Padraig: And we’ve arrived in Barbie’s boudoir. The staging is any five year old girl’s dream. Pink cherry blossoms, pink curtains, pink lighting… pink, pink, PINK! Every so often the screen switches to clips from her music video which show Monika performing before her car accident. They help bring home the message, but sadly the song is just too monotonous for us to care.  In fairness to Monika there’s little she can do. The song is a non-event, and I really struggle to see this getting out of the semi.

Poland’s first rehearsal at Eurovision 2015

Chris: This starts off really well, but unfortunately doesn’t really go anywhere. There’s a lovely cherry blossom background with some flowing curtains and Monika looks absolutely stunning. Visually, this is very well done. After that it’s hard to find many positives: The piano player and backing singers don’t charm and the final chorus seems to fall flat, though they may be holding something back. This isn’t a song you’d expect to have any pyro or gimmicks in, so I wonder what else they could do to lift the final third.

Monika Kuszynska: Reviews and Reactions

Poland have performed the final first rehearsal of #eurovision 2015!

A video posted by wiwibloggs (@wiwibloggs) on


Photo: Thomas Hanses (EBU)

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9 years ago

Just a big Meh from me…. Love her but hate the song.

9 years ago

Poland will qualify. Easily.

9 years ago

tbh I don’t really like these pink curtains flowing in the air, seem to be slightly out of place here
Also, I’d make these black tree branches less visible as they seem to spoil the overall impression (at least a bit)

9 years ago

Oh gawd, more trees? I hope some of them get cut down before the final. Otherwise it will be like the 60th annual botanical contest 🙂

So far we have only seen forests and celestial bodies. I guess it’s a good idea for some of the remaining artists (Edurne perhaps?) to use waves and the ocean.

9 years ago

You like which singer pretty boy. You don’t know about music.
This blog is weak.

9 years ago

The thing is that there was no bearded drag queen before and it created quite a lot of media attention. While Conchita’s song was very powerful and staging was very well-done, I higly doubt that she would have won without the media attention and her message she wanted to send by her appearance. And whereas not all gay people voted for her, many I know did because of her message. Anyway, my main point was not about Conchita but about the fact that some of people accuse Finnish and Polish representatives for playing for sympathy votes. As you said, overall… Read more »

9 years ago

Lovely Poland, see you in the Final

9 years ago

I love it!!! After so many dark and had song this is lovely to hear. Its just amazing.
And Monica is sucha a beautiful women! 90% finale !

9 years ago

ORF put Poland and Slovenia on great spot in semifinal, Serbia in first semi didn t have they luck from ORF.
Poland thanks to great spot to sing last in semifinal with 17 countries and many votes from UK, Ireland, Latvia, Germany, Czech Republic will go to final . They deserved final with this song.

Mario ~ My Vision of Gay Love
Mario ~ My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

@ YES…Well said Iberian..
Conchita’s song was hot favorite to win before the contest of Copenhagen..
It was voted the 4th best song behind only few points from the 2nd runner up..
The beard & the drag queen thing could not help Conchi enough itself so to give her the victory if she had a not winning song in her hands..

Well the monsters of Finland won just only because of their suits masks..

9 years ago


9 years ago

Mii, what a lot of nonsense are you saying? Conchita won because of the “sympathy votes from gay community”??? Oh dear… I bet that wouldn’t be enough:
1) Conchita was not the first drag queen at the ESC. Others where there before and failed (Denmark, Slovenia, for example).
2) Conchita DID have a great song and a lovely voice. She won because the whole package was great.
3) Believe it or not: Not all the gays loved Conchita, may gays did NOT vote for her.
4) I dunno why I’m wasting my time answering this comments.

Mario ~ My Vision of Gay Love
Mario ~ My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

@ Well yeah…Last year Conchita did not win only because of sympathy votes from the gay community or whatever…The juries could had simply ignored her & have her not high enough as winner there so if that had happened then Conchita could not win the EuroVision…

And the act of Finland will gonna gather much more sympathy votes than Monika..
I do not think that the number of her song’s sympathy votes will be that high anyway…People will just like her song/performance & beautiful decor screen backround to be willing to give her their votes..

Mario ~ My Vision of Gay Love
Mario ~ My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

Well it doesn’t really matter even if Poland won’t manage to qualify to the final.. I have the polish song currently unfortunately not in my top10 on the 2nd SF although i might change my mind when i watch Monika’s live performance in 7 days.. Its not only the point to make it & pass to the final.. 13 countries overall among the 40 will not have the privilege of giving the present to the final but at least they will show us their own visions 4 their songs in wide scale so we will enjoy them as well along… Read more »

9 years ago

I am still doubtful about Monika’s vocals. But I don’t think her riding a wheelchair will get her a huge amount of votes. People will still base it according to her vocals and she must win it well.

9 years ago

Well, maybe the fact that Monika will perform while sitting on her wheelchair will incrase sympathy vote. BUT last year Conchita also won not because of the song but rather her appearance and sympathy votes from gay community and nobody cared about that. So why some of you are making such a big deal now? The same goescfor Finland. Beyond of that, we do not know whether Monika will qualify to the final – I personally think it can go either way.

Mario ~ My Vision of Gay Love ~ *In The Name Of Gay Love*! :)
Mario ~ My Vision of Gay Love ~ *In The Name Of Gay Love*! :)
9 years ago

POLAND will have the honour to be the last country that will close the live shows of the SemiFinals of this year’s Vision <3 🙂 Couldn't be really a better song than the polish *In The Name Of (Gay)Love* 4 that privilege… <3 🙂 POLAND also will gonna host the grand Final of Europa League in football 4 days after the final of our EuroVision <3 🙂 The Final will take place in Warsow 🙂 Poland has the famous Gay Rainbow sculpture located in the main Savior square of Warsow that was put there in the summer of 2012 when… Read more »

9 years ago

Generally I see now Poland in top 5 with Russia, Denmark and Sweden, while Azerbaijan and Norway were among the favorites, but they are compromised at rehearsals.

9 years ago

The woman looks good

MAR-IO ~ My Vision of Gay Love ~ *In The Name Of Gay Love*! :)
MAR-IO ~ My Vision of Gay Love ~ *In The Name Of Gay Love*! :)
9 years ago

I feel goosebumbs & im starting to feel so much excited about the upcoming live shows of our beloved EuroVision! <3 😀
Just pure chills of joy & euphoria in whole of my gay body! <3 😀
Its coming guys! <3 😀
5 days to go 4 the 1st SF! <3
7 days to go 4 the 2nd SF! <3
9 days to go 4 the GreAtY Big Finale! <3

9 years ago

It’s perfect!!???????? I hope you realise that this is amazing!!!????

MAR-IO My Vision of Gay Love ~ Our Sacred Precious *TREE* of Gay Love That Bonds All Of Us..!
MAR-IO My Vision of Gay Love ~ Our Sacred Precious *TREE* of Gay Love That Bonds All Of Us..!
9 years ago

This theme with the TREE in their backround screens really reminds me of the GreAtY giant Tree that we Greeks had in our opening ceremony 4 our Olympic Games of 2004.. <3 🙂

The part with the sacred TREE is after 43: minute.. <3

9 years ago

the whole “poor girl in a wheelchair” might give her enough points to qualify.. it is unique. But otherwise the song is very generic and bland… I am 50/50 about qualification for this song

Mario My Vision of Gay Love ~ My Vision Would Go Blind Without Music..
Mario My Vision of Gay Love ~ My Vision Would Go Blind Without Music..
9 years ago

Oh now i remembered the German song in the Vision of 2002 that they had sent Corinna May that was blind without Vision…Poor her..

She was adorable & deserved much more points with such beautiful song.. <3

The Vision that the blind Corinna May took part was my very 1st ever live watched {from my teleVision} Euro Vision in my life <3 🙂

Well i can not imagine how tough 4 someone would be if was both disabled & blind…
No one should lose either his precious eye Vision or leg Vision..

9 years ago

Lots of trees at the ESC. Trees and wings.

9 years ago

@Maltish – the fake cough? are you serious?

Mario My Vision of Gay Love
Mario My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

@ Well yes…Maybe she will gonna wear dirty poor ripped clothes so to show us that she is poor and needs our money too except our votes.. 😛 She is like the disabled Cinderella of the fairytale 😛 Well i think that she looks fragile & emotional just because of her song that talks about love so she has to feel very vulnerable & soft to transmit its vibes to the audience.. Look at France 2001…Cyprus 2004…Malta 2005…Ireland 2006…Iceland 2009…Austria 2011…ALL of them had the same weak vulnerable side-feeling that Monika has.. You do not need to feel any dynamic… Read more »

9 years ago

@Nott: Ignorant how exactly. The wheelchair will help her qualify, if you think that’s not the truth then you’re the ignorant one here. It’s quite clear that the cough she had in the rehearsal is fake as can be and is only there to get the sympathy votes.

@wut I’m betting the wheelchair will play a huge part in the staging. Be it either with different camera angles or something else. Of course she isn’t cheating but she and Poland are doing their best to get those sympathy votes.

9 years ago

@ Maltish
Try to listen to her interviews. There are many in English on the Internet. Maybe then you will understand that you are wrong and become less cynical.

9 years ago


9 years ago

@Maltish – it doesn’t matter that she’s on the wheelchair, because you can hardly see it since it’s coverd by her gown. I think that even if she had just stood up and sang the whole damn thing she would qualify. Because this is one of a kind song. Staging is super cute, and, even tho it’s a tree, it is so different from the rest. She doesn’t give a damn about lighting and strobe lights and I like this attitude, cause this is pure art. Stop with the wheelchair thing, she can’t just magically get up so give her… Read more »

9 years ago

@Maltish – you are purposely trying to sound ignorant and pathetic. Nice.

Mario My Vision of Gay Love
Mario My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

@ Exactly *Otna* 🙂
We believe the same 🙂
Your country’s GeneAologY has the big tree of the Armenian HOMOgenic diaspora through the whole planet & the 5 continents 🙂
We still haven’t rated Armenia’s song & it really looks like that we gonna rate it today as there are only 2 songs unrated…Armenia’s & Spain’s..

9 years ago

It’s really all about the wheelchair. Had the wheelchair not been present in the staging, this would be considered a safe bet not to qualify. You can see that she is purposely trying to look weak, in that clip so as to attract even more sympathy votes.

Mario My Vision of Gay Love
Mario My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

So we have 5 countries that have tree screen backrounds.. 🙂
Poland’s tree looks grandiose & impressive! <3 🙂
We will see about how many of these trees we will witness again on the grand final 🙂

9 years ago

Is it just me or that cherry tree looks a bit ‘poor’.
I hope they work on the Polish visuals.

Lovely performance, well done Monika.

9 years ago

The background looks STUNNING despite the #treespam. Those curtains or whatever they are are really glam! I’m excited for the performance and I wish them the best. Good luck Poland <3

9 years ago


9 years ago

Czech Republic..dunno why I said Poland’s naighbor is Poland 😛

9 years ago

God, so many backgrounds with the wood and trees.

9 years ago

This song can go either way really. I have a strong feeling it will qualify, but probably for all the wrong reasons (not being mean or anything). The staging does look very sweet and does suit the song and Monika does look stunning, but song wise, this falls a little flat for me and I just cannot connect with it. Poland has a lot of neighbors in semi 2, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Polish diaspora in Ireland and the United Kingdom, so it should rack up votes and do well with the juries.

9 years ago

What’s wrong with the trees this year? I mean, Armenia has a purple tree, Hungary has a gun tree that then converts to a real tree, Ireland has a golden forest, Switzerland has a weird purple forest and now Poland comes with a cherry tree! It looks lovely, but I think the song is really repetitive. In this strong semifinal, I think it will struggle getting through.

9 years ago

I love the staging! One of the best this year! I think it saves the song and we will see Poland on Saturday!