Ireland’s John and Edward Grimes, or Jedward to you and me, have been rul, rul busy lately. But in between their music and film (they’re going to be in Sharknado 3!) careers, they found some time today to visit Facebook Dublin and help launch the ‘Stay Safe on Facebook’ campaign in association with The Diana Awards.
Had A Great Day With @AntiBullyingPro @BarsAndMelody @MarcusButler @OfficialFreshRe and @NadineCoyleNow Thank You 🙂 🙂
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) April 28, 2015
The Eurovision 2011 and 2012 stars were joined by a number of other big-names, including ex-Girls Aloud singer Nadine Coyle and YouTuber Marcus Butler, and of course lots of media. Now as we’ve previously reported, the 22 May Marriage Referendum is a big deal at the moment in Ireland. A number of high profile names including Eurovision stars such as Molly Sterling and Dustin the Turkey have already come out in support of “Yes” vote, which would enable same-sex couples to marry. Unsurprisingly, especially given the nature of the event, the twins were asked for their views on the matter.
Looks who’s joined us on stage it’s only @planetjedward! #AntiBullyingPro
— Anti-Bullying Pro (@AntiBullyingPro) April 28, 2015
Speaking to The Irish Times, they confirmed that they too were in the “Yes” camp, with John saying:
I feel like it’s a massive moment. It is acceptable now. People should vote Yes because there’s no big deal. People make a big deal out of it, but the answer should be Yes.
Edward added that:
The answer should be Yes because everyone deserves equality
The referendum takes place on 22 May, the eve of the Eurovision grand final. Information on how to register to vote can be found HERE (the deadline is 5 May) and more details on the referendum HERE.
Photo: The Irish Times
Hey,I really love Jedward,the pretty twin make many people feel relax.Oh,I am from China,you know what?In China,so many fans don’t mind if they are gay or not.So many hope that they are gay and many say that John is Top and Edward is Bottom.So what?Cause haters are gonna hate hate hate hate,heartbreakers are gonna break break break break Baby I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake.
Oh…I remembered a funny story now that i will share it here since my ”adored” Jedward are twins … 🙂
I knew 2 twins brothers that the one was gay & queer feminem type & the other one was straight & even matcho type..
And all the people that did not actually know that they were two of them they were getting confused when they were seen the ‘same’ person acting so differently.. 😛 This misunderstanding was hilarious.. 😉
When you are get bullied in school have hope that things will change for you once you are done with school & you leave from this sh*thole with the bullies..
Just HOLD ON! It WILL get *BETTER* 4 you! <3 🙂
@ *WTF* Exactly….We had enough of Jedward in our precious Vision.. At fist i did not dislike them but now i do.. The fact that these annoying brats are against bullying won’t make me to dislike them less because as i wrote…It is just only common sense for everyone to be against bullying…Plus as i read here they are gay themselfs so its nothing special that they support gay marriage..! Like helloooo?? Its like Russia when being homophobic & violates al kind of human rights sending songs to our Vision that talk about peace & love…Like GIVE ME A F***ING… Read more »
@ Really nicely written *Calvin*….Beautiful comment you have..
@ *Deven* im really sorry that you was a victim of bad case of bullying…I really hope that you will recover fully & won’t affect you with any way in future buddy..
As a black female I know what it is like to be marginalised in a white society. Jedward have been bullied because they too were different(being gay twins). I dont think people have to prove themselves or come out. That kind of talk is also bullying. why can’t people let people be. Behind all our flesh and blood are Bones. Each skeleton you look at . NO one would never know what religion colour, sexual orientation a person is. Everyone think before you talk.
I love Jedward <3 Lipstick is in my all-time Top 5 <333333333
Reading the title, I actually thought they would come out of the closet (their voices make it sound like they are).
Lol, please tell me more about how “Lipstick was actually a quality entry”. I actually agree with Mario on this one, 2 times were more than enough. Ireland, please spare us our lives from these monstrosities…
Deven, Mario – oh god. That sounds like scheiße. It’s also not an easy problem to make better in the moment. What can be said to anyone who’s currently going through bullying/harassment/the like (even if my not-particularly-wise vantage point as a first-year university student isn’t that credible) is that even if it doesn’t get better (but it will), you’ll get a heck of a lot better at dealing with it. I’m from the U.S., and I had always kind of had an assumption in my mind that it’s universally better for LGBT people in Europe than in the U.S., but… Read more »
@Mario I also got bullied a lot in school. Last year in school was a horrible year in school. I was isolated and slagged off. It got even worse in September after a vicious phone call (I won’t go into huge detail.). That mixed in with intensified bullying was just too much.
But things have gotten better. But I still get slagged off.
it’s kinda sad that their last (and only true) hit was Lipstick..
Oh thank you Darren…. Bullying & to get bullied pretty SUCKS… No one should face this horrific nightmare sh*t…Period.. I know how i felt back then and i can understand those bullied victims that are suicidal or have commited {all the way} suicide because of their martyric bullying.. I really know how it can feel for someone wanting to end his life because of all this suffering.. You grow up years after when you are much older & when you think back then how your bulling was uou really think why it affected you the way it did… But when… Read more »
What about Jedward’s music?
If Ireland don’t qualify another couple of times (which would be a massive shame), just send Jedward. Lipstick was actually a quality entry, Waterline was a bit meh but they could probably get Ireland into the finals again just by jumping around a bit and singing something half decent.
Sorry to hear you got bullied Mario :* chin up! 🙂 Hope life is good for you now 🙂 x
When i was in high school i was getting bullied & it really hurt my confidence..
Most of the gay kids / teenagers are all getting bullied in school..
School is full of mean awful bullies…Whole lifes are damaged because of bullying..
When will the bullying stop??
I really want Ireland to win in Vision as its almost 20 years that the Irish last won BUT i do not want them to win with Jedward though..!
I would not even want them to make a comeback for a third time alone..
We were pretty much enough Jedwardized with these two times…I do not want more piece of them in EuroVision please..
Although i do not dislike their songs though to be honest…Especially the *LipStick*..
The referendum will be passed overwhelmingly 🙂 The atmosphere here in Ireland is actually kind of exciting, if you ignore the homophobic No campaign.
Regarding Jedward, please come back to Eurovision for Ireland? with a self-written song, produced by a Swedish team and I already think we could have a winner. They only failed in 2012 because, well, We had Loreen that year, who was miles better 😛 and because Waterline was a step back after Lipstick, they should have entered with Luminous, like they were going to
I can blame just my pure honesty… I could just avoid posting any comment in this article about them but its really my policy to comment to as many articles i can here on Wiwibloggs if i have the time & energy.. Im even doing real much promotion to Jedward that i posted about them.. The negative feedback about them is still advertising for their image so i don’t think that they mind that.. And they pretty much know with being aware that they are not angels.. Well i have a twin a sister and although we do not look… Read more »
You SHUT UP loser! And how dare you..?? You really have the nerve! I just stated what pretty much everyone thinks about them! That they are annoying brats indeed..! I have seen literally monsters written about Jedward by many people that really hate them & can’t stand them..! Well if how many despicable acts that i dislike thinking that they are indeed obnoxious {like Dima Bilan,Lena Mayer or Aram} won’t make me to actually start liking them for these kind of statements that everyone having just brains on their heads would make..! Its totally expected that they would support the… Read more »
shut up Mario
Thats good 4 them…But ok i don’t think that they would think otherwise…Its just common sense 4 them…They have too many gay fans & even them are gay or bisexuals themselfs possibly..
Their positive stance won’t make me to like them more though & stop believing that they are annoying brats..
Really bummer that they are 2 of them & identical twins..
Personally i would just hate it to have a twin brother that would look exactly like me!!