Ding dong!!! In a historic ruling, the US Supreme Court has held that marriage is a constitutional right for ALL. This means that, for the first time, same-sex couples all over the United States can now channel their inner Krista Siegfrids and ask their other halves to “marry me baby”. Before this morning, lesbian and gay couples could only marry in 37 states. Now they will be able to do so in all 50. The Court’s decision has been greeted with much celebration, and #LoveWins was trending worldwide on Twitter. President Obama was one of the first to use the hashtag and tweet his support. Many more followed suit, including a whole host of Eurovision stars. We’ve rounded up a selection below.

Krista Siegfrids Ding Dong Marry Me Kiss Gif

Conchita Wurst – Austria 2014

#LoveWins ??

A post shared by conchita (@conchitawurst) on

Anggun – France 2012


Måns Zelmerlöw – Sweden 2015

mans zelmerlow tweet love wins

Krista Siegfrids – Finland 2013


A post shared by KRISTA SIEGFRIDS (@kristasiegfrids) on

Mika Newton – Ukraine 2011

Love just won!!!!! ?????

A post shared by Mika Newton (@mikanewton) on

Lena – Germany 2010 and 2011



Margaret Berger – Norway 2013

Better late than never ????

A post shared by Margaret Berger (@margaretbergerofficial) on

Ruth Lorenzo – Spain 2014

Duncan James from Blue – United Kingdom 2011

Yes it does 🙂 ????? #Repost @ritaora with @repostapp. ??? Love wins all ??????

A post shared by Duncan James (@mrduncanjames) on


Ivi Adamou – Cyprus 2012

Sanna Nielsen – Sweden 2014

Love is love! #lovewins ??

A post shared by Sanna Nielsen (@sannanielsenofficial) on

Sakis Rouvas – Greece 2004 and 2009


Katrina Leskanich from Katrina and the Waves – United Kingdom 1997


Hannah Mancini – Slovenia 2013



Malena Ernman – Sweden 2009

Bianca Nicholas and Alex Larke from Electro Velvet – United Kingdom 2015


Tamar Kaprelian from Genealogy – Armenia 2015

Tamar Kaprelian tweet love winsEmma Marrone – Italy 2014

Olivia Newton-John – United Kingdom 1974

Olivia Neton John Love wins


Marija Serifovic – Serbia 2007

Marija Serifovic tweet love wins

Richard Herrey from The Herreys – Sweden 1984

richard herrey tweet love wins


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9 years ago

@ Well if your love 4 EuroVision was ruined by us & our so called gay propaganda then your love was not that big or too real anyway i guess..
Bye Bye..

9 years ago

sorry for post again some is wrong when I will change writing it posted

Sorry Wiwibloggs Mario and others I will leave your gay page now
you have ruin all my Eurovision love with your gay propaganda
I’m so sorry for that!

9 years ago

Sorry Wiwibloggs Mario and others I will leave your gay page now
youu have ruin all my Eurovision love with your gay propaganda
I’m so sorry for that!

9 years ago

Sorry Wiwibloggs Mario and others I will leave your gay page now
tou have ruin all my Eurovision love with your gay propaganda
I’m so sorry for that!

9 years ago

@ David Thielen
Well these Whys will always exist in any blog here on the internet..
We are just hopeless as people i guess..

9 years ago

@ Well im really afraid for you that your wish will not be reality..
If you have an issue against gay people then the opposite could happen & to have homosexuals wanting for all of you straight people to be gone from the planet….Im sure that you wouldn’t like it…Would you? So shut the f**k up & get lost you b@st@rd..

9 years ago

You cannot boo and then say “my, I’m too shy for negative comments”.
If LGBT fans are more passionate does not mean they own the show, the 200 million audience is no representation of those. Anyone thinking the opposite is just blind.
And further booing will harm the competition a lot. Will be interesting to see if the boo blocking machine is kept in Sweden show.

9 years ago

I hope, in the future, only str8 viewers will watch ESC. No gay fans, no marriages for gay people. Naturaly, only man and woman can have a child. I hope, there will be no gays in the future. It is against nature. I support str8 people and I think, gays are only fashion and in next 50 years they will no exist.

David Thielen
9 years ago

Why on earth do we have all these comments that are negative. We just saw an extraordinary expansions of civil rights in a large company. We are all living in historic times. This calls for celebration.

And something this gigantic – it’s appropriate in most every blog.

9 years ago

@John “And with this, many same-sex couples would like to get married, and churches will need to offer this opportunity. If they don’t, they’ll be breaking the law.” American churches do NOT have to offer the opportunity. The SCOTUS decision says gay couples can get married in all 50 states. It does NOT say they can get married in a church that objects to it. Sorry I misunderstood your intent, but you’re still spouting the Fox News line about how this is going to work. And it’s still wrong. In America, marriage licenses are issued by state governments, not by… Read more »

9 years ago

Eurovision is a song contest! So tired read about other things at Wiwibloggs! Stop spam, stop writing about sexuality, write about music! Most of the people watching Eurovision is straight and most of people in the world is straight!

9 years ago

I’m glad gay couples can finally get married in all USA, but this has nothing to do with Eurovision. Eurovision artist tweet all the time about everything, like we all do. Are you now going to write an article about what Greek ESC artists say about referendum in Greece on July 5? Or massacre in Tunisia? I guess not.

OH Great :-)!!
OH Great :-)!!
9 years ago

@John: I agree. I come from a heavily Christian country and Same-sex marriage was recently made legal by the state and hence Same-sex couples could marry each other only with the state ( For obvious reasons the church does not allow Same-sex marriage ) There’s already been one gay couple who have forced a pastor to marry them which Obviously goes against the law of Christ and let’s just say that the pastor who carried out the marriage isn’t a pastor now. Gay couples will want to be married by the church and in the end it will happean, which… Read more »

9 years ago

@mawnck, we don’t have fox news in the UK, but I know that it spreads homophobic lies and is pretty much appealing to the lowlives of America who want to listen to constant lies and crap. Plus, you’ve missed my point entirely. With the US allowing this to happen, they are also allowing churches to marry same-sex couples. And with this, many same-sex couples would like to get married, and churches will need to offer this opportunity. If they don’t, they’ll be breaking the law. And so, they’d have to either go against their religion or go against the law.… Read more »

9 years ago

“and churches are now being forced into marrying LGBT couples.”

Fox News watcher, I presume?

Needless to say, this statement is absolutely untrue. No one has EVER forced a church in the USA to marry ANYBODY for ANY reason, and it isn’t going to start now.

And why would it? Why would anyone want to get married in a church that doesn’t want to do it?

Hanner McSinny/Calvin
9 years ago

And none of us are sick of comments like “this combination of Eurovision and gay makes me sick?” I could sure as hell live without them.

9 years ago

“Ese afan tan humano de repetir lo que hemos escuchado nos lleva en ocasiones a no prestar atencion a lo que estamos diciendo.Cuantos veces hemos dicho aquello de “mas vale pajaro en mano que ciento volando”sin pararnos a pensar que un pajaro en la mano pierde su razon de ser.Si todos llevamos dentro nuestro propio pajaro.¿no tendriamos que haber asumido ya cierta perspectiva aviar para entender que realidad vale mas un pajaro volando que ciento en la mano?Si fueses pajaro lo entenderias.

9 years ago

This is getting difficult. I don’t read Mario’s comments & I suggest if you don’t like him, you should just skip over them too. Now that so many people are commenting on Mario’s gazillion comments, it is getting very hard to filter them out. Guess, I will just have to skip the whole comments section.

OH Great :-)!!
OH Great :-)!!
9 years ago

@Mario: Leave buddy, you’re sincerely the worst Homo I’ve ever had the pleasure to interect with. You honestly give a bad name to everything you like with your spam. You and Nicky1991are possibly the worst thing to ever happean to this site. Why the hell do you think anyone wants to know what you do in bed and what your relationship with your mother is? Nobody wants to know this. Nobody at all. The gays I know, including you, all want to make their sexuality abbubdently clear and it’s honestly getting on my nerves. Wanna suck some male cock. Do… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Mario
“I have you on my not list with the unwanted users actually”
that’s really funny, I’ll give you that one – judging from your popularity on this site, this list must be very long. thanks for cheering me up a bit, you’re hilarious

9 years ago

Also, can I just point out that theres some sort of forced culture happening in the USA due to this legalisation. Many southern states are extremely religious and anti-LGBT and churches are now being forced into marrying LGBT couples. If we want equality, we need to accept what everyone wants.

The news is great to hear, but the equality is still not truely there.

Btw, I’m speaking as a bi guy btw, before you people decide to oust me for being ‘homophobic’, I’m all for equality but in the right way.

9 years ago

Eurovision has ALWAYS been a family friendly show (I bet you’re too young to know that), still it can also be an LGTB friendly show – one thing doesn’t necessarily preclude the other one.

9 years ago

Can someone please put a spam blocker on articles. Say something like maximum of 7/8 posts per article before you are stopped from posting.

9 years ago

@ Nott
Well judging from your other comments here you are not likable user for me either..
I have you on my not list with the unwanted users actually..
You dislike me too so at least we agree on this fact….Lets move on..

9 years ago

@ Well *Goran/Maltish* It is SONG contest & not family friendly pg show as you claim.. Enough with this family thing cr@p.. Our EuroVision is actually pg13 and not a cartoon or children’s movie that is really family event.. Excluding the gay scene if we include all this sexual explicit content it can be seen as pg15 on certain cases.. So if you want to really blame us gays for ruining your beloved family show go sell your hypocricy & nonsense elsewhere.. And YOU shut up…You absolutely do not have the right for that.. Keep trolling the place here like… Read more »

9 years ago

Eurovision is a contest for everybody, both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Anyone claiming otherwise by identifying it as either a ‘straight’ contest or ‘gay’ contest is simply a fool. I hate it when politics and ideology overshadow the musical aspect of the ESC.

The amount of glaring ignorance and irrelevant drivel on this site has been on the rise recently, it’s become ridiculous to read some of the comments here.

OH Great :-)!!
OH Great :-)!!
9 years ago

@Peter: Please shut up buddy :-). Eurovision is not a Gay man’s contest and I hope you and your type go away and find some other hobby instead of turning a family friendly show into a gay circus act. Oppression of gays does not exist unless people like Mario constantly blab about how GreAtY being gay is. I do not give a single poop about what you do in bed but please do not interfere with a *SONG* contest and turn it into a *Sexuality* contest. If your type ( LGBT ) is so huge in population, why don’t you… Read more »

9 years ago

People complain about gaying things up just because they’ve never had to hide to kiss their beloved one. Marriage is great, but that won’t make homophobes extinct. To everyone complaining about this very stupid thing, gaying things up would be a thing of the past if you truly supported homosexuals. It’s all about letting homophobes know that we exist and that we are SO MANY. You needn’t be gay to hold a rainbow flag, so please do it. Not to mention that almost everything else besides Eurovision is hetero as fuck. That’s OK though, I get it. Now I ask… Read more »

9 years ago

Hannah Mancini is such a hypocrite. She could have sang “Straight into GAY love”, but she didn’t. And now she is applauding?!

I also miss approval by Dima Bilan, the Anti-Crisis Girl and Polina Gagarina.

9 years ago

USA now becomes the #1 most populated country in the world that legalized gay marriage.. Now 18 countries in the world have legalized gya marriages.. 11 of them are in Europe {These are Belgium,Netherland,Denmark,Sweden,Norway,Spain,Iceland,Portugal,Luxemburg,France,United Kingdom} Adding 3 more that are Ireland, Slovenia & Finland that although have approved the law to legalize gay marriages have not passed it officially yet.. I believe that soon enough every single country in Europe will legalize either gay marriages or civil partnerships 4 gay couples & even allow them to adopt & make families.. Of course the rest world like the latin american countries… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Oh and dude about the ‘GreAtY’… 😉
But you did like this 😛 hehe..

Well i must have not posted that many comments here anyway.. 😛
I think that my other troll clone of mine posted here how many comments pretending to be me 😛 hehe.. 🙂

9 years ago

@ Well…I don’t do that in every article or in that many articles anyway..
If i think myself that i have something interesting to post i will do it..

And its not like many other members post frequently…Many articles here have always so few or none comments at all…It seems that too many users do not care to write anything…But I do..

9 years ago

Why does Mario always post 1000’s of comments on every single post? I like reading the comment section, but damn, enough is enough.

But Wiwibloggs, it’s a GreAtY article lol

9 years ago

By the way, you did GreATY Padraig that you posted this WiWi article here.. <3

You all do amazing job guys & i have really beautiful blast time with being member of the community.. 🙂

They Can't Stop The Rising Gay Spring
They Can't Stop The Rising Gay Spring
9 years ago

4 the record, there were 9 members judges in the court that decided whether to or not legalize gay marriages in whole America.. 5 votes YES & 4 voted NO…So there was a slight majority thankfully.. But if they had voted NO gay marriages would still remain legal in the 36 states that already legalized them..And their NO would not stop from the rest states to legalize them as well soon enough…It would just only take longer for whole America to legalize them in all 50 states nationwide.. But i strongly believe that it would get appoiunted another new meeting… Read more »

9 years ago

@ mawnck
Well ok…As u think..
Im witnessing that Hillary is getting much hype & popularity already…She will definitely be really strong candidate 4 her fight to win the elections…Her chances wil be much more judging from the fact that America has NEVER had before any woman 4 president..
So thats why i think that Hillary has the package to be the next american president..

9 years ago

@ mawnck Well ok…But according to the over turning the gay marriages in America if Republicans win the elections i do not see this happening AT ALL… America has decades fighting 4 gay rights with having the procedure of legalizing gay marriages that lasted 11 years till now.. I do not think that the republicans have the power to erase all this effort just like that and ban gay marriages in a\whole America…That would be totally madness & outrageous…Pretty much impossible to happen… They will have no other choice than accept the already work of Democrats and move on with… Read more »

9 years ago

It’s a great accomplishment.
Next step is to recognize group marriages. Just like there is no reason for marriage to be limited to opposite gender couples, there is no reason to limit it to couples only. Number 2 is not better than 3, 4, etc.

9 years ago

“Hillary Clinton is the absolute hot favorite to win the next american elections and become the next president of America in 2016”

Oh you are SO naive. If only it were true …

9 years ago

Repost. Apparently I said a bad word the filterbot didn’t like, and I think I know which one it is … Just FYI, Mario, gay marriage isn’t happening in all 50 states yet, although legally it should be. The state governments of Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and some counties in Alabama are still holding out, based on bogus technicalities. (Some cities are issuing the licenses anyway.) Mississippi is considering not issuing marriage licenses AT ALL rather than issue them to gay couples. We ain’t quite there yet. Don’t underestimate the stubbornness of America’s Conservative dodo brigade. This might get uglier than… Read more »

My Vision of Gay Love #GayLoveWon ~ Big Thank You USA
My Vision of Gay Love #GayLoveWon ~ Big Thank You USA
9 years ago

After Mr Obama ends his 8 years reign Hillary Clinton is the absolute hot favorite to win the next american elections and become the next president of America in 2016 <3 Not only USA will have the first woman president but the first lesbian too as Hillary is either bisexual or lesbian.. Hopefully soon enough we will have the first gay man serving as president of USA <3 GreAtY 4 America that gave the light to humanity according to gay rights all these decades since the Stonewall of 27 June 1969.. <3 If we did not have the americans helping… Read more »

9 years ago

@Mario re: Referendum public polls It’s a lot more complicated than that. We don’t set national policy by referendum in the USA. That’s up to Congress, who are elected in largely gerrymandered districts (in favor of Republicans) by the people who actually go to the polls on election day (again, Republicans). Support for gay rights is indeed increasing, but it’s not enough yet to guarantee that this will stick. Republicans control both houses of Congress now, despite getting several million fewer total votes … and if a Republican becomes President next year, they’ll get to choose a Supreme Court justice… Read more »

My Vision of Gay Love #GayLoveWon
My Vision of Gay Love #GayLoveWon
9 years ago

Well it took over 11 years to legalize gay marriages in whole USA <3 Here is the timeline.. The very 1st american state that first legalized gay marriages was back in 2004.. 1/50 No other state did that in 2005-2006-2007.. 2 more us states followed in 2008.. ~ 3/50 3 more followed in 2009.. ~ 6/50 No other state did this in 2010.. The state of New York legalized them in 2011.. ~ 7/50 2 more states did this in 2012.. ~9/50 And the next year 2013 we had the big bang with 8 states doing this.. ~ 17/50 In… Read more »

9 years ago

Guys you are overreacting & its you that are the drama queens now at least this time..
So just let it go & chill out…Like jeez..

9 years ago

Well of course if there was a referendum public poll in whole America i have my doubts if there would be over 50% majority of the voters that would back up gay marriages in USA…But im positive that they WOULD make the majority though…Times have changed & the latest years the percentage of americans that support gay rights have increased dramatically..

9 years ago

@ Well if i suspect that Mans might be bisexual & seeing Ryan Dolan as my baby as im big fan of him anyway makes it just nothing wrong 4 me though…
You can think whatever you want for me & i don’t care..

Well thank you to both of you for the ‘flattering’ words of yours…
And not all gays eurofans are like me so here this makes another stereotype that YOU make..

9 years ago

@mocosuburbian is absolutely right, on all points (American politics AND Eurovision). If given the opportunity, the Republicans will definitely undo today’s decision. Some of the Republican Presidential candidates have already promised to make every effort to do so. I hope you all don’t get too offended when I tell you that us straight American fans always cringe whenever Eurovision is presented as a “gay thing” – because if that attitude catches on, then the ESC is effectively dead here. It gets shuffled off to – if we’re lucky – LogoTV, which a majority of Americans can’t even pick up. More… Read more »

9 years ago

GJ America! <3

Nice to see Tamar included in there – at least one Armenian representative is glam…

9 years ago

ouch sorry forgot your username it’s not @okthanks it’s @ohgreat I think

9 years ago

@okthanksetc.etc. I’d agree with that (it doesn’t relate to the article though) it seems like people new to the contest are seeing it as being connected to the LGBT rights movement where it shouldn’t be at the viewing event at the Austrian Embassy in Washington DC this year there was a huge crowd from our LGBT community as compared to last year (10% of the city is gay/lesbian/bi) who all came in expecting that the ‘show’ would be filled with drag queens and pride floats, and the only song people cheered for was Serbia’s because it fit that stereotype. most… Read more »