Austria’s The Makemakes might have come last at Eurovision 2015, but they totally won us over in the press center. We interviewed Dominic, Markus, and Florian (or, as they say, “Dodo, Markus, and Flo”) after their second rehearsal. They told us about the origin of their nickname, the creative process behind “I Am Yours”, their upcoming album, and what it is like following in the footsteps of 2014’s winner Conchita Wurst. You can watch our interview with them below, along with a second interview from the Eurovision red carpet.
Hello wiwiblogs 🙂
We have something for you… a mysterious trailer that makes verybody wonder if The Makemakes are going Hollywood now…
many many greetings from Austria!
It was a good, solid song and deserved to do better than it did but they have shown themselves to be good-humoured and did not take themselves too seriously. Countries such as Russia, Spain, france and Greece could learn a lesson from them, this is how you make friends!
But hey….
At least MakesMakers made history with being the first act from a host country of any Vision that not only finished last {as this had happened already again in the past with another act of a host country } but with finishing with zero nul points..
So my congratulations to them 4 this GreAtY record & achievement.. <3 🙂
They should be proud of themselfs because even with this negative & not flattering milestone they will be remembered.. 🙂
And NO i do not think that even Russia could save this from finishing not necessarily last one with zero points but from the rock bottom of last places…
The real problem was THEM and not the song itself..
If another austrian artist that would be sympathetic & not despcable like them would sing this song then it would have better fate in the scoreboard i guess..
They really looked creepy..
*Lost + Forgotten* of Russia in the Vision of 2010 was beautiful… <3 And the singer Peter Nalitch was such adorable babe… <3
Russia deserved even much better place than 11th..
In ways i even like it more than the winner *Satelite* of Lena..
See? Now i am the one that likes a song that you do not like..
It goes like this..
@Alex – Yep, remember the Russian entry in 2010?
The 0 points was totally undeserved. If it were Russia it would’ve been in 10th place.
@ Better than Conchita’s winning song??? Ok……………. Well everyone has his own taste & preferences i guess… And yes with the same aspect i have witnessed people to not like *Euphoria* even.. Its only relevant about what songs anyone of us really likes or doesn’t like.. I have seen so many times eurofans to not favor masterpieces 4 songs & actually favor really dreadful bad songs.. But i rest my case.. Austria’s song objectively was not a truly bad song…But it was not that good either…And the fact that it was performed by such not sympathetic act like this band… Read more »
Actually, their song is now one of my favorite 2015 eurovision songs. It’s just so mellow, calming and has a lot of charm. Their other songs are pretty kool too.
They – and their song – was SO much better than the winner last year! 0 points or not, that is my opinion.
If all the songs got points and we count all of the places..
Except the last one that would take zero..
Austria finished on last place only in 2 countries {Holland & Montenegro}
Overall with this system of points finished with 279 points ahead of UK that finished last with 228 points, France that finished 2nd last with 239 points,Albania that finished 3rd last with 277 points..
So if we see it like that they were not robbed at all…They even got more points than they deserved really..
Ok…4 the record…Their zero 0 points indicated only that none country had them inside the top10 that would earn them actual real points.. They finished 11th on few countries…In top20 in multiple countries.. 4 example : if they finished 7th in juries & 13th in televoting overall this result could had them 11th.. I would not call failure the fact if a country had finished 11th on all countries when they were 27 whole songs.. If this scenario could truly happen you could blame only the unfair voting system that allows only 35% of the songs to get any points… Read more »
You could really see how unpopular these were during the pre contest season before the live shows as here on wiwibloggs the articles about them attracted very few or just ZERO comments at all… And its pretty ironic that in a way a person like me cared more than them although i dislike them when i accepted to post a comment about them and all the other eurofans didn’t care at all to write anything.. Anyway….And i really do not care if they go again to Vision really.. They can do whatever they want actually.. Oh…And i noticed that their… Read more »
They didn’t deserve to come last with a fat zero. Their song was very good and the guy’s voice was awesome. Yes, they didn’t stand out but last with 0???? cmon!
@ Well Deban is pretty cool guy & i really like him as persona..
Its NOT Deban’s fault definitely..
I feel sorry about poor Deban that he had to interview these pricks..
It is really obvious with just seeing them & they can’t hide that..
I truly believe that the televoters refused to vote them just because of this reason..
Thank god that the Vision of Vienna is OVER now so fortunately we said farewell goodbye to all these despicable acts like them..
Now im in recovery phase actually… 😛 hehe
Oh they are just awful.. I really dislike them unfortunately.. I was not sad at all that they finished last even with zero points.. I had them as last ones in my own ranking anyway.. Leonor of Portugal {& her own song was boring as hell…Not injustice at all that she did not qualify to the final..} had complained on her fb page about their ”unfair” result writing ZEROES of our times…. Well just enough with the nonsense please.. I checked analytically the data & their song did not finish really last one… UK was the real last place…{as i… Read more »
Sorry, but the interviewer is really annoying. I don’t mean to be mean, but God I felt sorry for those guys – you could tell they were really uncomfortable especially the third guy.