More than a month after Eurovision, we are still finding footage from our YouTube inventory. Today we turn to Lithuania’s Monika Lynkyte and Vaidas Baumila, who stopped to have a chat with us on the Eurovision 2015 red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony. Wearing his-and-her tuxedos, they were in good spirits as they joked about what they do when the sun goes down at Eurovision. Apparently she read books and he partied. No word on whether they practiced that on-stage kiss after-hours, though it did seem to get longer and longer as Eurovision season progressed…
Red Carpet interview
Even more Monika & Vaidas footage
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Photo courtesy of Prinz Blog
This duet was #1 in my top 40. <3 I loved their song so much! So much positivity and it was the only performance (followed by Italy) that gave me goosebumps. I really had high hopes that they'd reach it to top 10, but sadly, Eurovision is more of a political contest right now. :/
12 points to Lithuania from Norway!
(literally, if it wasn't for the jury Lithuania would've gotten 10/12 points from the televotres. Like I said, this is a political contest.)
They had a cool song & a cute charming performance..
It might didn’t work great 4 them as they could do possibly even better..
Its just that their live performance with the gay kissing seemed cliche & pretentious to the juries especially so that why they were not voted enough so to finish in the top10 & get points by most of the countries..
They received points just by 7 countries out of the 39..
Their 18th place from the 27 songs of the Final is not bad at all result though 4 them..
Vaidas is beyond awesome. He’s having a fight with a Lithuanian millionaire who is basically homophobic. I totally adore him for standing up for the LGBT community, plus he’s an amazing performer! <3