TVE did it again! The demands of the Spanish Eurofans have fallen on deaf ears. The Spanish broadcaster has announced that Ruth Lorenzo will not be presenting the Spanish vote results this year.
The passionate Iberian followers of the contest launched an aggressive social media campaign some months ago to avoid a repeat of last year’s embarrassing #oitpoints moment from Carolina Casado. As we reported at the time, the presenter had a super cringe linguistic slip-up when announcing the results.
The #oitpoints campaign has failed and TVE has decided to give the vital task to journalist Lara Siscar instead of the brilliant and bilingual Ruth Lorenzo. The journalist is one of the presenters of the weekend news broadcast which has small and falling audiences. We are unaware of her level of English abilities, but she is somewhat of a serious character for the Eurovision style. We might get surprised, though.
And possibly to counteract the criticism of the Eurovision fans, TVE will prepare a dedicated Eurovision package, including live webcasting of Edurne’s performances in the Euroclub and Eurovision Village. To put the icing on the cake, on 23rd May TVE will show the 60th Eurovision anniversary gala just before the grand final.
Will we enjoy #oitpoints again this year?
Nobody mentions the fact that Ruth is a member of the jury ?
And, honestly, the spanish spokesperson is always an highlight especially for us italians because often awards many points to us (thank you Spain!) and are very
very funny in an otherwise boring and flat and endless defilè of ugly faces
What I said wasn’t rude. The fact is you keep making homosexual-like remarks in your comments everywhere over this site, and it really isn’t necessary. Freedom of speech? Ok. But I don’t like seeing your references like ‘GreAtY’. Please.
Ines Sastre,Judit Masco,Jhon Kortajarena,Nieves Alvarez,Andres Velencoso,Ariadne Artiles,Helen lindes,Oriuol Elcacho.etc
We have better options than that nobody woman… At least Carolina was fun.
I don’t understand why TVE hardly ever selects famous ppl to announce the voting results.
Ruth Lorenzo, Elsa Pataky, Penélope Cruz… they are famous in Europe and can speak English.
Lmfao Wozzeck. #BestResponseEver! 🙂
Of course she won’t, she’s parte of the spanish jury. Why the outrage?
True, Carolina Casado was a disgrace for us last year and for that she was pushed in front of a pack of raging bulls. That will teach her. BUT… – At least our presenters NEVER sing (hello Sweden, Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan…) – At least our presenters NEVER rap (Hello Finland) – At least our presenters NEVER pretend to be funny (hello Lithuania, Finland and many other I can’t remember right now, you know who you are) – At least our presenters NEVER say a wrong country and have to correct themselves (hello Lena…) – At least our presenters NEVER appear… Read more »
Estais todas gays, lindas pareceis porteras de edificio
The Warrior Amazon Edurne will seem like our Number #1 Greek Diva Helena Paparizou when she slayed all of her opponents in the Vision of Kiev giving us the victory 10 years ago <3 🙂 ———————————————————————– The article is about Espana so it makes sense perfectly for me to refer to Edurne… I will not gonna wait like 4ever to find the really suitable wiwi article about Edurne or anyone so to post my comment.. ——————————————————- And mainly in too many of the articles here on WiWiBloggs almost NO ONE other user eurofan posts just anything comment other than me..… Read more »
Overall spanish people has low english abilities. They have a hard time pronouncing even the easiest words in english.
the same goes for the greek voting result presenter. Hello Copenhangen. what?
@ Bronson
You are rude…Do not tell me ever again to just stop..
And please do not refer to me again as well… xx
Just because i’m very open expressional in my comments this does not mean that i give really the right to anyone to go and mention my name…Just mind your own business..
Myriam Benedited and Giusseppe di Bella, coreographer and dancer with Edurne, have shown to us the coreography for a FLASHMOB (dance version of Amanecer) that will take place in Vienna next Monday!!! I have just started yo rehearse!!
Mario please stop……
As for this Lara Siscar woman, I generally don’t mind the spokespersons, just as long as they don’t annoy you by taking forever to announce the points (Poland 2011), shriek loudly and unnecessarily (Azerbaijan 2012), are too serious (Montenegro 2013) or try to be funny but aren’t (Slovenia 2013).
Well i would actually prefer if the Grand Final of our EuroVision had more breaks that would last longer..
4 such short breaks to exist it doesn’t allow us to take care of our business properly & we are doing them with so much rush..
Not only that but with the system of voting to get changed & 4 all the songs to start receiving points {except the last one}
i would certainly not mind at all if our EuroVision contest lasted over 4 hours <3 🙂
@ hehe *Otna* 🙂
Glam as you say <3 🙂
” TVE will show the 60th Eurovision anniversary gala just before the grand final.”
Are they serious? Almost five hours of Eurovision’s music? Even for great fans it could be a challenge. I’m always so tired after 3 hours (from excitement) and after 5?:)
The hot sexy gay babe Giuseppe Di Bella that will accompany the Warrior Amazon Edurne on stage of Vienna is the most handsome dancer on this Vision undeniably <3 🙂
Well….I would personally prefer a hot sexy spaniardo gay babe to present Espana’s oit points even if he would have terrible accent & was doing too many speach mistakes…Sounding like a mentally retarded even.. 😛 <3 hehe