see that this song is intended for little daughter.
UK in 1976 and The Netherlands in 1975 (from that year we have voting from 1 to 12 ) are only countries who sang first in final and won the contest. UK 1976 is record to got 164 points maximum 204 and they 80,39 % of maximum votes that year.

9 years ago

I knew this song before I knew Eurovision even existed. The song is instantly catchy and the performance locks it in as a winner. I love it!