Ruth Lorenzo is one of Spain’s biggest music stars and a proper Eurovision diva. In the last few weeks she has been busier than ever. Currently slaying the pack on Your Face Sounds Familiar, and having just released her video for the awesome “99”, Miss Lorenzo now has a new single called “Echo”! Don’t call her lazy…

Lorenzo’s new pop tune reminds us that she really has the X-factor. “Echo” serves a strong uptempo beat that completely destroys her Spanish pop competition (yes, Edurne, I’m talking to you and your so-so album). This song has hit written all over it, and I’m quite sure it can compete with new pop sensations such as Ariana Grande and Rachel Platten if it reaches the US market.

Ruth, you’re the whole package. Your new hit is still echoing in my ears. We at wiwibloggs are really “getting to the skies” with your talent!

Ruth returns to Eurovision?

Recently on Twitter, a fan suggested that Ruth could go back to Eurovision, and she said she’d promised to do so – an answer that thrilled her fans.

“Echo” very neatly comes in at around three minutes and has an epic Eurovision sound to it, leading fans to wonder the song is a serious contender as Spain’s entry.

Would you like to see Ruth back in Eurovision? Could she win with “Echo”? Share your thoughts below!


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9 years ago

Underwater videos … original indeed … as if Beyoncé had never done it like twice actually … I rather stay with Sade’s “No Ordinary Love” instead …

9 years ago

No problem, Ruth, we don’t want you to keep the threat…sorry… the promise you made. Stay where your are and above all: stay away from Eurovision, you’ve had your chance, now it’s time for you to be less selfish and let others have a try.

9 years ago

Well, I am not an expert… Its a good song but I think Spain would need something more latino, something that can be recognised like ours, our roots, our spirit, our hot heart… You should think that we act among a lot of songs, most of them very similar, so we need something different, something special… and nobody can show the latino spirit better than us. From my point of view, the best representative would be Enrique Iglesias with a song similar to Bailando. We need to lead Europe onto the dance floor! That would be a winner show. But… Read more »

9 years ago

We are in peace Eurofan, no problem, I love ruth but I am not a fanatic.
What do you think about Pablo López? Tu Enemigo?

9 years ago

Escphanie… the funniest is that I would be happy if Ruth sings back at Eurovision 🙂 It is only that I would be happier if enrique iglesias, monica naranjo, malu or ricky martin go. She already had her opportunity. Nothing more than that. On the one side I admire Ruth because she is a fighter and works hard… but on the other side I disagree with her followers/fans/hooligans who dont admit that she is doing great on TV… but tanking with her last album. So it is too soon to say that she is one of the biggest artists in… Read more »

9 years ago

As Ruth is not going to Eurovision 2016 I would like that Pablo López ( chosen this year for Eurofans) go with:
Awesone song with beautifull lyrics and sensational music¡¡

9 years ago

Greetings for you too
It was an interesting exchange of opinions, not necessary to fight but just talk dont think so?? Even if we dont agree it doesnt matter. Byeeeee

9 years ago

The problem sergio is that RTVE has, as one of its non-written rules, that part or all the song must be in Spanish.

9 years ago

Yo soy de los que criticó su canción Dancing in the Rain en 2014 por ser monótona y antigua, pero esta canción SÍ que me gusta y se nota desde lejos que este “ECHO” apunta directo a RTVE para “re”sonar en Eurovision 2016.
A mí ya se me ha quedado en la cabeza. Genial. Ah, y que vaya íntegra en inglés.

9 years ago

Pastora…one more time…you only talk about TV goals… we agree in that.
As singer total flop!! Get over it ????
And one more time…she was in spain several years ago, just after xfactor…and she had to go back to UK because she didnt reach anything. So she didnt start one year ago, i would say instead that she is having a second oportunity… but so far with no success…as singer!!! But she will be the best Spanish tv jury ever 🙂

Pastora Soler haha!
Pastora Soler haha!
9 years ago

Is not true eurofan

She started in the UK 7 years ago… But in Spain only 1!

In 1 year she did a lot of things, tell me another new singer who is every day in TV… none. She is so lucky, of course thanks to Eurovisision, but ESDM also was in Eurovison and… where are they?? xD (and they had a success career before!!!)

She knew how to use that experience, and she is doing well.

9 years ago

My dear pastora…i love you. Congrats on your recent baby. She is not only famous for eurovision…also for being jury on telecinco??? Lol. But why do u think she got that job? Yes! Thanks to eurovision my friend. And please dont make me laugh! Starting her musical career? My dear pastora…she was at xfactor in 2008!!!! In 7 years malú got to be one of the big sellers of albums in spain…and pablo alboran too. But ruth in 7 years has not got anything important as singer apart from eurovision. I agree with you…she has a big future on tv…… Read more »

9 years ago

Juanje. Primero de todo, hay q estudiar mas y mejorar el ingles para q todo el mundo pueda enterarse. Dicho esto yo distinguiria entre ruth cantante y ruth personaje televisivo. Todo lo q yo he hablado es sobre la ruth cantante, porq esto es una web eurovisiva, no formulatv. Sobre el personaje de la tele, coincido contigo y con escphanie 100%, tiene un buen representante q ha sabido mantenerla en la palestra. Ahi no digo nada. Como cantante, y este es el origen de todo, la noticia, ruth no puede ser considerada ni una de las mejores artistas de españa… Read more »

Pastora Soler haha!
Pastora Soler haha!
9 years ago


what are u talking about??

She is in all the spanish TV channels, of course she is so famous right now!!

Not only for Eurovision, she was a jury of a TV show, now a strong contestant in Tu Cara me Suena, a lot of interviews… etc.

She’s starting her music career and yep, she is not Malu or those singer u said (who never ever ever want listen about Eurovision), but is growing fast.

Pastora Soler haha!
Pastora Soler haha!
9 years ago

Go Ruth!!

But I prefer Diamond Doors


9 years ago

Mira eurofan, como eres españolito te hablaré en español. Si no te gusta Ruth Lorenzo, tienes la posibilidad de no entrar aquí, es más… No perder tu tiempo leyendo sobre alguien que según tú, es un fracaso, que no vende, o no es nadie. Das noticias sobre algo que ha escrito un blogger, que seguro sólo tú lees (uno de los 5 fracasos en discos). Tengo que rectificarte en muchas cosas. Otra cosa no, pero Ruth es una cantante que ha venido sin ser conocida y se ha quedado. Tardará más, menos, pero cada día se habla más de ella.… Read more »

9 years ago


If you think so … ok get over it¡¡
And you say that I am stubborn hahaha now you make me lough
Bye friend

9 years ago

Escphanie you are so stubborn…the hype was because she was open to go back to eurovision next year.
Eurofans would love to see monica naranjo at eurovision…much more than ruth…but we have lost our hope because she is totally reluctant. But i can guarantee you that if monica showed the interest that Ruth showed…monica would get world TT!!! Dont forget it!! 😉

9 years ago

Alex, conchita won eurovision and ruth finished 10th.
Get over it 😉

Álex, from Spain
Álex, from Spain
9 years ago

Brequette lost the national final, and Ruth won it.
Get over it.

9 years ago

I have not said that she sowed her interest after the TT, I just said that all these hype about that she wants to go back with Echo is due to this TT.
She has never been closed to return and you know it but she never said that it would be in 2016 or 2017. I can secure you that she has not in her schedule Esc 2016¡¡

9 years ago

The news is a summary. Read all the interview and you will check that the journalist and ruth both talked about 2016.
You said that she showed her interest after the TT and i have demonstrated to you that you were wrong. Its fair that you admit you were wrong. Dont be stubborn

9 years ago

Eurofan 1/ I have never said that she be one of biggest musis stars but that for us, people who follow her, she is¡¡ I said that unfortunatly she began her carrier in Spain in the worst crisis moment ( and you know) 2/ It is completly true that in Spain foreign stars are much better valued than spanish one. ( and you know) 3/ You dont have the correct information,or you want to distort it, she never said to go back this year in the link that you show above (that I have readen one month ago too) but… Read more »

9 years ago

Escphanie: 1) i dont understand you…she is one of the biggest artists in spain or spanish public forgets spanish divas??? Firstly you tell one thing…and then you tell the opposite. Please make your mind up! 2) i dont have the absolute truth but all i have said is true. Sorry to make you feel badly. 3) once again…you dont give correct information. The TT was last Saturday no? Ok…ruth showed her interest about being back in eurovision in 2016 not last Saturday… but LAST MONTH! You can see the news below. So she showed the interest and about 1 month… Read more »

9 years ago

And she is not thinking to go back to Eurovision this year all these hearsay are because Ruth fans asked to RTVE last suterday by twitter RuthLorenzoAEurovisionConEcho and it was TT. That is all.

9 years ago

Not in USA but South America, and certently I am glad to make you laugh….. this way may be you will forget your cynicism because only that feeling can be the reason to your words about Ruth before, same as general spanish public who prefer always to foreign divas than ours. Please…. do you think that you are the only true in this world??

9 years ago

In america??? Hahaha
Her american family or friends when she lived there or who???
Oh my god…you made me laugh so much. Thanks!!!

9 years ago

Ouh! One last thing… she said that she would be back in eurovision in 2017… so if she is currently thinking about going back there next year is precisely because her album Planeta azul (blue planet) has been a flop. In fact it is considered one of the 5 biggest flops in 2014 in Spain. If you speak Spanish you can google this news.
So please…if she has changed her mind about eurovision to be back next year is to try to relaunch her failed album and also her musical career.
She is nice…but we must be fair.

9 years ago

Eurofan, may be she is not one of biggest musis stars for you but for many of us she is. Unfortunatly she begun her carrier in Spain in the worst musical market crisis period and even so she is in all TV shows, she received ESAEM 2015 awards for her debut album Planeta Azul, she is crossing Spain with her concerts, In America they are asking for her to have concerts there… Which country do you live in????

9 years ago

One of biggest Spain’s music stars??? Too famous for eurovision??? Sorry friends, which country do you live in??? She is very far to be considered that…maybe in 10 years…but not now. She should reach similar goals as reached by Malú, Pablo Alborán, David Bisbal or Enrique Iglesias. Her last album has been a flop and i have never seen her giving a concert in a big stadium or something like that. And please… be right… she is not too famous for eurovision… she was famous in spain for the big public thanks to eurovision… which is completely different. Echo sounds… Read more »

9 years ago

I think she’s too famous for Eurovision now. But she said she always keeps her promise so I guess she’ll do it.

9 years ago

lovely- she needs to forget eurovision now and concentrate on her career- she is far too good and talented for eurovision!

9 years ago

lovely- she needs to forget eurovision now and concentrate on her career- she is far too good for eurovision!

9 years ago


9 years ago

Nice song.Ruth Lorenzo has such beautiful voice and she is so talented artist.
Would love to see her again in eurovision.