UPDATE AT 15:30 CET: RTSH has revealed the songs early. You can listen to all of them here.

UPDATE #2: Vote for your favourite in our poll.

It’s December and that means it’s time for Albania’s Festivali i Këngës — the first national selection show for Eurovision 2016. For the very first time, broadcaster RTSH will present the songs to the public before the actual shows. In fact, we’ve already heard a small number of the songs on Albanian radio this morning. It seems that RTSH is slowly pulling itself into 2015. Among the songs are some with a contemporary edge. And those that sound dated only hark back to, say, 2005 rather than 1987!

The songs will be presented at 16:00 CET today on the Gjithçka Shqip show on Radio Tirana. You can listen to Radio Tirana here.

FiK 54 will consist of two semi-finals — to be held on 25 and 26 December — and then a final of 18 songs on 27 December. Pandi Laço, Gresa Pallaska and Blerta Tafani will host.

This year’s edition includes plenty of newcomers. Egert Pano, Enxhi Nasufi, Dilan Reka, Egzon Pireci, Besa Krasniqi, Edea Demaliaj, Andi Tanku, Nilsa Hysi and Aslaidon Zaimaj — the winner of The Voice of Albania 4 — will all debut.

Festivali i Këngës 54: The semi-finalists

Semi-final 1

  1. Egzon Pireci – Triumf (Triumph)
  2. Simbol – Artiste (Artist)
  3. Voltan Prodani – Dëgjoje këngën o atë (Listen to the song oh father)
  4. Adrian Lulgjuraj – Jeto dhe ëndërro (Live and dream)
  5. Sigi Bastri – Ëngjëll i lirë (Free angel)
  6. Dilan Reka – Buzëqesh (Smile)
  7. Luiz Ejlli – Pa mbarim (Without end)
  8. Nilsa Hysi – Asaj (To her)
  9. Orgesa Zaimi – Një shishe në oqean (A bottle in the ocean) 
  10. Erga Halilaj – Monolog (Monologue)
  11. Florent Abrashi – Të ndjek ç’do hap (I follow your every step)
  12. Teuta Kurti – Në sytë e mi (In my eyes)
  13. Kozma Dushi – Një kafe (A coffee)
  14. Aslaidon Zaimaj – Merrmë që sot (Take me right from today)
  15. Egert Pano – Mos ik (Don’t go)

Semi-final 2

  1. Kristi Popa – Ajo ç’farë ndjej (What I feel)
  2. Klodian Kaçani & Rezarta Smaja – Dashuri në përjetësi (Love in eternity)
  3. Revolt Klan – Dashurinë s’e gjejmë dotë (We can’t find love)
  4. Jozefina Simoni – Një det me ty (A sea with you)
  5. Andi Tanko – Dielli vazhdon të më ngrohë (The sun continues to warm me)
  6. Niku & Entela Zhula – Muza
  7. Genc Tukiçi – Sa të dashuroj (How much I love you)
  8. Evans Rama – Flakë (Flame)
  9. Besa Krasniqi – Liroje zemrën (Free your heart)
  10. Enxhi Nasufi – Infinit (Infinite)
  11. Flaka Krelani – S’je për mua (You’re not for me)
  12. Renis Gjoka – Ato që s’ti them dotë (What I cannot tell you)
  13. Lind Islami – Për një mrekulli (For a miracle)
  14. Eneda Tarifa – Përrallë (Fairytale)
  15. Klajdi Musabelliu – Ndodh edhe kështu (It also happens this way)


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9 years ago

25 semifinal 1 , 27 semifinal 2 ,29 final in this month december in 20:00 or 21:00

9 years ago

no Lindita Halimi 🙁

9 years ago

Does anybody know at what time the shows start in Albania? The semis and the final that is.