The officials at Junior Eurovision have just unveiled the logo for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2015 which will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on November 21.
The logo is inspired by Bulgaria’s natural beauty and is a dandelion being blown by the wind.
BNT Director General Viara Ankova said “…it shows how Bulgaria’s young people are the seeds of the future, venturing out from the safety of tradition to explore and discover a new future for themselves and for us all.”
We love the mother goddess realness at the heart of the message, uniting music and nature in the form of the flower.
The concept, Ankova says, is based on creativity and natural human curiosity:
“From our experiences we discover our inner selves, our passions and our aspirations. We live in a technological world with horizons and opportunities ever expanding.”
Bulgaria won the bid to host the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2015 after Italy declined the offer and will stage the event at the Areena Armeec.
BNT teased the event with a teaser trailer released a day prior to the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in Vienna.
This logo is beautifuñ
Yeah I can see where they are coming from, but it is definitely going to be a tough task to incorporate the entire country into the show. Malta was basically a city-state so I can see why they did it there, but I still think it should be “Sofia 2015”
I hope this move doesn’t creep into the adult Eurovision, I prefer that on a host city basis
Yea, they addressed that. Similar to Malta 2014, Bulgarian officials stated they want to encompass all of the country than just one city. I can understand for Malta cause its small but Bulgaria is bit bigger. We shall see how they capture all of Bulgaria then.
Absolutely loving the the theme art for JESC 2015, looks so modern! The only thing I dont like, is the way its is “Bulgaria 2015” instead of “Sofia 2015”, I know its only a small thing, but it looks like a provisional logo until they pick a Host City. Either way, I am looking forward to JESC, it will be the first edition that I am going to watch, mainly because my country, Ireland is making its debut. Sofia looks like a great host city and the Arena looks huge. Bring on November! Hopefully the winner wont refuse the right… Read more »
Great Logo! Italy has confirmed their participation, now we are up to 11 countries. Wouldn’t it be funny if Kristiana Krasteva (Jesc 2008 Bulgaria) hosted AND the other host sing the former Bulgarian JESC songs, and Kristiana her own?
Nice logo! interested to see how they will use it in the graphics for each country.
Good job neighbors! The theme and logo is great and I cannot wait to see what else you guys show us 🙂
Seems that the JESC logos are gradually improving. This one is very thoughtful.
Great! Now it is only pending that Sofi Marinova accepts to host 😀
Wow! That is beautiful!
its less junior than the earlier version. i like it
Technically Malta bid to host it too, even though they just hosted it, so yeah, they did win.
i love the way the article says Bulgaria won the right to host the contest .. As if any one else wanted to host it
are all future esc hosts going to hashtag their slogans because we need to put a halt on such travesty.
I really like the meaning behind discover, it is what I like to do too.
And the logo is very symbolic and cool too, I like what it stands for. It is not too cheesy, it has a deeper meaning.
Building Bridges- eat your heart out!
Amazing work Bulgaria 🙂 They will be great hosts 🙂 Hope JESC will be good like in 2014 🙂 Last year it was my first JESC ever I saw 😀
Nice logo! 😀
@Wiwi – you guys should make a poll for JESC hosts, and JESC shows of the past so we can see which shows were the best and not the best in the past. I’ve always been curious as to how people think about previous editions. IMO the best JESC editions were:
2012 Netherlands;
2010 Belarus;
2011 Armenia;
2014 Malta;
2013 Ukraine
Beautiful. Well done. This might be the best JESC logo to date.
It’s beautiful 🙂
Love it.
Very glam <3
Love the logo!