During the final of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2015, Armenia’s Mika showed us how to love. Slovenia’s Lina Kuduzovic brought us some Frozen style realness. And Belarus’ Ruslan Aslanov sang of magic. But in the end the night belonged to Malta’s Destiny Chukunyere and her winning song “Not My Soul”.

She’s brought Malta a well-deserved second win. And it’s also the sunny Mediterranean island’s second victory in three years. Two out of three ain’t bad!

Malta wins Junior Eurovision 2015: Reaction


Junior Eurovision 2015 final scoreboard

The full results are as follows:

1. 185 points – Malta
2. 176 points – Armenia
3. 112 points – Slovenia
4. 105 points – Belarus
5. 93 points – Albania
6. 80 points – Russia
7. 79 points – Serbia
8. 64 points – Australia
9. 62 points – Bulgaria
10. 51 points – Georgia
11. 38 points – Ukraine
12. 36 points – Ireland
13. 36 points – Montenegro
14. 36 points – San Marino
15. 35 points – The Netherlands
16. 34 points – Italy
17. 26 points – Macedonia

Junior Eurovision 2015: Destiny Chukunyere interview in Sofia




Photo: Elena Volotova (EBU)

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9 years ago

I think Muxu also wrote Gaia Gauchi’s song, no?

9 years ago

I may be late for this, but I do believe this is Muxu’s first winner at either ESC contest, no? That being the case, I gather we’ll be paying closer attention to the contenders who get his songs for the 2016 MESC.

9 years ago

The whole thing was set-up, as it was last year. Neither the song last year represents a normal Junor, nor the one this year. This songs are not songs which should be even categorized with some of the others. Last year a 12 year old italian boy, singing about his lost love – what does he know about lost love at 12?! And this year – No no no, not my soul – how is this a Junior song? Last year definite winner should’ve been Krisia with Planet of the children – best text, written by herself, a real Junior… Read more »

9 years ago

Very happy with the results. This was my top 17:
1. Malta
2. Bulgaria
3. Slovenia
4. Georgia
5. FYR Macedonia
6. Albania
7. San Marino
8. Armenia
9. Russia
10. Ukraine
11. Australia
12. Italy
13. Netherlands
14. Ireland
15. Montenegro
16. Belarus
17. Serbia

9 years ago

Destiny deserved to win, but (my favourite) Lina and Mika also deserved to win. I feel sorry for Shalisa (from my country). She sang fantastic and was totally underrated!

9 years ago

100th comment!
Congrats to Destiny and Malta! Lol I predicted that they would do well when the singing order was determined :)) A well deserved winner too! My top two this year has got to be Lina from Slovenia and Destiny from Malta. The top three were well deserved this year too! 🙂 Let’s see if Malta hosts, and if they can pull off an even better show & stage than this year and when they last hosted JESC in 2014!!!

9 years ago

This is the most comments I’ve ever seen on a post. 🙂

9 years ago

when there is no nieghbour voteing malta will win … hope it will be the same in the big contest ..

9 years ago

Haven’t you noticed that on even years at ESC and JESC the quality of the songs is better and simply the show is better. Make the comparison yourself.

9 years ago

I wasn’t expecting Malta to win, I thought Armenia would have won. Glad Slovenia got third, I feel the presentation and maybe the running order let prevented them from being a winner.

I was very surprised by San Marino’s performance, really should have been top ten. Ireland and Ukraine were also underrated, how did Georgia do better than them?

9 years ago

I pretty much covered the countries that are with very different placement than my own in my first post. And yeah, I pretty much agree with you about the placements however I don`t like the generalization that you make and that`s why I pointed it out. But it seems I have taken it too far so yeah
Dropping it 😉

9 years ago

@EugeneESCUK, if that`s your opinion why involve the whole “West/East thing”? You could have just said that and that and that country were off from my predictions and are under/overrated because of… reasons! But instead with that POSSIBLE explanation you generalized the whole thing. Something totally uncalled for. The winners were right and the rest was within expectations with few surprises. I doubt anyone has pushed for the East particularly. If you said that some country in particular was pushed up or down I won`t argue but the whole “Simply because the country is from the East it get these… Read more »

9 years ago

Every year the country that I don’t want to win, wins. Last year I wanted Bulgaria or Slovenia to win, yet Italy won. This year I really hoped Georgia or Australia would’ve won. During the voting I’d rather have Armenia as winner, yet Malta won again.

9 years ago

People, remember this is JUNIOR Eurovision. Your opinions on songs are not going to resonate with 10 year-olds – of course they’re going to prefer fun songs like Armenia and Albania, and find songs such as Ireland’s boring. So stop complaining about Eastern/Western blocs and manipulation of jury votes, because children have very different opinions to ours.

Personally, Malta was the deserving winner the whole time. I’m very happy for Albania too.

9 years ago

Very happy about Malta’s win, it completely stood out from the rest of the songs! Obviously some of the eastern countries only did as well as they did due to neighbour/diaspora votes. I’m not saying Armenia or Belarus’ placings were undeserved, but in a fair world Malta would have been way ahead of Armenia! Disappointed about Ireland and the Netherlands….also completely baffled by Albania’s 5th place…….I mean….really?! I was certain after watching the performance that they would be bottom of the scoreboard and they got the quietest cheer of the night as well. Utterly confused. Overall a good winner, though.… Read more »

9 years ago

I’m from the Netherlands and I’m laughing about your comments tbh… Ireland was my 15th place. I thought it was boring and not rememberable.

ESC 4ever
ESC 4ever
9 years ago

Again,i’m so happy for Albania !! <3 It was my favorite ever……!! Greets from Belgium.

Orinoco Child
9 years ago

Malta is officially the Sweden of Junior Eurovision.

9 years ago

I couldn’t watch the live show, but I watched now all the performances. Malta was one of my favorites since they revealed the song, and Destiny totally deserved to win!! About the performances: Serbia: So great! At the first, I thought that the song wasn’t right for the beautiful Lena’s voice. Lena is a great singer, and everything was excellent in her performance. Specially her vocals. Georgia: That was so wrong. This formula doesn’t work for Georgia anymore. They should keep just the girls, because they did a great performance, but that boy was so annoying! I can’t believe that… Read more »

9 years ago

Kamilla from SM expressed her sadness on insta

9 years ago

Glad that Malta won with a well deserving performance. Sad that Italy placed so low: even though they didn’t deserve to win, second to last is a very harsh result for two very talented girls with high potential. Sad that Australia placed so high with a more than mediocre overproduced song: the €BU has obviously decided to do whatever it takes to make this country successful, even though they don’t belong in the contest and enter with bad songs.

John Christian
John Christian
9 years ago

The JESC 2015 Results (in my opinion):

Deserved: Malta, Netherlands
Overrated: Armenia, Slovenia, Belarus
Underrated: Australia, San Marino, Ireland

9 years ago

Interesting that people who watched Junior Eurovison 2015 by internet at offical EBU Junior Eurovison site, didnt hear first 5 songs . Almost simillar happened in 2011 in Dusseldorf in first semifinal in adult contest, when people in participating countries hear the songs of first 5 songs, but they didnt hears commentators from Dusseldorf.e

9 years ago

Wow! It was a really fantastic show and we got a great winner! I must say that from the first time I heard the song it blew me away. Serbia , Ukraine and then Malta and Slovenia were my favorites , I think Ukraine was really underrated and Serbia gave a moving performance but anyway. The top 3 was rational and Belarus had a fantastic performance. I didn’t expect Albania coming so high! San Marino and Ireland were also underrated in my book. Congratulations Malta!!

9 years ago

I think it was a well-deserved win for Malta. I am also glad Albania made it to the top 5. I don’t get people complaining it was too simple. Does every performance need fireworks, dancers, props or things exploding on stage? Of course not (just answering myself in case I wasn’t clear enough :)). I could agree a couple of dancers wouldn’t hurt, but hey she showed she was more than enough. The same goes to Malta, Slovenia and Belarus, all of them in top 5. Yes, only the singer by himself/herself alone can do it. Simple is not bad,… Read more »

9 years ago

In last 2 contenst we saw that last place is reseved for one of ex yugoslavia countries last year Croatia, this year F.Y.R. Macedonia who was last in 2013. Georgia who had good result is out of TOP 9 , 10 this year and 11 last year. That kind of song with they send in past , didn t work for them like they work for Armenia with similar song , Armenia was 3 rd last year this year on 2 nd place. We saw that Ukraine is not good after their vicotry 2012, this year only 11 , last… Read more »

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
9 years ago

@sarah latvia 2015?

9 years ago

She was the right winner. good song!

9 years ago

Junior was better than the senior one. The senior one has too much ballads and pop crap this one has alot yes but the unique ones that stand out do well albania and malta where good examples different genres but did well no one is taking risks in eurovision anymore and when they do they get destroyed by juries or it is a bad attempt eg. Uk 2015. Someone needs to bring reggae into eurovision like reggae fusion pop song that will do the trick

Calum Macleod
Calum Macleod
9 years ago

Destiny is truly stunning! Adult Eurovision needs a soul singer who can kill it on stage and when she eventually becomes old enough, she is just the right person to do it, and give Malta a win!

9 years ago

Yes, I know its a music competition, and the songs that I like wont always do well, but Its the beginning of a trend, wait and see. We seen it with Azerbaijan when they debuted in 2008. The controversial countries always get Top 10. Australia is overhyped, if you do not believe that, thats your own opinon but they are, even on Eurovision sites such as this, and many others, it is always Australia that people talk about. The evidence is clear. We are supposed to like them

9 years ago

@Eugene Absolutely, but when it comes to Eurovision I wouldn’t say they come under the “Eastern European” banner as it were. They’re their own thing really. So pleased for Slovenia coming third.

Mario = Legend
Mario = Legend
9 years ago

Firehunter talking utter trash, just for a change. ???? Please.

9 years ago

Ummm… Am I the only one who can’t stand that song?

San Marino 14th? What? I guess that’s because it’s San Marino, but it was definitely underrated.
Ukraine as well while Australia is overrated. The song is so lame.

9 years ago

Result of ESC 2008 were very rational, results since 2009 were manipulated by jury. Results of JESC 2015 are 100% false.

John Christian
John Christian
9 years ago

I was happy that Malta wins and I hope Australia, Slovenia, and Ireland will compete again in the next JESC in Malta.

9 years ago

The people who complains about Australia getting two top 10 placings in the two ESC-related events this year and especially those who think it is fixed because “the EBU wants us to like Australia” ; are you guys serious? Why is it so hard for some people to grasp the fact that Australia got top 10 two times? They are FAR from the only ones who achieved this and to be honest, it’s really not that big of an achievement (though they should still be proud). The two top 10 placings at ESC and JESC this year were both very… Read more »

9 years ago

1. Malta (=) 2. Armenia (=) 3. Slovenia (+2) 4. Belarus (-1) 5. Albania (+9) 6. Russia (-2) 7. Serbia (+1) 8. Australia (+2) 9. Bulgaria 10. Georgia (+6) 11. Ukraine (-4) 12. Ireland (-6) 13. Montenegro (+2) 14. San Marino (-2) 15. The Netherlands (-3) 16. Italy (-7) 17. FYR Macedonia (-4) This is the difference in placement from my last top (based on jury voting night). I have underrated 2 songs and overrated 5. I didn`t top Bulgaria as my own country. All in all I am happy with the results 🙂 I am still surprised for Albania… Read more »

9 years ago

Armenia last year was much more tight and framed, but now they bought votes or otherwise falsified results. Also Malta did the same. The whole performance was chaotic and humdrum slamming.

9 years ago

So happy for Destiny and of course for Malta!! It was obvious it was going to be between Malta and Armenia but I’m really glad they won in the end as her voice was amazing – I can’t wait to see the Junior Eurovision next year hopefully again in Malta -Oh and a massive well done to BNT and Bulgaria for being incredible hosts it was a fantastic show 😉

To Wiwibloggs
To Wiwibloggs
9 years ago

When I enter the site it first opens some “checking your browser”, is it a virus? Or are you just checking the browers or what

9 years ago

@Eugene They clearly meant Balkan, which aren’t Eastern European. My thoughts on Ireland’s score, it was a technically great song but it IMO it was just a bit dull. With that genre of song it’s marmite and in a kids contest even less likely to do well. I hope they return next year though.

9 years ago

People complaining about the Eastern countries dominating the top 10…well, Malta (usually considered Western) STILL won despite having more Eastern states.

Either way, San Marino shouldve placed higher…Kamilla’s confidence definitely got knocked and I would fear her parents right now. At least they received their 1st 12 Points Ever and placed better than Italy.

9 years ago

@ESC I know right? Thought I was the only one who noticed this. It just amazes me how English speaking countries, such as Ireland, United Kingdom and to a lesser degree, Malta do not do so well…yet Australia seems to pull it out of the bag every time…a little suspicious, just saying. I hope I am wrong, I love ESC..but Australia WILL WIN soon, maybe not next year or the year after but definitley within the next 5 years, its obvious, we are all supposed to like them for some reason and the EBU wants the cash they splash at… Read more »

9 years ago

@Cathal (again)

Didn’t I say something about you being to pessimistic? And your thing abou “if the Netherlands sent our song it would have done well”…
Eh hello, I don’t know if you watched the actual event but The Netherlands got 3 places lower than you. You are even more succesfull than a country that has already participated alll the 13 times.

9 years ago

Malta – chaotic slamming
Armenia – weak and oversized

9 years ago

When are the split results coming out??

albb jane
9 years ago

YAAAAAYYYY Albania 5-th Im soo happy
Love the top 3(thought Slovenia was my 2). OMG Destiny’s voiceeee is AMAZINGGG
Astralia deserved Belarus 4-th place.

9 years ago

@Darren you just wrote my thoughts in Australia. I’m glad I’m not the only one on the boat. Hopefully it’ll be a disaster so they’re forced to pull out In 2017

9 years ago

My top 5 were Serbia, Ukraine, Malta, Slovenia and Belarus, so I’m pretty happy for Malta, Slovenia and Belarus, but raging at how underrated Serbia and especially Ukraine were 🙁