Despite failing to score a single point at the Eurovision Song Contest, Austria’s The Makemakes haven’t stopped moving. In recent weeks they’ve released a mobile game app, their self-titled album and a new single “Little Is Much More.” Handle that, haters!

In keeping with their image of beards and long hair, The Makemakes have gone for pop with a rock edge on their debut album. Influenced by Thin Lizzy, Bill Withers and Bruce Springsteen, Dodo, Markus and Flo ooze rock authenticity with their 13 original tracks. Standouts include “Merry Goodbye”, “Heartache” and “Pathetic Peace Song”.

Their current single is “Little Is Much More”, which reflects their pop-rock philosophy. You can’t call it catchy or infectious, and they certainly aren’t bending over backwards or adding vocal riffs to impress.

Thankfully the accompanying music video gives the song lift. The Makemakes take you on their life’s journey — via a skateboard, a surfboard, and even a giant whale. “Little Is Much More” is perhaps the lightest offering. Its lyrics show three men hungry to taste the world’s delights, which come in many ages:  “Oh I tried to kiss a college girl but it didn’t feel as good, so I had a taste from an older woman, but it wasn’t understood.” We’ve all been there. 

The Makemakes in Vienna


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9 years ago

I genuinely think The Makemakes had one of the most classic and beautiful songs in the last 5 years. Just because it wasn’t upbeat or with a huge note at the end doesn’t mean it was a boring song. The message was such a sweet one, and I still love listening to it now, ahead of Greece, Montenegro or Serbia.

9 years ago

@ Well they must took many votes in televoting..
This amount of votes simply was not enough to have them inside the top10 only when we had 27 whole songs on the Final…
People had way too many songs to vote from and their limit of just 20 votes per person prevented them from voting others also favorite liked songs of theirs..

They were too creepy…Their performance presense was too dark..
Having them burning a piano on stage was not the best promotion to attract many votes either..

9 years ago

Am still surprised that they did not get any televoting points in Vienna. They have a very popular, mainstream brand of music that they perform well. It is not the sort of thing that I would normally listen to but I can appreciate that it is pretty good.
On a sidenote, all of their other songs seem to have a bit more oomph to them than the one that they chose for Eurovision…

9 years ago

To the articles’ topic: I really disliked them…MakeMakes were one of my most disliked acts in Vienna’s Vision.. I certainly no way expected them to not only finish in last place but with zero pints even.. Although i couldn’t care less really.. Their song was my least liked on the final anyway.. I was not fan at all of Austria’s entry this year unfortunately.. Last year we had the amazing fabulous Conchita & this year it all went down with this despicable group of 3 these not sympathetic guys.. I really do not want to imagine how worse they could… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Yeah..
Maybe all these too many videos could be shortened out & keep only the ones that are truly necessary..
I face hard time especially on the wiwi articles that contain too many videos..

With no offense though..
Its just a friendly notice 4 WB’s prosperity to its users readers…

9 years ago

Why does every page of the website contain a gazillion of youtube links? This makes wiwibloggs a really tough user experience, as everytime I want to scroll down, I get pushed back up with each item that is loaded.

9 years ago

When does the results in Wiwivision come