Nadia Forde – one of Ireland’s hottest models – has revealed that she is interested in building bridges joining us taking part in Eurovision in Sweden next year. The model/singer/actress told the Irish Independent that she would like to enter the contest one day, and has even been approached several times:

“It’s something I’ve been asked to do a couple of times before but I don’t know yet if I will. Who knows what will happen but the one thing I’ve learned this year is you don’t know what’s going to come your way.

Y’all might be getting a serious case of déjà vu right about now, but don’t worry, it’s not just you. In 2013, Nadia’s name was also in the mix of contenders to represent Ireland at Eurovision in Malmö, although the opportunity eventually went to Ryan Dolan and his well-oiled dancers.

Since 2013, Nadia has been a busy girl: she has worked the Irish panto scene, made a name for herself in the UK on the reality tv show I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!,  and she even had her own show on TV3 in 2014. Nadia Goes to Hollywood followed the model Stateside as she recorded her first single, the electro-dance number “BPM.” Other singles including the haunting ballad appropriately titled “Haunted” show that Nadia has versatility. Her live vocal is… interesting, as you can see in the video below, but it’s nothing some voice lessons couldn’t fix. Anyway, gurl has confidence and knows how to werk a camera!

Even though Nadia is not yet fully certain about wanting to take part, it is a good sign that one of Ireland’s best-known models would be willing to put her reputation on the line and compete for her country, a country where established artists are reluctant to associate themselves with Eurovision, as in the UK. With Sweden having just won the contest for the sixth time, it is now only one victory behind matching Ireland’s impressive Eurovision record. Another win for Sweden in the near future is entirely likely, so Ireland needs to get in the game fast.

What do you think? Should Nadia Forde represent Ireland at Eurovision 2016? Is there any chance of Dublin 2017?

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9 years ago

RTE havent taken the Eurovision seriously for many years. They really shouldn’t be allowed to waste €300,000 of the licence payers’ money on the annual jamboree/ free holiday for their staff and hangers on. They’ll probably host the selection in that pathetic tiny studio on the late late show again with the usual suspects commenting “Oh Europe will love that”….a winner for sure etc……”. National humiliation invariably follows a couple of months later!

9 years ago

I know Nadia and you’s say she wouldn’t care, she would

9 years ago

@Briekimchi: If she’s getting into the fray just for the publicity (her own), then she’s in it for the wrong reason and she may very well be in for a rude awakening.

9 years ago

@WTF: Hozier’s due for a second album in 2016, yes? If he’s got material ready to go into the recording studio with, and he’s scheduled to do that after Sept. 1, maybe he’ll hold out on presenting his next album until he sees what the top ESC contenders are sending, so that he can make the best choice possible on which song to make an attempt to qualify with. Whether with or without him, they would do better to expand their contest to take on a MelFest approach, to give the people more options, whether there be 3 semi rounds… Read more »

9 years ago

Untalented, relentless self-promoter. Going from Molly to her would be a serious step in the wrong direction.

9 years ago

Kat Mahon was better choice for Ireland this year, she woud be in final like Hungary from first semifinal.

9 years ago

Forget Shane or Marcus – go for Nicky who’s pretty much already involved in Eurovision.

@Black n Blue15
Sinead could probably end up being another Hump or Bonnie depending on the type of song she sends.

9 years ago

I never mentioned Shane Filan or Marcus Feehily…absolutely ideal for Eurovision…talented, modern, they have had the peak of their success’ with Westlife, but still are pretty popular, and have a loyal fanbase all over Europe. Plus Marcus’ debut single sounds similar to Andras from Hungary in 2014. Again…sadly, it more than likely wont happen.

9 years ago

@BackinBlue15 I havent heard a word since Janet Devlin left the X-Factor, but maybe your right. I firmly believe it was Kelly Rowland’s fault that she got booted out of the contest that year, because she was devoting more of her time bad putting more effort into Misha B, Janet was pretty much forgotten about that year. I would love to see her represent Ireland with the right song…although, after Sweden won this year, I could only imagine what other commentators would be “Oh she is a cheap Ellie Goulding rip off” etc etc Sadly, I think if Sinead O’Connor… Read more »

Black n Blue15
Black n Blue15
9 years ago

@Darren , interesting that you bring up Janet; she’s been on my radar for a while, apropos who could represent us at Eurovision. With the right song, I firmly believe she could get Top 5, but I doubt she would even do it. Ever since she was booted off the X Factor, she’s been quite outspoken against the show and just the notion of having had to rehearse and perform live for Television, which suggests that the ESC format wouldn’t be for her. Now that we’re amidst the off season I’ll put forward my dream scenario for us! A Netherlands… Read more »

9 years ago

People are entirely missing the point: the UK and Ireland cannot send big name artists because none of them will do it. Our only option is new, unknown artists which, as has been shown, is a massive gamble. Record labels refuse to let artists do it and there aren’t many popular songwriters who want their name associated with Eurovision. It’s a dead end.

9 years ago

lmao @ the comment below me

Paul Dumdee
Paul Dumdee
9 years ago

Is it compulsory for everyone who writes for this site to use the word “y’all”?

9 years ago

i think anything is an improvement from this years performer. I say welcome Nadia.

9 years ago

Ireland is probably going to go through the Late Late show again, they never listen. I think Nadia seems like a good candidate. I really want to see Nikki Kavanagh go for Ireland even if her vocals were shaky last year (her song was really hard to sing). I actually think that Molly Sterling had a great song and was severely underrated but Ireland got the staging wrong again. They concentrate too much on filling the stage and I think they need to go much simpler with the staging – less= more.

9 years ago

Sadly, Hozier or the coronas would never ever do Eurovision. I personally would love Bressie to do it, he can sing, hes a nice guy, he write his own stuff and he is easy on the eye, but again, that will never happen. The 2015 runner up of the Voice UK, Lucy O’Byrne would be perfect for Eurovision. Operatic voice, already known in the UK. So too would Nikki Kavangh, provided she doesnt scream. 2014 Eurosong runner up and former X-Factor UK contestant, Eoghan Quig would be good too, but his last attempt “The Movie Song” was terrible…I’d be happy… Read more »

9 years ago

She looks slutty.

Mario My Vision of Gay Love
Mario My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

Well everyone has become singer nowadays…Everyone can sing even is not professional singer…This gets really lame..
To be a singer has definitely lost its appeal & status…
So Rest In Peace…
We had someday real true artists but now they have ended up like low quality fast food..

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
9 years ago

The Coronas would be good for Sweden.

9 years ago

If the Irish want the contest to finally return to Dublin, they just have to send Hozier…

9 years ago

NO NO NO NO!!! Definitely do not want Nadia Forde to represent my country, she is just a fame hungry idiot who doesn’t care about Eurovision, just getting her face known. I really hope she doesn’t go to Eurovision….get someone who can actually sing and who has a great love for the contest. It will be Kasey Smith all over again if Nadia goes to Sweden. Guaranteed.

9 years ago

just a model who does occassional singing… not what ireland need and not what is needed to win eurovision .. the need a proper artist who can actually sing,be creative and have stage presence

9 years ago

Yeah, I was at the Sweden vs Ireland match, and she sounded pretty good.

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
9 years ago

She sang the national anthem at the Sweden vs Ireland match in front of 50,000 people. That’s a serious plus. With the right song and staging, I see her as a possible contender for Ireland. Here are some points that might stand to Ireland. 1. Unlike Molly Sterling, Kasey Smith and Ryan Dolan, Nadia has TV experience behind her. So looking at cameras shouldn’t be an issue. 2. Her choice of outfits might be a cause of controversy. Especially if she is wearing something very revealing. This could be a problem with the juries though. A bit like Poland 2014.… Read more »

9 years ago

The one thing RTE needs to do is have a national final with at least 10 songs in it. Enough of the junk segments between songs. Ryan Dolan’s last place in 2013 is sadly Ireland’s best result over the past three contests, and that needs to change.

Callum Nowacki
Callum Nowacki
9 years ago

When it comes to Ireland, vocals really are invalid. Need I remind y’all about Jedward? I think Nadia’s reputation would enable Ireland to have a very well established songwriting team behind them, and would potentially gear a win. Not to mention the media interest. It’s a win-win for RTÉ. A good result and some cracking ratings.

9 years ago

Not Katie Price 2.0 PLEASE.

9 years ago

Nadia fordes voice is actually really good live but ye just happened to pick the one bad video. Their are much better videos of her singing live. I really hope she represents us I have always wanted her to in the past. !

9 years ago

Damn 8) well if she wants, she should. Then we at least can see a beauty.

9 years ago

to eurovision Ireland must go nadia forde

9 years ago

She looks fab, but her voice. Ouch..