After months of discussion and speculation, it’s now official that 43 countries will participate in Eurovision 2016 in Stockholm next year. This matches the record number of countries we saw back in 2011 and 2008.
Countries at Eurovision 2016
In addition to 39 of the 40 countries that took part in Vienna, 2016 will see the return of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Croatia. As all of you Iberian Eurofans already know, Portugal withdrew from next year’s contest. The special 60th anniversary guest Australia will be back for the second time.
The biggest surprise might be Croatia, who last took part in 2013. This is also the first time since 2012 that all the Balkan countries are in the contest. Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose latest entry is from 2012, will send Dalal Midhat-Talakic, Deen and Ana Rucner to Sweden.
Poland Eurovision 2016
:))) Beautiful BALLAD :)))
It’s time for Croatia and Bulgaria to qualify for final, they deserve it 😀
Amazing news! So thrilled to have this many countries back! If only Turkey would’ve been among them and I would’ve been even more happy.
@Robyn: I thought Klapa s Mora (Croatia 2013) was going to qualify that night as well.
Wow that’s definitely gonna be a lot of songs to listen to and doubt the semis are gonna be a dogfight. But then again there were 40 who took part this past year so we’re really not too far off I suppose.
@eugeneESCUK What? The rules have been broken. How can that be awesome? You should complaining.
Personally I am very happy there are so many countries participating. I can’t wait to hear all 43 songs.
Robyn, I loved, & still love, Mizerja. It is such a beautiful song.
Let me rephrase that: Are 19 countries a record for most countries getting a 12-point score from any country in a single Grand Final?
@Sarah: I gather that you expect a low-scoring affair, like in 2011, when 221 points won, the points being thoroughly distributed throughout, with 11 countries scoring 100, last place scoring 19, with only three 12s being sufficient enough for AZE to win (BIH had 5 of them, ITA 4). Is 19 the record for most countries getting 12 points in a single contest?
Hopefully one day… Turkey, Slovakia, Portugal, Andorra,… also return!
I don’t think there is a big breach of deadlines here, remember Croatia never specifically said no, they were always “undecided”, and largely remained silent. When the EBU confirmed 41 countries a few weeks back, it was assumed Croatia were not included because we thought Bulgaria were in there. However as Bulgaria was not on the original list, Croatia must have been and therefore probably submitted within the deadlines anyway. Bosnia were given a specific extension as they clearly had an aim to participate. and Bulgaria, whilst not on the original list had just hosted Junior, so it is clearly… Read more »
44 with the guest 2015 country, Sina
Yes! Yes! YES!
Norway 2009 had the highest score out of all the ESC winners ever, that cannot be done by 10 countries voting for you.
Very unfair to talk about neighborly voting and blocs when the last 4 years 3 times the contest will be held in Scandinavia.
So what if Bulgaria makes it to the final – they only qualified once
So what if Croatia makes it to the final – haven’t qualified since 2009
So what if Macedonia makes it to the final – they have last qualified in 2012 and before that 2007.
your argument is INVALID, it is not that much about Bloc voting as it is about diaspora DEAL with THAT.
I’m still holding out for at least one more nation to join the party. I prefer it if each semi final had the same amount of nations instead of having 16 in one semi and 17 or 15 in the other. Still, this is already shaping up to be an awesome contest. Can’t wait!
Firstly Bulgarua toying with my emotions on whether they were participating to Croatia returning out of the blue this is shaping into possibly one of the best ESC ever! I just hope my country Australia pick a good enough contestant to compete with so many amazing and more experienced countries (especially the Balkans)!
a good thing is that the voting in Dusseldorf was really good with 43 countries
hta off sweden i thought that they would only have 39 countries haha.
mad-profesor: but all Nordic and Soviet countries (except Latvia) proceeded. 2013 was a big blockfest.
Now with 43 countries it will be a bigger blockfest.
The last time Sweden hosted none of the Balkan countries reached the final.
Winners in years with 43 countries:
2008 Russia
2009 Belarus for Norway
2011 Azerbaijan
But it is time to leave the Nordic realm so I can live with that. However I hate block voting, Nordic as well as Eastern block voting. It is sad that Western, Central and Mediterranean European countries are already scre*ed.
Happy to see Croatia back. Their songs are always great, but sadly underrated. I think odds are more favourable for Albania, Bosnia Hercegovina, Serbia, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia and Azerbaijan next year.
More countries, more block voting….. yay xD
Second year in a row that Eurovision gets bigger while haters from Eastern countries told that Conchita would kill ESC.
However the East is bound to recapture it. Balkan and Soviet block is in again completely for the first time since 2011, when Azerbaijan won.
Australias participation makes it easier for other countries to participate as they take a larger slice of the necessary budget contributions/participation fee.
With 43 countries, Australia should definitely be in the final.
18 countries in each semi. 18 in one, 19 in the other is unfair on whoever is in the 19 one.
And just think! If Portugal hadn’t withdrawn we could have had a record of 44! Or if Turkey and Slovakia had returned…
Very happy about Bosnia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Ukraine returning, less happy about Australia but all these other countries makes that fact easier to swallow! For a moment I was also expecting a Lebanese debut – that would have been very interesting.
I loved Miszerja too, and am so happy about Croatia (and Bulgaria too obviously) I kept saying Croatia was most likely.
Now we just need to work on Turkey, Slovakia and Portugal to reach the 46 limit, and first ever COMPLETE esc
@Davve: With all of the Yugoslav republics and Bulgaria in, and Ukraine back as well, it could possibly tip a bit toward the East. We’re probably going to see another nul-point score in May with this many entries. Has any country come away empty twice in the Grand Final since the 12-point system was instituted in 1975?
I think a Western European country will win again in 2016.
I’m rooting for a Slovenian win, which is now even more possible with all this Balkan support!!
This is such an overwhelming news, I am filled with so much happiness knowing next years ESC will surely be a great fun and entertaining with 43 countries, the more the merrier. I just hope its not yet late the Portugal may still change their decision 🙂
This is all kinds of awesome
It was known that Bulgaria will decide the participation to 27th November.
But the biggest surprise that Bosnia – Herzegovina and Croatia SUDDENLY confirmed participation.
I would not be surprised that Sweden had paid the participation of these three Balkan countries, because EBU wants to as many countries participating in Sweden, because EBY think that Sweden is a “strong country”. 😀 😀 😀
So much for deadlines…
But regardless this is awesome!!!
I am crying. Thank you!!
Bosnia & Herzegovina have a really strong chance to win, as long as they pick the right song. Ring up Željko Joksimovi? right now I reckon